
Need help to change the month display from the current.

Current display: Show date 1/8, 3/8, 22/8, 3/9, 7/9, 16/9, 5/10, 14/10 ...

Need to change the format to be:

New Display: Show date Aug 1, 3, 22
Sept 3, 7, 16
Oct 5, 14 ....

Any helpful sample is greatly appreciated.

            <span class="content"><b>Show dates:
		$query1 = "select DAYOFMONTH(ShowDate) as showday, MONTH(ShowDate) as showmon from Schedule where Timetable = '".$arr["Name"]."' and EndDate = '00000000' and ShowDate >= '".date("Ymd")."') order by ShowDate";
		$result1 = mysql_query($query1,$dbConnect);
		while ($rs=mysql_fetch_array($result1)){

						print " ".$rs["showday"]."/".$rs["showmon"];
	                    $comma = $comma+1;
						if($comma<mysql_num_rows($result1)) echo", ";
										 else echo".";
