I topic buying used hardware..

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Thread: I topic buying used hardware..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    In topic buying used hardware..


    There's wars going on out there, and the wars are growing worse by the minute.. Soon all nations borders will be closed, and all overseas shipping and trade will have stopped.. Factories and wholesalers will be shut-down.. There won't be any new computer hardware parts in the stores because it'll all be bought-up fast.. Amazon and Ebay will have some for a little while, but the stock will disappear quickly when the world's retail is mostly shut-down...

    I see like ole Mr. Nostradamus saw into the future, only better and clearer, and closer to the now.. Sometimes I'll get a flash premonition about an accident two minutes ahead of me, and I'll pull over and park, and watch and video the accident happen half a block in front of me.. One time I caught that warning premonition on a highway, and immediately parked.. 8-seconds later right in front of me about a thousand feet ahead a car shot through the intersection stop-sign at about 80-mph through the highway 'T' intersection, ending up crashing through fences, and digging ruts in a farmer's field and front lawn while he struggled to get back to the road.. If I hadn't stopped, his car would have shot right through the cab of my pickup...

    I caught a vision of an average typical city downtown street after the wars.. In the vision I was strolling along the sidewalk, looking at and into store-fronts.. Some were plywood boarded up.. I came upon a drugstore.. All its storefront glass had been smashed.. I walked inside over the broken glass, trash, and mud.. The shelves were all empty of product, save for empty candy wrappers, empty cans, smashed bottles, rain-soaked torn-up magazines and bits of newspaper, rat, mouse, bird, bug nests and cobwebs were everywhere.. It was like touring an unkempt long dead zoo or polluted swamp, or defunct city dump... Scattered all over the floors were dismembered bits of people skeleton bones here there and everywhere, what was left after zombie meals from the people they ate... Everywhere all over on the floors were rain drenched sagging mounds of zombie people poop and bits of soiled newspaper and magazines used as toilet tissue.. The whole place was a stinking bio-toxic gosh awful disaster mess, same at store to store to store... T'was like hell itself visited and took over the city...
    That's what's coming.. The food will run out because of storms, radioactive fallout, and volcanic acid rains.. Parks and your lawns and gardens will turn into dried cracked mud.. Suicide will be the number one fad...

    Hard drives do so wear out.. You won't be able to buy hard drives anywhere.. It's a good plan to grab up all the notebooks and hard drives you can from garage sales, dumps, spring cleanups, electronics recyclers.. Request scrap metal yards save computer hard drives for you...
    Probably the electric grid will be down, so most phones will probably be useless... YouTube surf 'inductive heating'..
    It is crucial you acquire solar battery chargers...

    Maybe you can still buy cheap used hard drives from a few computer repair shops and computer libraries..?
    I ain't worried.. I saw this war and mess coming when I was 14.. I'm ready for it.. I have two sheds full of tools and town building stuff to build and supply towns in forests to rescue good people escaping the out of control starving city cannibals.. I plan to reboot humanity in these forest towns after the wars... Insane politicians are desperate to stop me.. They think it's an evil plan because there's no money nor religion in it.. To them everything good is evil.. Love and honesty to them are the greatest evils...

    While I drove cross North America east to west, half way across, at about 3:AM, cruising the quiet deserted highway at a slow comfortable 40-mph pace, sipping red vermouth and tokes, I caught a weird vision of hundreds of new cars all abandoned at the sides of the highway, each car with a bullet-hole in the driver windshield.. Doors, trunks, gas-caps left open.. Luggage strewn about near the open doors.. Pink, yellow, white clothing strewn about in the tall grass beside the open doors.. No bodies.. Seems the zombies got them..
    I got me four pieces of bullet proof glass at a garage sale for 50-bucks a couple years ago, to strengthen my truck's windows for when the highway zombies are out and about highway-hunting for fresh meat... I bet they eat all the country rural folk, and squatter take over their homes and farms... It was dumb letting the migrants flood-in.. They will probably be the zombies... Our idiot governments imported WW3's enemy terrorist soldiers into all of our nations.. They are in every town in the world now.. Arabia and South America probably planned it.. Look at california 'the golden state'.. It has become the latrine state...

    I have a box full of 100 spare notebook hard drives, and a box of 50 tower hard dries, and two trays full of thousands of tower and notebook Ram of all types.. I won't be hurting for hard drives and Ram.. Plus this stack of retired still good notebooks floor to touching the ceiling.. So what if they're old, they still work... Plus a big city store tossed out all its out of date tiny coin-batteries, gallons of them.. They gave me the whole box full for free.. I sure won't be hurting for batteries...

    Now is the time to be collecting today what you will be needing tomorrow.. Shut off the gagagoogoo violence kill kill kill video games, cellphone, and stupid teevee, push away from duh cumpooduh, get into some living your life while you still can, while you still have some life left.. Buy and acquire now what you will need a year from now... Food is gonna be a big problem when all the stores are empty and closed, and the planet's pollinator eggs are extinct from radiation and acid rains... We will be pollinating the gardens, trees, and forest plant flowers with q-tips and tiny art brushes... Protect your dried foods from mice and rats by storing it all in glass and metal containers.. Fill up a freezer.. Get a dehydrator.. Collect solar panels.. Collect old meds.. Buy an old well point and hand pump...

