 Originally Posted by chibois
Thats not specific to any OS, you just need java installed...
I remember playing sauerbraten and tremulous back when i had windows...
Im going to install them again.
- Ryan "Boxxertrumps" Trumpa
How about http://bzflag.org/
Gotta love bzflag
I royally suck at bz flags.
Cant aim with the mouse...
- Ryan "Boxxertrumps" Trumpa
 Originally Posted by happybunny
I'm not really a BSG fan, but that looks pretty cool. Might have to check it out.
Also, I've recently started playing Glest, an open source RTS with a Linux port.
Registered Linux User #388117
Discovered Warzone2100 the other day - a RTS game that was originally sold commercially, but has now been GPLed. It's great fun (if you're into RTS).
mrBen "Carpe Aptenodytes"
Linux User #216794
My blog page
3rd year running - get yourself to LugRadio Live 7th-8th July 2007, Wolverhampton, UK. The premier FLOSS community event.
i dont know if these count but [DELETED BY MOD] u need flash for all three
 Originally Posted by haloking!
i dont know if these count but [DELETED BY MOD] u need flash for all three
Nope, those don't count.
Need help in realtime? Visit us at #linuxnewbie on irc.libera.chat
Few of us will do as much for our fellow man as he has done.
--Andrew Morton on RMS
je_fro fragged haloking!
 Originally Posted by WhiteKnight
Nexuiz 2.3 is now in the Fedora 7 extras repo, including a 64-bit package. Just do a "yum install nexuiz" and you're ready to start blasting.
$ yum info nexuiz
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Installed Packages
Name : nexuiz
Arch : x86_64
Version: 2.3
Release: 1.fc7
Size : 3.2 M
Repo : installed
Summary: Multiplayer, deathmatch oriented first person shooter
Nexuiz is a fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first person shooter,
focused on providing basic, old style deathmatches.
Cheers, so many good links here .
 Originally Posted by Icarus
JamminJoeyB, ya but the amazing thing is that Linux and Mac support for America's Army was dropped a while ago but Ryan wouldn't let it die and started making the ports for free (he didn't get paid to do it). I always keep an eye on what Ryan is working on, expecially since he's got a lot of input with the ut2007 engine
Although lately he's been more focused with Mac projects...
Maybe we could get him interested in PS3 stuff too!
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