I just folded my first protein - Page 9

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Thread: I just folded my first protein

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    BFE Ill.

    extract and place on a floppy or usbdisk, plug into a xp machine and run fah.bat, you must know the administrator password so no cheating you sneaky monkies, get permission or dont do it

    the installer will copy and install FAH into %PROGRAMFILES%\FAH and install F@H as a background service

    besure to edit the client.cfg file to get the credit or else the machine you add will upload as foobar (36480)

    open in notepad only on windows, or vi/nano/whatever in *ix

    have fun

    PS: windowskey +r a:\fah.bat

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    West Texas
    dkeav, dkeav2, whatever you're calling yourself (forgot you're password? ) is it possible to get a version that'll run off of a USB stick without installing to local?

    so i can fold at school, when i have access to one of the computers... WinXP boxen, fairly powerful actually... i would have to set it up w/ no deadlines WU's but still....

    it may help me a little..
    JustLinux IRC Channel: irc.freenode.net #justlinux

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I'm in, I think.

    I guess it takes some time before your userid shows up in the team list.

    After I convinced my fingers to push the enter key, after I typed in ./FAH502-Linux.exe, I got this. As you can see, it didn't connect to the assignment server right away.

    After that, the "Finished a frame"s have been incrementing since early this afternoon.
    (I don't understand, exactly, this in the output:
    [19:17:29] Working on Unit 01 [March 25 19:17:29]
    [19:17:29] + Working ...
    My clock is set ok and I started around, ok, probably, 13:19:00. Maybe that's GMT. I'm in Texas.)

    Anyway, does all that look normal in the txt file?

    This machine is a PIII, 866Mhz with 1GB RAM running slackware 10.0.


    ...just finished frame (32)...
    Folding is Fun

    I thought I made a mistake once, but, of course, I was mistaken.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Yes, your name doesn't show up in the teeamlist until you have finished folding your first protein.

    Well, your f@h seems to work properly, but your project is rather "weird". I get an output like those on page six on this thread where it say what core it uses and which protein it's folding.

    "What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence."

    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Parcival
    Yes, your name doesn't show up in the teeamlist until you have finished folding your first protein.
    Dang.... Around 18 hours and I'm only up to frame (48) and there are (400) frames in this 'work unit'?
    [19:17:29] Protein: p1131_L939_K12M_355K
    [19:17:29] - Run: 372 (Clone 68, Gen 0)
    [19:17:29] - Frames Completed: 0, Remaining: 400
    [19:17:29] - Dynamic steps required: 5000000
    It's gonna take a few days, eh?
    Folding is Fun

    I thought I made a mistake once, but, of course, I was mistaken.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Burlington, ON (near Toronto)
    These proteins are kinda complex and it's time consuming to do what they want to do with them. If it were fast and easy it probably wouldn't have become a distributed project like it is right? I just hit 20,000 and that's been an average of 3 machines folding constantly since mid December and a couple other machines folding a few hours a week. It definately takes time. Wanna fold faster? Add more machines!

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by ions
    Wanna fold faster? Add more machines!
    That's the plan!
    Just bought a new UPS and a KVM. I have 3 older machines just sitting around. Thought I would hook 'em up over in the corner and let 'em rip!

    Just curious about another thing. OK, I downloaded the FAH file and then started the executable with the "./", and now it's off and running on my slack machine. This morning we had some big thunderstorms roll through. If we had lost power and my UPS kicked in, how would I gracefully stop the FAH processing until the power was restored. Ctrl-C would seem to be the only option there to stop it. Or, I guess, open a new terminal and do a shutdown. Maybe that would gracefully terminate the FAH process, eh? And then, of course, I assume that, once restarted, it would pick up where it left off ??

    Last edited by bs_texas; 03-26-2005 at 01:30 PM.
    Folding is Fun

    I thought I made a mistake once, but, of course, I was mistaken.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Burlington, ON (near Toronto)
    I just use C-c to stop it. But I don't do that very often. It's pretty bright and figures out where it was when it last ran. It's a pretty well written non-obtrusive piece of software. You do have to start it again of course unless you add it to your start process.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    BFE Ill.
    morphius yea just go to folding homepage and download the console version of the client, put it in a folder on your jump drive and double click when you run it, during the initial config you might change the update interval to something like 5-10 so you dont lose 15 minutes worth of data when you yank the disk, i tested this before hand works fine, i can give you a sample client.cfg if you are not sure of what options to use

    as for the dkeav2 thing, when i left jl.com i was pissed at the mod situation, and locked myself out, i guess i could resume my old account if the password was reset for me by a mod

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Originally posted by bs_2003
    If we had lost power and my UPS kicked in, how would I gracefully stop the FAH processing until the power was restored.
    A "killall FAH502-Linux.exe" will do the trick.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    May 2004

    I'll help

    You got me convinced...

    I have 3 300mhz boxes and a atholon 1700+ laptop just stting around colecting dust...
    I would love to help, where exactly do i begin?
    AMD athalon-xp 2200
    1024 MB RAM
    nvidia ge-force fx 5600

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Zurich, Switzerland

    Re: I'll help

    Originally posted by blight
    I would love to help, where exactly do i begin?
    You should begin by checking the software that comes with your distribution, chances are high F@H is already included, so you can nicely install it. Then you have to run the configure script to set your options, pick a username, punch in your team number, etc. Finally, you execute the bad boy and leave it running.

    "What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence."

    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: I'll help

    Originally posted by blight
    I would love to help, where exactly do i begin?
    Also, take a look at je_fro's signature:
    Put those spare cycles to use! Join the Justlinux folding@home team! Team #36480 Join Now!
    Folding is Fun

    I thought I made a mistake once, but, of course, I was mistaken.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    boston, mass USA
    Well, i have added more machines and I am passing everyone!

    I must have 15 CPU's crunching away now.

    I have surpased Hayldric for good now i think, and Cerf, who started this thread is now falling behind too!

    What do I win?

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    BFE Ill.
    overtake me and cs.lmu.edu and you win a bozo button

    allow 6 weeks for delivery (hey im broke, give me a break)

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