What is Keyword cannibalization?

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Thread: What is Keyword cannibalization?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    What is Keyword cannibalization?

    Keyword cannibalization occurs when you have too many identical or similar keywords spread throughout the content on your website. As a result, a search engine like Google can't discern which content to rank higher. This means that sometimes it will give a higher ranking to the web page you don't mean to prioritize.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Keyword Cannibalization refers to the situation when multiple pages on a website target the same keywords and compete against each other which results site's bad organic performance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
    It looks like SEOor website owner had no idea why he or she created these pages. But if you're ranking for two pages for the same keyword, you should be happy. Because many people want to be ranking in top-10 for one page at least.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    A site with two or more pages targeting the same keyword that appears for an identical search is referred to as keyword cannibalization. And as a result, it becomes difficult to rank.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    I'm not an expert, but my BF is. He told me that it's when you use the same semantic core for two or more articles on your site and they are starting to compete with each other.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Occurs when you have too many identical or similar keywords spread throughout the content on your website. As a result, a search engine like Google can't discern which content to rank higher.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Keyword cannibalization occurs when you have multiple pages on your website that are targeting the same keywords. This can cause a number of problems:
    Your pages may compete with each other for rankings, which can make it difficult for any of them to rank well.
    Your pages may duplicate content, which can lead to a negative user experience and can also hurt your rankings.
    Your pages may be penalized by search engines, which can further damage your rankings.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    Hey. I'm new to the forum, so I thought I'd look in the newbies category. Thanks for that explanation by the way.

    Am I understanding it correctly, keyword cannibalization is when you've got way too many similar keywords all over your website? As I got, it confuses Google, and it might rank a page you didn't want on top, yea?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    You're on the right track with your understanding of keyword cannibalization. Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on your website target the same or very similar keywords. This can confuse search engines like Google, making it challenging for them to determine which page to rank for a particular query.

    The potential issues with keyword cannibalization include:

    Ranking Confusion: Google may struggle to decide which page is the most relevant for a specific keyword, leading to unpredictable rankings.

    Page Authority Dilution: When multiple pages compete for the same keyword, the authority of each individual page may be diluted, impacting their ability to rank well.

    Internal Competition: Instead of working together, multiple pages end up competing against each other, potentially harming the overall visibility of your content in search results.

    To address keyword cannibalization:

    Keyword Mapping: Clearly map out target keywords for each page on your site to ensure a unique focus.

    Content Consolidation: If you have similar content spread across multiple pages, consider consolidating it into a single, comprehensive page.

    Use of Long-Tail Keywords: Opt for long-tail keywords to provide specificity and reduce overlap between pages.

    Canonicalization: Implement canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page to search engines.

    By addressing keyword cannibalization, you can improve the clarity of your website's content and enhance its performance in search engine rankings. If you have specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    In an irresponsible factitious philosophical viewpoint:
    All that so called 'cannibalization' doesn't seem to be the correct term for what's actually happening.. Cannibalism is the 'eating ones own kind', raw and juicy, or cooked, you decide.. It would fit if the word ''government' was cannibalized of a few of its letters: example having the word 'government' being taken bites out of, in losing a few of its letters to becoming 'overmen', having lost its G, N & T from three predatorial bites...

    What you're describing seems more along the lines of self-murder, 'suicide', an overbearing pretend elitist dominant entity trying to seize more glorification, more attention, more power, more gratification, more money over innocence by exploiting some sort of applied delusional overly aggressive attitude, stance, posture, and push, like trying to squeeze every drop of juice out of a squeezed lemon by pressing it in a one-ton press the second and third times... The activity you are describing seems to run more along the lines of the typical 'inflated ego puffed-up chest' scenario, 'synthetic self-destructive and/or masochistic out of control greed at the helm) (SOOG) (god-class greed, (GCG)...

