Linux Gaming links
Here's a collection of links to Linux Gaming sites with brief descriptions, if you know or have any to add please send me or bwkaz a PM and let us know what was missed 
Icculus' long list of Linux games, free/commercial
The Linux Game Tome - News and reviews
Makes native ports of open sourced games
Makes retail ports of games for Linux (out-of-business)
Native Linux port of RtCW
Native Linux port for UT and UT2003
(quake 3 and RTCW native ports)
(buy linux games here)
European site dedicated to Linux game news and downloads
Long list of native Linux games with links
Linux gaming news site
GameSpy like browser for online games for Linux
Linux port of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)
Port for Doom and Doom II with additional features
Lemmings type of game using penguins
Online turn based games
Maker of WineX, a version of Wine that targets DirectX games
Site for abandonware/freeware games, mostly DOS (see DOSemu)
DOSemu and DOS emulator for Linux
Java based online playable version of Scorched Earth
A Java based cross-platform AI programming battle bot game
A resource site for Robocode
Online version of the original Cosmic Encounter board game (requires Flash)
Linux/Win32 port of Star Control 2
Resource site for Counter-Strike (Half-Life) servers
umod installer for Unreal Tournament in Linux
Unreal Tournament 2003 cache manager
Large collection of game mods for many games
A pluthera of links to individual linux games
great point-and-click game, lots of blood
Play Monkey Island under Linux - woohoo!
Great 'Hacking-in-the-Future' game
3D Version of Scorched Earth
Neverwinter Nights Linux Guild
Lots of usefull information for running Quake Quake2 and Quake3 on Linux
Open source flight simulator
Download for the America's Army 1.90 Linux Port
America's Army is available for Linux and Macs also
How To Setup A Linux Server With BFSMD
Linux Game Development Center - News and Game Development
GenRB Project: Infinity Engine Emulator - The Infinity Engine is the Game Engine developed by BioWare Inc. used in games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment.
Tenebrae is a modification of the quake source that adds stencil shadows and per pixel lights to quake
Linux Game Installers by Shane Bayer
Game news and hardware review for Linux
DOSBox, a x86 emulator with DOS
Loki Installers for Native Linux Games and Wine installs
Wing Commander Privateer Remake based off the Vegastrike engine
A large collection of SDL based games
Multiplayer puzzle games with a pirate theme, Arr!
Last edited by Icarus; 08-12-2005 at 10:30 AM.
Reason: update
wow....that's quite a list....I'm gonna have to bookmark this one. Thanks for compiling it.
Multiplayer online flight/combat simulator.
My favorite game for any platform (works on OSX and windoze too).
Could I download any of these games to a DVD or CD an put them on my daughters computer running windows xp? She likes the games I have on my lispire os computer. James
A very new user
Yes, if and only if there's a Windows port. Look on each game's download page to find out.
Or just use a Linux livecd to run these games...
Windows cannot run Linux binaries, just like Linux cannot (directly) run Windows binaries. There is a compatibility layer for Linux to run Windows binaries (wine), but it isn't complete, and there's nothing similar that I know of for running Linux programs on Windows.
Tremulous - 100% GPL FPS game, based on the (recently GPLd) Quake3 engine.
mrBen "Carpe Aptenodytes"
Linux User #216794
My blog page
3rd year running - get yourself to LugRadio Live 7th-8th July 2007, Wolverhampton, UK. The premier FLOSS community event.
thanks mrBen, I'll be checking that out when I get home tonight. I've been looking for another FPS since Americas Army dropped support for Linux and Mac.
Check out my ebay auction for my signature space on JLC.
Hey if people can sell advertising space on thier bodies, I figure I can make $.02 on my signature space.
I have Mr Ben to blame for getting me into Tremulous... (was a Quake 3 mod but now stand alone)
I have to go through this list and weed out the dead links and add new ones...
JamminJoeyB, ya but the amazing thing is that Linux and Mac support for America's Army was dropped a while ago but Ryan wouldn't let it die and started making the ports for free (he didn't get paid to do it). I always keep an eye on what Ryan is working on, expecially since he's got a lot of input with the ut2007 engine 
Although lately he's been more focused with Mac projects...
Last edited by Icarus; 06-05-2006 at 09:57 AM.
my fav online game to date
Well, I finally got all that FlightGear nonsense up and running on my x86_64 cross-lfs box. Talk about a pain... But man if this flight sim isn't complete. I known next to nothing about airplanes, so I can barely stay in the sky.
F/OSS Gaming: 1
Productivity: 0
"There's a big difference between "copy" and "use". It's exatcly the same
issue whether it's music or code. You can't re-distribute other peoples
music (becuase it's _their_ copyright), but they shouldn't put limits on
how you personally _use_ it (because it's _your_ life)."
--Linus Torvalds
 Originally Posted by bwkaz
Windows cannot run Linux binaries, just like Linux cannot (directly) run Windows binaries. There is a compatibility layer for Linux to run Windows binaries (wine), but it isn't complete, and there's nothing similar that I know of for running Linux programs on Windows.
Haven't heard of cygwin?
And last I heard, as qt4 is available for windows, we might even be able to run KDE on windows, along with X11. Reason to do that: unknown
Anyway, great list! but icculus.org appeared thrice... Thats funny.
Come under the reign of the Idiot King...
Come to me ... I love linux!
Registered Linux user: Idiot King #350544
 Originally Posted by XiaoKJ
Haven't heard of cygwin?
Won't help. From their site:
What Isn't Cygwin?
- Cygwin is not a way to run native linux apps on Windows. You have to rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows.
Wine, on the other hand, will let you run (some) native Windows apps on Linux, without a recompile. There is nothing that I know of that will load a binary file compiled for Linux, into memory on a Windows box and let it run. Including Cygwin.
And last I heard, as qt4 is available for windows,
Doesn't help. All Qt-using Linux programs will still have to be recompiled with a compiler targeting Windows (either cygwin's Windows-native gcc, or mingw's cross-gcc that runs on Linux but compiles Windows binaries). The Windows Qt port is a set of DLLs, while Linux binaries will be looking for .so files. (There's a huge set of other problems too, though.)
And of course a recompile is not all that's required -- you also need to either run it under Cygwin (which means you need to use Cygwin's compiler), or you need to change the program (and all libraries!) so that they don't use Unix-style paths. You will also need to fix issues stemming from Linux's case sensitivity in file and path names (files and paths are not case-sensitive on Windows). (Actually I'm not even sure Cygwin fixes that last one...)
we might even be able to run KDE on windows, along with X11. Reason to do that: unknown
Cygwin has its own X server, which is useful if you have a putty session forwarding your X connection to a Linux box. But it's really, really slow over anything but a LAN.
And KDE very likely won't work properly. Kioslaves, for one, are going to be very problematic on Windows.
I think you should add
it is a good link with some good games organized well.
Registered Linux User #432881
Proud Linux User since December 29, 2006.
Ubuntu 6.06 on Desktop
great fps. lots of fun
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