A simple suggestion for the overwhelmed newbie - Page 5

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Thread: A simple suggestion for the overwhelmed newbie

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Success is must for a newbie to keep coming back. So I would recommend Ubuntu and Mepis. The first has the Gnome DE and the second comes with KDE. These two will give a newcommer to Linux a taste of what one can do. They just work. Later, when one feels comfortable jump on the Debian proper band wagon.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    hi im glad to be in the forum it is my first time

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    You're onto something cool for newbies

    Trying live CDs with different desktop environments like Gnome and KDE is a smart move. It's all about finding what clicks for us.
    Plus, congrats on your 1000th post milestone
    Linux journey's all about the adventure as I think

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
    brezzsent thank you very much for the advice. I'll try to install Ubuntu

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Success is must for a newbie to keep coming back. So I would recommend Ubuntu and Mepis.

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  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 2024
    What specific aspects of Ubuntu and Mepis do you believe make them suitable choices for newcomers to Linux, and how do these distributions contribute to a successful introduction to the Linux environment?

    As a newcomer to the forum, what motivated you to join, and do you have any specific goals or interests related to the Linux community?

    Congratulations on reaching the 1000th post milestone! How has your Linux journey been, and what aspects of the adventure do you find most engaging or challenging?

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Korealbophy View Post
    What aspects of the adventure do you find most engaging or challenging?

    That would be: 'Putting up with and dealing with 'Super Cookies'...
    Super Cookies are probably responsible for most of the intrusive hacky grief on the internet..
    Super Cookies are like 'loaded guns in the hands of entitled drugged-out elitist spoiled brat kiddies'...
    Would be nice if there was an 'SCS', a 'super cookie shredder', a cookie firewall program that filters, dismantles, and attaches a 'nannybot' to super cookies on their way in, and rips out its sticky parts, and quarantines those nasty little elitist anarchistic corporate-evil demons in a 'cookie-jar toilet', copying only its good qualities and useful functions and features of the cookie, sending a cleansed cookie through the maze, while adding a self-destruct mechanism to the cookie the moment it starts to work against the OS, converting it into a simple benign cookie, no longer an overly active oozing cancerous infection of hell-world's moralless mannerless manipulative insatiable money-sucking life-eating corporate-greed, feeding upon us like how wild african dogs feast on their alive prey... (YouTube surf: 'wild african dogs eating their prey alive', to get a sense and feel of what the soulless cannibal elitist Greeds are doing to our Internet, our Linux World, our Lives.. To them everything that tastes good is their food, especially us.. Youtube surf 'china human meat', and 'grab hags')..

    Seems we need a serious cookie firewall between the internet and our computers, a secondary OS in front of the browser.. I'm trying a secondary scrapper computer that's always on and net connected without any security in it, to bait the bullies into attacking that one, not my netbook.. We need something that filters and processes the internet big time, essentially chopping off the kraken beast's tentacles as they reach to try to cling to the browser and OS before those vile little turds get their claws and sucker-tubes into the OS..
    Then the internet would be less predatory, less intrusive, less manipulative, less ambushive, less stealing, less costly, less criminal, less evil, less offensive, less irritating, less war, less bullying, less inquisition, less hell... Evil attacks good.. That's what evil does as its way of life and living.. Killing good is what evil must do to exist and be fulfilled.. Linux is good, honorable, honest, respectable, and free, is why Linux is being attacked, stolen, cashed-in, and destroyed by money-hungry elitist greeds... The elitist's and evil's motto is 'nothing in life is free'... Read the Linux Philosophy.. Evil makes and enforces the laws.. To evil, Linux is immoral and illegal because it's free, loving, smooth functional, honorable, and kind... Evil devours good like how african wild dogs eat their prey alive, like how a rain storm destroys a cardboard box... Don't YouTube surf 'african wild dogs eating their prey alive, you'll wish you hadn't...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 09-01-2024 at 07:46 AM.

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