    In other words: It doesn't exist if you take it at surface values, without trying to mince and add words, delusions. illusions, and desperate themes, between non-existent invisible lines to make sense of something that can't be made sense of... Seems the topic falls and fails under the topic 'BLIND GREED' only, active insanity for short... It's like the newest feature in YouTube videos, in which there are three or more advertisements, not just words, interrupting videos, same SOOG, only worse... And if you believe that, then maybe it'll drive you right round the bend to full goose bozo kookoo, and one day we might find you in YouTube videos running down the street at full noon, totally naked, with a santa-hat on, wildly flapping two turkey wings in hands, coated in honey and glitters, screaming:'I am born-again saved!', winking at, and sticking your tongue out at, all the kiddies playing in their front yards, making them all running screaming to their mummies.. is how crazy it is to be sucked into and laboring upon crazy-world's ongoing prolific greed-biased cyber-cannibalization...

    I think what's responsible for it, is the advancement and proliferation of cellphone slang dialect, taken one or two steps too far, above the ladder-rung above the ladder's top rung, like almost everything these days, like spontaneous indiscriminate shootings, from believing there are no limitations to anything, from watching too much of today's sci-fi flics... For those types I highly recommend they do Not stand on nor near cliff edges to get a better view of what's down below, or there's a high degree of probability that one just might become part of what's down below...

    To see Real cannibalism, YouTube surf: 'china human meat'.. but only on an empty stomach, and definitely not if you happen to be possessed with a weak stomach, or incurable overly-aggressive self-pity...

    This silly note probably could be part of a chapter in this university course I'm authoring: 'Blue Base Eternity the Philosophy of Psychiatry'.. The world is my laboratory...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    To avoid cyber cannibalization, write up your web page content trying to not be repetitive.. Ultimate max repetition is like a baby crying for its latrine-servant mummy.. I.E.: Baby feels a sting from its wet diaper stinging old diaper rash.. It says "Ack!".. Mummy doesn't come.. It says "ACK ACK!".. Mummy still doesn't come.. It says three or four "Acks", but still to no avail.. Then it takes in a big breath, and lets out a screaming stream of loud high-pitched screaming "Acks".. 'Crying'.. Mummy comes and changes baby's dirdy diaper.. Oh Yay!.. Cannibalization with intent is essentially 'screaming baby-acks'.. Same goes for the posts we see in blogs which are a series of repeats of the same word(s), by someone attempting to bully another from the baby-crib, like we see in those offensive irritating posts like: "HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!".. Essentially that's 'ack-crying'.. is why I installed the Firefox addon 'hide comments and chat'.. There isn't any intelligence in those silly useless daycare nursery streams.. I don't want to have to see the asylum daycare full of screaming mother-dependent attention-seeking little entitled brats, 'baby-cannibals', all desperate to aggressively present their lies, misconceptions, fears, doubts, and bullying to bait a teacher mummy daddy to teach them what their mummies, daddies, and schools failed to teach them... Then there's the whiners who feel the need to correct your spelling.. WhooH! God save us from the self-righteous perfect whiners...

    Write up your stuff like you are chatting with someone you respect, honor, and love, and the viewer will feel that love, and take interest in your webpage.. You don't need to beat the crap out of the viewer to get the viewer's attention.. You don't need to apply greed-biased gimmicks to present your truths.. Truth stands alone...

    It's like when and how I met a huge lady grizzly bear in the forest at 1:30 AM up close and personal.. I walked up to it non-threatening like it was my friend.. Stopped eight-feet from it, bowed saying "Greetings your majesty, it's an honor sharing your forest with you", smiled, and sat, and talked to the bear for 45-minutes... I played some head games with the bear.. I freaked her out a bit.. I imagined bringing a huge hand down from the clouds, and imaged giving her a brisk rough shoulder massage with it.. She leaned into the pretend massage.. When she realized I did, she freaked out, her eyes bulged, she flared her nostrils, she hyperventilated, and she probably pooped and peed herself... Next morning where I slept on three sheep skins half out of the tent on that very hot summer night, she came by at 6:45 AM, and sniffed me head to toes twice.. Each time pressing her nose tight to my butt to get a good sniff.. then she walked away politely... Seems I can confidently claim that a huge wild lady shegriz kissed my butt with respect.. Twice!..

