I searched for this and found it, sorry for bringing up a old topic. Can someone explain a little more about installin Synaptic? I can't figure it out. I'm new to this system.
Originally Posted by wasserx
what is the command ./configure
it is use to optimize the source code for your computers. for example you might be running a pent1, pent 2 , AMD or AMD64. i386 , etc usually the ./configure script looks to see what type your are running as well as if your running linux,freebsd or another flavor of *NIX.
its also a good idea to add a prefix to ./configure like this
./configure --prefix=/pathyou/choice
i do that so i have all non distro appzs in one place so its easier to remove. If you dont do that then you will have no idea wheter the package is part of your distro or isnt. Because alot of source code likes to install it in PATHs that your distro does.
i then add a $PATH to the new directory after i choice a prefix directory.
"Software is like sex: it's better when its free."
You may enable the firewall you will be able to download
You may enable the firewall that it what its not opening.trying to disable the firewall than you will be able to download
 Originally Posted by allmywebsite1
my linux asks me if i want to open it with the extract program or the console, i try both and i can't install them, with the extract one, the program can't open the file and with the console.
I hagn't been payin atenshun but:
# dpkg -i *.deb
# bash *.run
# apt-get install <package name>
MI6, Offensive Information, Hackers, Encryption, UFO, AOL, Infowar, Bubba, benelux, Ufologico Nazionale, domestic disruption, 15kg, DUVDEVAN, debugging, Bluebird, Ionosphere, Keyhole, NABS, Kilderkin, Artichoke, Badger, spookwords, EuroFed, SP4, Crypto AG – a few, alleged, Echelon keywords. Please add some to your email signature. Full list: http://www.serendipity.li/cia/bz1.html
 Originally Posted by lugoteehalt
I hagn't been payin atenshun but:
He was a spammer: he was simply copying parts of previous posts (in this case, from the first post in the thread), and the link in his signature was to some crap site.
Which is why he's now banned, and all of his posts are deleted.
 Originally Posted by DeadPenguin
I use Ubuntu on my laptop. I have found it one of the easier linuxs' to install and update software. I am assuming you are using Ubuntu 5.04????
Here is a good general guide. http://ubuntuguide.org/
To install software you can use command line or GUI.
To use command line. Open terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install <name of package you want>
ie. "sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox"
It will ask for your password. Then look to see if this package is in the repositories. If it is it will ask you if you want to install say yes...
You are done.
The GUI version is under Synaptic. I think that is on the Desktop under System??( I rarely use the GUI.) The gui version is pretty self explanatory.
If you have problems finding packages. You can more repositories. How to do so is in the guide from the link above.
I have not built from source. But, I would assume it would go:
1. tar -xvjf <name of package>
2. cd to folder
3. make
4. sudo make install.
I fyou have problems installing packages. Check the read me file. (normally packages come with one.)
I hope this helps.
---Paj12's post was posted as I was writing this...so if I sounds like I am just repeating him I am sorry.
Thanks for this post, really helpful
Hi friends also I want how to play song and software for which.
Don't know how to install software
Can I install work software at home if instructed to do so by my supervisor? install software in violation of our company's license agreements and I simply don't is contacted by us about software piracy, that company should know we have.
SOLVED Dont know how to install software
Thanks to this wonderful forum, I am at the wordpress install screen First time I got that far. So I guess I don't have mysql problems after all. I will post if I have further problems. Will wait til then to mark this "solved."
 Originally Posted by CarMi
Will wait til then to mark this "solved."
Note that only the OP (Original Poster, the person that started this thread) can mark it as "solved" (which they have already done).
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