Newbie ? : Sed vs Awk: Best Way To Filter a Pattern Match From String?

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Thread: Newbie ? : Sed vs Awk: Best Way To Filter a Pattern Match From String?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Question Newbie ? : Sed vs Awk: Best Way To Filter a Pattern Match From String?

    I'm new to bash, and still uncertain when/how to use sed vs awk.

    I'm trying to assign all pattern matches in a string to a variable, and then filter them from a string.

    Here's the pattern:

    [space]*[space][space]* # 2 spaces and any character afterward until the next space.

    Or if at the start of string:

    raw_string='test1 this is test2 string'

    I want: test1, test2 assigned to variables. And then filter the string to match, 'this is a string'.

    What is the right way to do this in bash?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Riviera Beach, Maryland, USA
    Every Linux Geek Needs To Know Sed and Awk. Here's Why...

    ... Awk, like Sed, is a programming language designed for dealing with large bodies of text. But while Sed is used to process and modify text, Awk is mostly used as a tool for analysis and reporting.

    More here:

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