[SOLVED] Don't know how to install software
well, as you can see i am very noob at linux. the question is that im downloading the packages over the internet, for example the java package and when i try to open it, my linux (ubuntu) asks me if i want to open it with the extract program or the console, i try both and i can't install them, with the extract one, the program can't open the file and with the console, the console appears for 1/, of second and the closes.
I tried to download another kind of programs and in them comes files like *.sh and when i try to run it i can't do it. sorry to disturbe, but maybe someone can help me.
Software installation in Ubuntu is done through apt-get. This is a package manager that installs and uninstalls program and also tracks packags that are interdependent on each other. Ubuntu uses a frontend for apt-get called Synaptic. You can find out more about it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto.
Basically you open Synaptic by selecting it in the menu or typing Alt+F2 then "synaptic". Then click search and type the name of the software you're looking for. In this case "java". Then click it and click Apply.
If you have questions in the future, the first place to check would be the Ubuntu wiki. If you can't find what you need there, try Google for Linux. After you've exhausted these options, feel free to post your questions here.
Registered Linux User No. 321,742
"At Harvard they have this policy where if you pass too many classes they ask you to leave."
---Richard M. Stallman
I use Ubuntu on my laptop. I have found it one of the easier linuxs' to install and update software. I am assuming you are using Ubuntu 5.04????
Here is a good general guide.http://ubuntuguide.org/
To install software you can use command line or GUI.
To use command line. Open terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install <name of package you want>
ie. "sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox"
It will ask for your password. Then look to see if this package is in the repositories. If it is it will ask you if you want to install say yes...
You are done.
The GUI version is under Synaptic. I think that is on the Desktop under System??( I rarely use the GUI.) The gui version is pretty self explanatory.
If you have problems finding packages. You can more repositories. How to do so is in the guide from the link above.
I have not built from source. But, I would assume it would go:
1. tar -xvjf <name of package>
2. cd to folder
3. make
4. sudo make install.
I fyou have problems installing packages. Check the read me file. (normally packages come with one.)
I hope this helps.
---Paj12's post was posted as I was writing this...so if I sounds like I am just repeating him I am sorry.
Last edited by DeadPenguin; 08-25-2005 at 11:36 PM.
thank you both very much, i was trying to use it, but i didnt use linux too much because i didnt know how to install the apps i wanted,. now im going to start to use it really. thanks again,
 Originally Posted by DeadPenguin
I have not built from source. But, I would assume it would go:
1. tar -xvjf <name of package>
2. cd to folder
3. make
4. sudo make install.
I fyou have problems installing packages. Check the read me file. (normally packages come with one.)
Just one thing... It's usually better to always do the command
before your step 3 of make. There is not always a configure script but often there is, so it's a better way to go. Normally, you can throw all of the "installing" onto one line by linking it:
./configure && make && sudo make install
The other option that exists for many packages is to make an Ubuntu specific package (in fact it's debian specific for your machine, it ends in .deb). This is the asolute best way to go, because then Synaptic knows that the package is on the system and you can use Synaptic to remove it later...
Good luck!
Di mi se mai fu fatta alcuna cosa || Vivir con miedo, es como vivir a medias
If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem.
-- mdwatts, Grand Master, >> 40000 posts
RIP: August 25, 2004
***Funky stars and monkey bars***
well man, that explain very well the thing i have to do, what i couldnt understand is for what is the command ./configure
thank a lot to everyone! you're all very helpful
 Originally Posted by wasserx
what is the command ./configure
Ok, just so you know (and I'll try to explain this to the best of my ability), there's two things you need to know in this command:
configure as you can probably guess from the name, configures the source for your system. This means that for instance, the program will "install" (we say "build" when you compile from source) differently if you have an AMD or an Intel processor. (This actually depends on whether or not that makes a difference to the actual program). There are many, many other options that it checks- watch in the terminal one time!
./ tells bash (most likely the terminal you are using) that it needs to use the script configure that is in the directory you are working in. This is important because there might be other scripts called configure on your machine, and you don't want to use the other ones, you want the one that came with the source!
I hope this clears up your question. It is very different from Windows' double-click install but if you try to understand what is going on, it all makes sense! Usually...
Di mi se mai fu fatta alcuna cosa || Vivir con miedo, es como vivir a medias
If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem.
-- mdwatts, Grand Master, >> 40000 posts
RIP: August 25, 2004
***Funky stars and monkey bars***
it make sense, and is a better way to learn to control and to know how it works the computer.
I'd like to suggest you stay away from tarballs. At least for the time being. I don't like them. They're nasty.
You've got a Debian based distro and it uses Apt-get. By far the best and easiest package managment tool around. Here's what I suggest. Search the Ubuntu forums for programs you want. If they are not in the recommended reposiitories, a repository will be recommended. Install the new repository in your /etc/apt/sources.list (Open a terminal: sudo>usrpswd>gedit /etc/apt/sources.list. Copy and paste the new repository. Then is a matter of apt-get update...apt-get install (packagename). It really is as simple as that.
Also, this guide, http://ubuntuguide.org/ , as recommend, is a saviour. One other thing: go to the ubuntu forums and see 5.04 Customization Tip & Tricks. Check out the thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646. That's 90% of what you'll need. Then it's a matter of going to the Starter's Guide and install other programs.
Man this forum rocks. when i asked the question some time later i had an answer and everyone is very helpful here, so, when i be able to help i will do it without any doubts
ok, this one is more difficult. and i couldn't find it on forums. how can i turn on my s/pdif that in windows works in linux, the sound works just fine, but it doesn't go out also throw the s/pdif, anyone had this problem?
The policy here is one thread per problem. This is better for everyone. It helps people in the future who are searching for information and it makes sure you get a better response from people with the knowledge to help you. Having said that, you might want to start that new thread now since this one will probably get locked.
Registered Linux User No. 321,742
"At Harvard they have this policy where if you pass too many classes they ask you to leave."
---Richard M. Stallman
ok, i will create a new post later, thanks and sorry
 Originally Posted by Rinias
It is very different from Windows' double-click install
For completeness: perhaps the easiest way to install a .deb package is select it in the file manager mc and hit enter; go inside it and select instal, hit enter; then it installs. Can't get much easier than that. Should think this would work compressed packages too, but can't remember.
Last edited by lugoteehalt; 01-20-2006 at 02:59 PM.
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 Originally Posted by wasserx
well, as you can see i am very noob at linux. the question is that im downloading the packages over the internet, for example the java package and when i try to open it, my linux (ubuntu) asks me if i want to open it with the extract program or the console, i try both and i can't install them, with the extract one, the program can't open the file and with the console, the console appears for 1/, of second and the closes.
I tried to download another kind of programs and in them comes files like *.sh and when i try to run it i can't do it. sorry to disturbe, but maybe someone can help me.
You can check out this guide: Installing software in GNU/Linux. Hope this helps a little bit for the beginning.
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