    It's like the west-coast werewolf that screamed in my ear from the other side of the tent, just a few inches from my ear, making all my skin feel like it was on-fire for about a minute.. I exited the tent, saw that huge slouched black furry monster standing there about 75 feet away, straightened my clothing, brushed my hair back, tossed my pistols and blades into the tent, smiled nice, leisurely walked up to it, paused six feet away from it, bowed, then reached a hand down to between its feet, ever so gently kindly softly furrowing her lady-bits upward perfectly, to running my soft caress up the middle of her chest toward her throat, avoiding touching her throat, placed a soft light gentle hand upon her shoulder, leaned in, and kissed her on the lips from fang to fold and back to fang, till she growled from deep, is when I backed away six-feet, and bowed a lengthy deep bow.. In my peripheral I saw her do a full body rush.. Seems I got to the lady.. We howled at the full-moon together, then she turned, strutting back into her forest, snapping her cutie little black fuzzy butt side to side... Back at the tent I tasted my fingers.. My adrenals emptied to dry-heaving.. All my nerves stung like fire for half an hour from the massive adrenaline overload... Biggest rush you can possibly experience is to taste lady werewolf.. But don't even think of trying it if you harbour fear... My hobby is making friends with monsters.. I am very good at it.. One mistake, you're dead... I don't make mistakes with monsters... I live real-time fearless truth, love, honor, respect when near them... Some of the monsters I've kissed on the lips, just a glimpse of would have average big hero tough guys, peeing in their panties and shoes, and bolting, and running screaming for their mummies, if their legs still worked... If you fear, you aren't living life as it's meant to be lived... Everything in life is connected.. It's all one.. One won't hurt itself, unless it's insane... Look at putin, his fear of life is destroying him and everything and everyone around him, the poor sad snapped guy... A werewolf or grizzly would probably attack and eat him in just seconds...

    If you want to meet a real werewolf for the fun and excitement of it, then on a warm summer full-moon night near midnight, establish the white light of protection meditation near the edge of a forest where folklore declares werewolves have been spotted.. Send out the famous white light of protection aura for about half a mile all around you, hold it on, and wait.. That thing rushing at you at about 60 mph, screaming like it's coming from hell itself, is a fun werewolf for you to have some exciting fun with...

    After tasting lady werewolf now I can call them to come to me for their kisses and tummy tickles.. They are an alien species that the nephilim creators brought here.. They even understand and speak English, and they have a wicked wicked sense of humor...
    Ladies won't go camping with me a second time.. Probably cuz it takes several hours to dry pee-soaked jeans and runners by the fire...

    That's how you write-up your web page, without cannibalization-repeating anything.. It's how you seize and hold interest in your truth, or product.. If you wish donations, then is when you inform the viewer.. "If you want more, then make some donations to help me create you more of what you want and need for you"...
    Tag it once with the best few tags only.. Don't clutter flood it with a tsunami of all the bs goofy tags you can possibly think of, which will only make your webpage fall off the cliff into the foggy abyss, as the experts in this thread have already stated, detailed, and illustrated... Too much is too much.. A glass of pure clean clear chilly spring water in summer is good, but too much water can drown you.. You sure don't want to be drowning your readers, clients, webpages in a big puddle of steaming doodoo, like feeding powerful laxatives to cows, then strolling in the pasture with a blindfold.. The reader smells the doodoo, and instantly clicks to something else.. There are billions of webpages out there, no need to explore one that offends you.. It's like trying to find sense in a YouTube general suggestions search... Recall that flic 2010: "It's full of stars" in '2010 Space Odyssey'.. The sudden overdose of repetitive content killed the guy...

    Make it progressive like you are having an honorable conversation chat with someone who knows more about the topic than you do..