    Leave a cracker or cookie on the floor in the house, and one in the vehicle.. If a rodent eats it, set some traps.. Best way to set a mouse trap for mice is a quarter inch slice of tootsie roll wrapped in about 6-inches of sewing thread...

    Good luck with it all.. I hope you all survive the extinction wave of 'the forth turning'.. Ain't gonna be easy...

    If you need to escape the city zombies, look for forest towns called 'LoveTowns'.. Religion, crime, money, cops, lawyers, politicians, fags, and 'karens' will NOT! be tolerated in our humanity rescue towns... These towns are for good people, not demons.. These rescue towns will be circles of houses surrounding the town's central food source of: fruit tree orchards, wheat fields, and gardens.. Everyone will be a gardener.. I've already saved 2-tera's of movies for movie night in the towns.. Any of you could help by saving more gigs of: movies, music videos, survival and handyman videos, medical instructionals, cartoons for the kiddies, before YouTube is gone...
    We could establish an electronics store and repair shop, called 'Just Linux', owned and operated by these upstanding folks and their associates who own and operate this forum... JustLinux could be our town's radio and TV station, and maybe even our internet... We will need tiny portable solar powered microwave repeaters in forests, and along highways, connected to E.Musk's satellites... Is E.Musk building portable emergency microwave repeaters..? He will need to if he expects his communications satellite project to survive armageddon... He will probably start on it when he gets wind of this.. E.Musk isn't an idle fool.. Seems he too wants nephilim humanity to survive...

    The city zombies will be drone robot-hunting forest people for their meat, bloodwine, breeding stock, and toys, so we will still need weapons, guns, drones, ammo, and chemical warfare.. Seems the wars will never end till the zombie cities and their armies are ended in Fire.. Looks like we'll be ending them if they don't leave us be.. We will have 'UtiopiaTowns' for the Bikers to be our security and armies... I know of a H.Angels Biker club run by an honorable Buddhist Monk, and another H.Angels Biker club run by an extremely powerful honorable good witch whom I save her life.. They get their own forest UtopiaTowns to be our protection and defense... We will need 100's of tons of building materials, mostly sheet tin, insulation. sheet plastic, and plastic and copper pipe and tubing... I have all the tools and peripherals...

    If you choose to remain in the city, one very important thing to learn and get real good at right now, is to practice bending far forward, and sticking your head between your knees and back and up to kissing your butt goodbye before the nukes happen so you'll be real good at it for when you need it when you see the flash and mushroom cloud...

    In topic 'Electronics Hardware', maybe E.Musk's microwave satellites will keep the internet and cell phones active.. We hope...

    When all hell breaks loose, and you need a safe place to run to to escape the zombies, look up 'LoveTown' in the forest.. Bring something a forest town needs.. If you bring money, coke, a bible, a crucifix, anything religious, any of that evil stuff that caused wars, you will be instantly banished and banned from LoveTown forever, doomed to roam the forests, go build your own town, or return to the city as zombie fodder...

    I have a complete stainless steel forest restaurant in crates.. People building the towns will need to eat... We will catch forest animals by digging deep holes, with bait at the top middle.. When a horse, deer, bear, elk, cow, pig, steer, or moose reaches for the bait, it trips a wire which releases a tied back springy sapling that hits its butt with attached needles, thorns, and fireworks bangers.. In shock it jumps into the padded net-pit.. is how we acquire our domestic meat herds... We will need to learn bird-farming, fish-farming, crayfish-farming, clam-farming, squirrel-farming, rabbit-farming, and love, honor, honesty, dignity, and respect... I can teach you how to calm the waves with a series of 6-focuses, and how to meet and play with forest spirits and sprites, and how hands-on healing works, and how to be friends and buddies with huge wild carnivores, and with all the life in forests... The wild animals love me.. When I camp in a forest, I wake to find that the little forest critters have worked all night gathering up their favorite foods placed in a neat little pile at the entrance to my tent, one piece at a time.. I see it, and I thank them profusely, and when I pick it up, and pretend to eat it while I'm taking it into the tent, pretending to be enjoying it immensely, I hear excited innocent little squeals of joy from in the nearby tall grasses, ('he likes it').....
    A wild cougar screamed at me around midnight from about 25-feet away.. I faced it, and said 'Walk with me your majesty', and continued my midnight stroll.. I heard its claws clicking on rocks six feet beside me as it kept pace with me as we walked deeper into its dark forest in my usual habitual midnight stroll in a forest.. The forest loves me... I have IR & UV vision, so do all of you.. It's all teachable, so is spirit time-travel.. Love is teachable too.. We are the aliens.. We own his universe.. We are the prodigy of the Nephilim (YouTube surf: 'mud-fossil giants') They created us.. They sacrificed themselves here to create us tiny here, their children... We are the last of the Nephilim, the owners of this universe.. There are 1000 deserted developed planets out there waiting for us to populate.. Our creators went extinct from starvation... There are four Nephilim spirit-home 'heavens' out there waiting for us to join our Nephilim creators, our Species, our Family.. We are the aliens...

