Okay, shellscript newbie here, but I want to learn it after my big disaster with the bad blocks on my last harddrive.

I have two 120GB harddrives in my case. The first one holds three partitions holding my working system:

/dev/hdb1 is mounted as /
/dev/hdb2 is swap
/dev/hdb3 is mounted as /home

Now for the second 120GB drive, it contains the same partitioning:

/dev/hdd1 is mounted as /backup/system
/dev/hdd3 is mounted as /backup/daten

My ultimate goal is to have a cron job run rsync to sync my files on the "working harddrive" to the "backup harddrive". This works like a charm:

sudo rsync -Cavz --delete /home/ /backup/daten/
Hence I made a little script which is supposed to mount the partition on the backup drive, run the rsync, and unmount the drive again:

mount /backup/daten
rsync -Cavz --delete /home/ /backup/daten/
umount /backup/daten
This fails because Ubuntu doesn't mount the drive - only root can do that so Ubuntu exspects sudo to precede mount. However, I don't want to use sudo to ask me for my password since the whole thing should be non-interactive as it's supposed to be run as a cronjob later. BTW, root is the owner of the script. So, how can I make this script mount my harddrive without being prompted for a password?

(Yes, I could mount the partitions by default making the necessary changes to /etc/fstab, but I want the additional security by only having root mount the partitions)