    Self-cannibalization is exploring the base-traits: stealing, dishonesty, greed..
    The experts already stated that it is self-destructive...
    Blind desperation to become famous drives those negative traits, like babies demanding attention.. If you incorporate aggressive cannibalization, it hurts only you.. The wise viewer's spirit sees through your selfish facade, sees the poopoo through the dirt, gives the mouse a little twitch, and clicks to something else to escape your sewage pond in search of honesty and value somewhere else.. Same when I'm viewing a YouTube video, and a second advert pops up in the middle of the video.. Instantly I dump what I was watching, and click to something else... YouTube general searches seem to be designed to suck-up the most money in infantile bs topics where there's the most money to be sucked-up.. We honest normal people and thinkers don't see nor feel any love, honor, dignity, respect in nor from those latrine-class greed-biased searches, designed and built to bait the entitled mindless infantile millennials curiosity, the ones who frivolously spend the most money on the most useless crap.. Google's YouTube cannibalization advertising policy is self-destructive and suicidal.. It becomes anti-advertising and on the verge of evil, by offending insulting bullying and pushing the viewer away.. Microsoft probably won't see that till they are filing for bankruptcy in about eleven years... The money greed-cancer is extremely powerful...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-26-2023 at 11:41 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2024
    United States
    Absolutely! Keyword cannibalization can really impact your SEO efforts. It's crucial to ensure that each page on your website targets unique keywords to avoid this issue. By doing so you can help search engines understand which content to prioritize, leading to better rankings for the pages you want to highlight. Have you experienced any specific issues with keyword cannibalization on your site?xx

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Short answer..
    No and yes..

    Long answer..
    I don't have a website anymore.. Humanity couldn't handle my stuff without freaking-out and being evil bullies, desperate to stop the scientist because his ideas forced them to think, and thinking hurts their heads.. They blame the scientist for their headaches, and feel the need to punish him for their pain.. They can't handle the truth, so I deleted all my internet content.. I've had Enough of their incessant bullying and evils.. If they want the afterlife they can bludywell figure it themselves... They've turned the internet into their group latrine, crime-wave, and war zone...
    I'm seeing that goofy cannibalization everywhere in the media, internet providers, search engines, all the bigshots, everywhere in everything.. Their crazy greed is teaching non-thinking people to do that loveless greed saturated cannibalism too, to try to suck-out every penny and drop of blood they possibly can from their customers whom they've made into their victims.. The world is all about out of control hunger and greed these days.. Now days people expect and demand money for everything they do, is why they only do things that give them gagagoogoo yum yum weeee money, is why people aren't living their lives.. Humanity died inside from the anunnaki money-curse greed plague.. Humanity can't handle money honorably.. Money's inherent curse is Greed.. Greed is money-cancer.. Greed is death...

    The issues I've experienced from cyber cannibalism is: being attacked by hungry remote viewer human cannibal spirits attaching to my head to feed, steal data, and trying to attach to me for a free ride ('taxi') into the more out of their hell.. They read my ideas on the internet, and want more.. They believe they can steal love life and truth with frivolous religious evil.. Their attacks and attaches feel like hornet-stings on my head.. I defend myself from the hungry vampire-cannibal by seizing it in a tight spirit-fist, sealing it in an escape-proof enclosure, taking it out of this universe into the next universe, and shoving it into that nasty monster, commanding "Eat This!".. The hornet-sting sensation instantly vanishes... I am not anyone's meal!.. To those pests everything that tastes good they deem is their food...Your world is full of those brain-sucker cannibals.. Cyber cannibals is why I dumped the internet, and burned my 100,000 alien science papers, the 100 CD's, the liquid-electricity power-supply, and the liquid-light engine.. People were trying to steal data from my internet computer which doesn't have personal files in it.. When they can't find any data in my netbook they destroy the OS to punish me for not giving what they want..They even broke into my home to try to steal my alien nephilim science notes..

    I heard about ransomware.. That bit of criminal cannibalism sure wouldn't be fun.. The internet is not safe nor fun anymore since organized crime and hell's kookoo's took it over, ditto with governments.. It's just a massive open-air global insane asylum and war zone out there in web-world.. Now it's the webpages, emails, videos, and images that are the viruses, like 'a leper colony that just discovered fire'...

