10-05-2023, 11:41 PM
Hey...................... :-D
Still here! Still folding. Closing in on a billion points in the justlinux_regulars team. Come on in and join the fun.
justlinux_regulars Team Summary - Folding@Home Stats - EXTREME Overclocking
Folding is Fun
I thought I made a mistake once, but, of course, I was mistaken. 
09-03-2024, 10:57 PM
Artificial perception amazes
Assumed common sense has started creating images, critique texts, and composing music. What on upon next? Intention robots supersede humans?
Is this look-alike
created aside phoney intelligence? Dispassionate, isn't it?
11-17-2024, 10:19 AM
Re: 'folding protein'.. Our internal nephilim akashic records science encyclopedia tells us to establish basic active protein components in a university manufactures-tube assembly, in a neon krypton atmosphere, adding high voltage gaseous dc spark, to create new proteins, new life engines, but don't let it touch your skin...
In music add six layers of back beat rift with engineered holes in each layer for music to leak up through the layers so music is making its own music.. to come to be known as 'audio-coke, dancing on clouds', a brand new genre to obsolete all of today's devolving prehistoric war-class bonobo music...
HeY! A brain-sucker parasite just attacked my head to feed on essence, and to steal science.. I sensed it as a sudden isolated pointy sting on my head.. I ain't anything's meal, so I seized the cannibal in a tight clawed spirit fist, took it into the next universe, slammed it through its outer shells skin commanding 'Eat This!".. then seized the pest's spirit shadows, and took them to inner earth's outer hell wall, slamming them hard against the primary rock wall, and slammed several 4-foot hardwood stakes through it deep into the primary rock, then injected its head with universe core nucleus venom and liquid fire, and watched it flame and sizzle.. The sting on my head instantly vanished.. Now there's one anunnaki vampire that won't be feeding upon humans ever again... I do so enjoy slaughtering vampires.. I likes it when they squirm struggle and growl pinned to the wall just before they go limp just before that slimy black grotesque lizardish thing comes rushing excitedly across its wall to feed upon my latest offering.. Seems lizard enjoys the taste of cooked vampire... I touched lizard's face while it was feeding.. It leaned into my gentle touch like an affectionate kitten.. Who could have thought that such a horrid grotesque slimy beast could be so friendly, innocent, and cuddly..?
If you are a pioneering scientist, deep thinker, philosopher, spirit-traveller, angel, pure spirit leader angered by the 'war on truth science life and love', and are plagued by remote-viewer brain-suckers, that's how you get rid of those horrid cannibal pests.. They never return.. They Can't return.. They no longer exist.. Only takes a second to dispose of an attacking hungry feeding hell-vampire.. It should be taught in schools, but hell's religion's twisted-libido vampires would disagree, stifle, and suppress its implementation, same as how religion stifles and suppresses: peace, wisdom, sanity, science, truth, life, sex-ed, and birth control...
Last edited by Demanding Truth; 11-17-2024 at 03:01 PM.
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