Launch directory: /home/folding
Executable: ./FAH502-Linux.exe
Arguments: -verbosity 9
[00:58:20] - Ask before connecting: No
[00:58:20] - User name: Cerf (Team 36480)
[00:58:20] - User ID: 1AAA16C5B8E0FC7
[00:58:20] - Machine ID: 1
[00:58:20] Loaded queue successfully.
[00:58:20] + Benchmarking ...
[00:58:24] The benchmark result is 56
[00:58:24] + Processing work unit
[00:58:24] Core required: FahCore_82.exe
[00:58:24] Core found.
[00:58:24] - Autosending finished units...
[00:58:24] Trying to send all finished work units
[00:58:24] + No unsent completed units
[00:58:24] - Autosend completed
[00:58:24] Working on Unit 01 [February 20 00:58:24]
[00:58:24] + Working ...
[00:58:24] - Calling './FahCore_82.exe -dir work/ -suffix 01 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 29519 -version 502'
[00:58:24] *------------------------------*
[00:58:24] Folding@Home PMD Core
[00:58:24] Version 1.01 (Oct 15, 2004)
[00:58:24] Preparing to commence simulation
[00:58:24] - Looking at optimizations...
[00:58:24] - Files status OK
[00:58:25] - Expanded 85854 -> 581642 (decompressed 677.4 percent)
[00:58:25] Project: 1801 (Run 13, Clone 190, Gen 9)
[00:58:25] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[00:58:25] Entering M.D.
[00:58:34] Protein: p1801_Collagen_PPG10_refolding
[00:58:34] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps (0%)
[22:29:59] Writing checkpoint files
[22:38:59] Writing local files
[22:38:59] Completed 247500 out of 250000 steps (99%)
[22:45:58] Writing checkpoint files
[23:01:04] Writing checkpoint files
[23:16:07] Writing checkpoint files
[23:32:07] Writing checkpoint files
[23:48:00] Writing checkpoint files
[00:04:00] Writing checkpoint files
[00:18:57] Writing local files
[00:18:57] Completed 250000 out of 250000 steps (100%)
[00:18:57] Writing checkpoint files
[00:19:57] Finished Work Unit:
[00:19:57] Leaving Run
[00:20:00] - Writing 1482892 bytes of core data to disk...
[00:20:00] ... Done.
[00:20:01] - Shutting down core
[00:20:01] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[00:20:01] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[00:20:01] Sending work to server
[00:20:01] + Attempting to send results
[00:20:17] + Results successfully sent
[00:20:17] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[00:20:17] + Starting local stats count at 1
[00:20:18] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[00:20:18] + Attempting to get work packet
[00:20:18] - Connecting to assignment server
[00:20:19] - Successful: assigned to (
[00:20:19] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[00:20:19] Loaded queue successfully.
[00:20:20] + Closed connections
[00:20:20] + Processing work unit
[00:20:20] Core required: FahCore_82.exe
[00:20:20] Core found.
[00:20:20] Working on Unit 02 [February 27 00:20:20]