    Google and YouTube seems to finally have their cyber-thht under control now.. The searches are precise and clean... Someone there mustagotuh nasty spankin'...
    But every search you do eventually does taper-off into that non-related cyber thht.. It has to.. There's not enough honest web-content to give us even 20% of what we are asking for.. We search for truth, we get bs, all the truth having been erased, by terrorist organizations and organized crime.. Only bs and lies are permitted.. The internet died.. It got turned into a huge out of control spewing rectum, an overly-biased pseudo religious money-vacuum.. Every website is begging for everyone's money.. The elitist greeds and peasant greeds killed the internet by making it be just like them and same as their lives.. They turned the internet into their personal hell latrine... We need a new internet, a second one that the greeds and demons can't infest and destroy, a nice family internet void of all the greeds: doodoo, delusions, evils, bullying, stench, and toxicity.. a clean internet that bans all corporate affairs, a little-peoples internet, an internet for us meager lowlife peasant meek innocent nobodies, without any of hell's bad actors infesting it, making it into their toilet, leaving their twisted non-straights wakes of destruction and sorrow...
    We will just make and keep things to the point and accurate, with love, honour, decency, and respect... The elitist cocaino cruds can have their greed cannibalism feeding frenzy wars in their nasty internet, till it bleeds out of their noses and ears, and their hell falls out of our honorable internet and lives...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 07-16-2024 at 11:35 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    I know what needs be done, but I'd need an army to fight hell...

    Be listening to this link with quality earphones or headphones for about 10-minutes before you read on.. If you don't, you probably won't understand a word of it...



    An expensive computer operating system is stealing and cannibalizing a free computer operating system, like a lion eating its own babies...
    The ultimate lowest 'Cannibalization' is the feeding frenzy glut of the forth turning's nazi elitists in process of devouring all the life on our planet to have 'eaten heaven', each demon believing itself to be god, like the anunnaki planet invader lizards did and do, each demon believing if they eat humanity it will possess, own, and control heaven by proxy and violence.. They don't have spirits.. Everything to them is the physical realm.. They are the physical realm eating the spiritual realm... In their beliefs of the proverbial 'heaven' it addresses only and all of their selfish wanton lustful physical needs and demands.. They don't have spirit concepts, nor spirits.. They don't have a clue what spirit is.. They are bullies.. Bullies are empty and dead inside.. Bullies are devils that attack, terrorize, and destroy the meek and innocent like how ancient roman clerics and politicians destroyed the honorable Mr. Jesus for telling too much truth, and how their cult went on to destroy a billion innocent humans with their many organized crimes and wars...

    Linux is still being attacked, cannibalized, and destroyed by the elitist-pigs frenzy-feeding upon us in their almighty pig-trough of their greedy hateful loveless hungry imposed inquisitional fake 'World Order System', which has stuck itself to our lives like 'pelican-poo on the convertible's steering wheel, windshield, and seats drying in the hot sun at the beach'... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-...ctive/11339656

    I can't seem to get through to those vile elitist-splatters well enough to establish them with their reason to stop attacking, devouring, destroying our precious Linux, turning it and us into their frivolities and their precious feces, thus the last option to wake them up to some reality is that they must have their toxic stinky sticky lies feces splashed back at them into their faces somehow, to wake them up to love, honor, truth, dignity, and respect, and to stop their wars against truth.. Linux is not their meal, nor are we... They need to understand and be: love, honor, truth, honesty, dignity, and respect.. How do we teach love, honor, truth, honesty, dignity, and respect to spirit-dead cannibalistic demons..? Can you..? Can religion..? Can government..? How in this hell do we change devils into angels..? Can it be done..?

    The good half of the 'secret and meaning of life' is 'If you say or do what a 'god force' would say or do, it will probably happily say and/or do it with you... That's what Life, the real 'religion', is trying to teach you, that 'love is everything', but can you hear, are you listening..? Do you even know how to hear what love and truth is saying..? Each of you must find your own truth inside of each of you.. You're a dead-fool if you buy someone else's truth, then make it yours.. That's like 'eating someone's feces', and wearing someone's clothes, and copying them to be like them.. What if their truth is all just lies, just a dead-ended made-up story, an empty delusion..? Then you are nothing going no-where same as them... Humanity's truth is all just lies, just some drunk drugged cannibal's story to validate its delusion and evil.. Is humanity going no-where..?

