SOA Authoritative Name Server help please

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Thread: SOA Authoritative Name Server help please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    SOA Authoritative Name Server help please

    out of all server features, DNS is the hardest for me to grasp!!!!

    My issue is on "Authoritative Name Server"

    I got no problem when hosting my own site..but I got two more websites that I got to host on my server...

    my main server is this is what that I have on "Authoritative Name Server"
    no if I host an other website with different domain name should I

    use also as its own SOA with Authoritative Name Server OR

    SOA record still using as Authoritative Name Server for these new websites

    am I right?
    little imput please?

    thanks guys?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You are correct in using as your SOA.

    Simply put, your SOA is the server that will resolve any and all domains you gave it jurisdiction over. He's the guy that says, 'Hey, user, you want to know about Let me know what host, and I'll tell you the IP because I've been given permission to do so'.

    Hopefully that helps....

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