    I told you all that so I could tell you this:
    In this thread's topic, 'ELECTRONICS HARDWARE', which I hijacked to tell you your truth, It's a good plan to save up all your useful used electronics and the electronics tools that a forest town would need.. It just might be your ticket into LoveTown.. There might be a free house waiting here for you... It's a lot better than dying trying to survive in a dying nightmare hell-city eating boiled tree leaves, lawn clippings, mud, newspaper, cotton cloth, tree bark, rats, sparrows, bugs, fried dew worms, your pets, grandma, and each other... You choose..
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 01-08-2024 at 05:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    You need to learn Barter.. Barter will be survival...

    Short version..
    Learn Barter.. It really works.. It could save your life...

    Long version..
    I can't stress loud enough that humanity needs to partially switch to Barter from the Money system so the poor will be included in life..
    In acquiring computer used hardware cheap and free, barter really works..
    In this town was an electronics recycling depot, sales, and repair shop.. I found an odd camera chip in some junk.. I dropped it on the recycler's counter asking 'What's this for?".. He's a hobbyist photographer.. He replied "Those things cost 90 dollars in the stores"..
    I said "You can have it, it's yours.. He quickly scooped it up, and dropped it in his shirt pocket with a big grin... Next time I visited the electronics recycler shop I was given a lot of free electronics.. That's how barter works.. Money takes, and keeps on taking.. Barter gives, and keeps on giving.. The recycler shop got closed down after the building changed ownership.. Electronics got transferred to the waste disposal dump site.. Now he's got a new job.. He works for an honorable landscaping company.. One of his clients is the commercial building at the end of my street.. Two weeks ago I asked him if there's any electronic hardware he needs.. "Yes, I need two 4-tera tower hard drives."..
    My brother saves me the high capacity hard drives from the computers he recycles for precious metals.. Last week my brother dropped-off two 4-tera tower hard drives.. Next time I see that guy on the job on this street he gets those two hard drives for free.. They are just junk to me.. Barter never stops giving... I need an apple notebook to load music to these 100 iPhones the computer repair shop techs gave me free.. I give them electronic parts they need for free.. I bet the recycler guy will give me an apple notebook one day soon for free... Barter is 'Free Transfer'.. Once set in motion It becomes perpetual.. I gave a bicycle repair mechanic an old shed for free, he gave me a fiberglass top for my pick truck's box for free.. I gave him 14 scrapped mountain bikes that I acquired for free in the spring cleanup, he gave me a gas powered mountain bike.. BUT! Barter only works with honesty, love, respect, and kindness, so it won't be a good seller in today's messed-up world..
    Learn love and barter.. It'll pay-off big one day, so much that it'll shock you.. Barter is probably how you'll be acquiring your precious used electronics, hardware, tools, oil, paint, gas, car parts, clothing, farm products (food), services, and such after putin's global nuclear war.. Barter is necessities exchange within the brotherhood of humanity, the family of mankind.. If you can't see it to barter you probably won't be acquiring anything you need after the big sheit has hit the fan, unless you steal it, but stealing can be dangerous, and even fatal, especially after war.. The life expectancy of burglars and looters is sometimes an hour, if that...

    There's another backyard bike mechanic in this town.. I can get used bikes for free from various sources.. I have five mountain bikes in the yard that I don't want.. I asked the guy if he does barter.. He doesn't, so I wrote him off my list of people I'll deal and barter with.. He just lost himself five free top-end mountain bikes being a loveless greedy pig... After the war probably the most lucrative businesses to be in will be psychic healers, exorcist, and 'barter/money clearing banks' after banks have crashed and crumbled when the global economy, banks, cybercoin, and the stock market have all crashed to nothing but useless marks on paper.. Religion, the internet, and cell phones will probably be down and offline.. Millions of people who live their whole lives on the cellphone will feel like their lives died will probably be suiciding...
    Maybe learn smoke signals and such.. Bring back the pony express, carrier pidgins, messages in bottles.. Try deaf peoples hand signals from tree tops with binoculars, should do it for yah, if'n y'all kin climb tall trees without killin yerselfs being sloppy silly'n dumb.. and then there's always thet thar lovely elecktrickal clickidy morse code stuff thru dem telerfone pole wires.. They used it when humanity lived in trees'n dark smokey caves back in the olden days ufer the transeister'n steam engeene, when they banged rocks together, and rubbed sticks together fer makin fire cuz they dint have matches nor modern lighters, like this new electric lighter I acquired from a garage sale for five bucks.. I picked it up off the table, and when I touched its side, and little blue lights came on it gave me one heck of a high voltage shock, the dern thang 'Bit!' me...

    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 09-09-2024 at 03:32 PM.

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