    The 'god-force' is with you always and all ways, until you push it away by making it reject you by you doing evil.. The 'god-force' is the Universe's love for all life.. The god-force rejects and dumps you if you are being a bully to life.. Heaven is thus stripped away from you if you are being a bully to life, then all you are left with is your vile karma, your stench, your doodoo, your hell, your death, your absolute end.. that being 'half of the secret of life', the proverbial 'thht end of the stick' which you cling to, the truth you're not permitted to know, the truth hidden by hell's inquisition's System's gaudy pretend facade foundation and structure of lies...

    I had an epic experience that proves the 'god-force' is with us pure spirits, that the System is lying to us...
    A serial killer tried to murder me.. He succeeded.. I fell for one of his set-up accidents, in which he was hired to kill science minded elementary school kids for an evil twisted nun.. One day he asked me: "Why would Sister have you on a list of kids that she wants dead, if there was such a list..?" Unknown to me he had murdered three of my science minded friends with set-up accidents...
    My spinal-cord got severed between my shoulders from his set-up 'accident'.. My diaphragm, heart, and lungs got disconnected.. I had about 4-minutes of life remaining, then thht gone, just rotting meat laying there on the wet ground...

    Short version..
    I fixed my severed spinal-cord by thought, with help from the universe's and heaven's spirits...

    Long version..
    Maybe you shouldn't read this if you don't like new stuff, and if new stuff gives you a headache.. This is hushed truth that you're not supposed to know.. Truth can challenge your delusion causing you a headache if you think too deeply on it in trying to understand it all at once.. The truth that's been hidden from humanity for 150,000 years since we were invaded and conquered by the anunnaki space-dinosaurs.. The truth humanity needs to know to beat its impending hell and extinction.. The truth humanity needs to know to build its own future.. The truth the System won't allow me, nor anyone to say, tell, publish...
    The System ('religion, business, democracy, and anarchy') deems truth, love, life, and honesty to be the worst evils.. Look what happened to Mr. Jesus after he told too much truth.. Religion attacked, tortured, and murdered him, then added made-up pagan fallacies of him to their delusion by replacing him with new lies on top of their many lies.. They did the same to all of our great pioneering scientists, all of our best thinkers, like Socrates and Plato and thousands of others, and to our nephilim angels.. They murdered all of our scientists, our philosophers, our savers, our best artisans, our races pure spirits, and 100-million of humanity's wisest Women, to silence truth in defending their delusion and crime.. That's the same terrorist organization that's killing our Linux.. That's the monster that needs be woke up to love, truth, honesty, honor, and respect...

    Reading this might be too much truth for you if you are living the System's packaged lies and mass-delusion.. This might 'untie your belly button, the cord slip through, and your bum fall off'.. WhooH! Not fun...

    Linux is still being attacked and destroyed by the elitist pigs in their greedy System.. I can't seem to get through to them enough to give them their reason to stop devouring our precious Linux, so they must have their toxic stinky sticky lies and feces splashed back into their faces to wake them up to our and their honesty, truth, respect, honor, dignity, love, and life, to show them what they aren't, to show them what they're missing and lose by being bullies.. They bully the sources of truth.. They don't have any truth.. They deem truth to be the worst evil.. They'll have-to read their truth as it's presented.. If they don't see it they won't be 'state of thee art', they'll remain in the dark ages with their stone axes, dead animal skins, rubbing sticks together, caves, dancing and frolicking in trees, peeing upon each other, and tossing their turds at each other... It's time they were turned inside-out and mirrored to themselves to make them stop turning us inside-out, stealing our Linux, and destroying us, like when two unicorns meet and touch horns their horns explode in a bright blue-flash when they become real...

    The good half of the 'secret and meaning of life' is 'If you say or do what a 'god force' would say or do, it will probably happily say and do it with you, thereby empowering you, like how 'a frail old lady lifted a car off her son after the jack failed, and the car fell on him crushing him'.. I can prove it.. It'll probably take me half a day to write it up.. I'll post it here next if this post passes the scrutiny and is ok'd by the mods and forum owners... Humanity must know this, or it will die all ways...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 08-28-2024 at 07:52 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    Hey everyone, Keyword cannibalization is a serious SEO issue because Google doesn't know which page to prioritize. Avoid this by creating unique content for each keyword. If you have similar pages, differentiate or consolidate them. Use canonical tags to indicate the original version. This will help with SEO!

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