New kind of desktop handler request..

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Thread: New kind of desktop handler request..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    New kind of desktop handler request..

    I want to see a new kind of animated desktop handler..

    See: Pinterest Mystical screaming Dragon

    I want a sleeping animated three headed dragon on the desktop.. Each head is configured to a specific program.. When the cursor moves close to a head, that associated program launches after the dragon head jumps into action, lunging screaming fierce, biting the cursor.. The associated program launches...

    When that program is clicked off, its dragon head suddenly enters from the side of the screen lightning fast, blasting fire, and fiercely screaming bludy-hell blue-murder at the window, exploding it into a sudden splash burst explosive blast of swirling rising fiery sparks like how a sudden burst of airborne glowing cinders happen when you toss a large piece of firewood onto a campfire..

    'Maya' cinema special effects software could do it...
    After the blast, the fire and sparks clear, and the three dragon heads calm down, and settle down, close their eyes, and go back to sleep...

    All features of the dragon heads are customizable: dragon types, shapes, sizes, designs, colors, skin tones, fangs, eyes, lighting, positioning, type of scream, type of fire, color of fire, backgrounds, standing or flying dragon, quantity of dragon heads..

    What name would one call that OS..? There's already a Dragon OS...
    Calling it 'gates to hell' might be pushin it a bit, but it might fit..?

    I had a weird fun exciting wicked experience in a deep trance experiment.. I solved spirit time-travel.. This one time I was exploring inner earth, when I came upon an ancient mountain range, full of non-weathered primary sharp pointy rocky peaks.. I came upon a plateau, which had a massive 40-foot tall wooden door against the mountain side..
    While I approached the door, a huge fierce three headed lizard creature charged at me from around the corner, screaming mad, violently lunging its three heads at me trying to bite me from all angles.. I ducked, swerved, dodged its strikes and lunges.. I tugged on the three major glands in my brain, pulled them into a convergence, went invisible to the beast, and quickly made my way to behind Cerberus, where I reconstituted, hauled my leg far back, and hard as I could Kicked my boot into its huge rectum.. It leap off the cliff in sudden shock.. The three heads twisting and contorting to see what had just kicked it off the cliff, to plummeting to its death.. I grinned, and made a half hand byebye snap wave with my fingers at the three shocked heads.. then turned, kicked the great wooden door into a sudden cloud-burst of slivers, and walked in... I met someone there... We had a little fun... I frightened the sheit out of him...

    That's why I want an animated dragon desktop handler...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 01-10-2024 at 05:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Time-travel is fun and exciting..

    Time-travel is fun and exciting..
    If you want to play with time-travel, and want to establish this warning thing I mentioned, try this silly little experiment..
    Go into moderate meditative state, and envision you are sending out a tube from yourself, backwards in time, slowly.. Image setting your spirit inside the tube, then push them both back in time, faster and faster accelerating toward the speed of light.. Then slow it down to a halt, and have your spirit look out of the tube at a 90-degree to the tube, and exit the tube.. and look around.. Study the huge fat bugs chewing on fat succulent sappy leaves.. See that the forests are just tiny clumps of trees, 'baby forests'.. Watch out for large lizards sneaking up behind you.. They can see you, and they are Not friendly...

    If it didn't work, it probably means you haven't found your spirit molecule yet.. and or you have fears, like a horrid fear of the unknown... There's ways through all that crap...

    To eliminate fear, image your spirit hands are pushing down on a hot red fear bubble stuck in your throat.. Pushing it down down down toward your stomach area.. The moment you sense a little burp sensation inside your stomach or diaphragm area, that means your fear level has thus been reset to zero, to nil, to no fear...
    If you did and or do coke, you can't do this.. Too much coke-poison melts, burns out, the brain, mind, and spirit, turning one into a mindless soulless dead-inside loveless hell-bound zombie.. Coke is hell's candy.. Coke is why the world is in such a mess.. Coke is why evil crazy people are stealing and destroying Linux, the poor peoples of humanity's free computer and telephones OS's.. The cocaino-zombies are killing Linux, and us, re: their wars and money-sucking insatiable greed and money glut... Coke made them think believe they are gods.. They lost grasp of the third dimension.. When they can access bits of the third dimension, it makes them believe they are being godly.. They see the earth as flat.. They see us as flat, like they are looking at a transparent back&white foggy photograph.. They don't see us as life.. They are seeing right through us like to them we are thin useless fog...

    If you haven't melted your mind and spirit.. to find your spirit, search inside your body for tiny 1/32nd inch diameter little 'glowy moon'.. That's your nephilim spirit.. Greet it with 100% love, honor, dignity, and respect.. Never ever abuse it, nor command it, nor frighten it.. Do that, and your destination is hell and extinction, you end... I use mine to heal other peoples pain and arthritis in an instant... Mine can turn stars off and back on.. Just for the fun of it I sometimes freak-out the aliens with that to show them whose boss.. I'm a bit of a cosmicbrat at times... I can't turn our sun off, because it's defective, it couldn't be turned back on..

    To eliminate the fear of the unknown..
    Close your eyes, and look at the brown splash curtain you usually see when your eyes are closed.. Request your spirit help you see through that brown curtain about 5%, over the next week or month.. Give it time.. Don't push it hard.. Wen you give your spirit a task, immediately back away from it, and let it do its job.. Request to be seeing through that curtain 5% more the next week or month, and so on... When you are seeing through that brown curtain you are seeing into the spirit realms.. Do Not! do this if you have fears, because your fears will manifest as real there/here, is why we are protected from it with that curtain shield ('wall of fire').. If you see white, grey or black animate things, don't gaze at them, nor touch them, nor let them touch you.. Those are evil demons, vampires, maggots, cannibals, devils, and such, just nasty cannibal spirits of the dead.. All they want is to feed upon you.. If one tries to touch you or touches you, grab its shoulder or throat in a tight fist, and rip its head off.. If you see colored natural skin-toned beings, those are ok to touch, kiss, and hug.. They are like 'angels', they are pure spirits.. If you are a pure spirit, they'll probably want you to be their friend.. They might want to teach you angel-class love, and angel-class manners... Let them guide you in their realms.. If a couple of them take your hands, and or arms, and give you a little push or shove, let them, and go with them.. They'll teach you about truth, honesty, reality, spirit-life, heaven, and such.. They'll guide you through difficult and dangerous parts and things... Do Not speak nor think!.. If they guide you into standing in a pond and shower of liquid light, you've lucked-out Bigtime.. That probably means the angels and heaven probably wants you pure spirit with them and in itself.. They probably want to make your spirit into an angel spirit, your majesty...
    I don't want heaven.. I found something much better beyond universes...

    That done, now try spirit time-travel in depth, but avoid the time of the T.Rex's and Terror Birds.. Those things are extremely nasty dangerous... I learned that the hard way.. Like in the movie 'Lucy' when the small T.Rex charges at Lucy while she's playing the time-travel scene.. They got that scene from me sending the writers guilds new themes in real time.. I wanted better moves.. We got better movies.. 95% of today's movies, games, cartoons, novels, and sciences are based on the new themes I've been sending to the writers guilds over the past 50-years.. Seems I made a dent in humanity's reality.. We used to have only thht cowboy movies, the lone ranger, roy rogers, romper room, wild wild west, john wayne, friendly giant, maggie muggins, howdy doody, peyton place, dynasty, jet jackson, hawaii five-o, paladin have gun will travel, WhooH! and YuK! All that goofy mindless infantile bs poop has finally gone extinct.. oh yay...
    I wanted better movies so I gave the writers better themes.. Did you enjoy what the guilds script writers did with my 'talking animals' themes, and dr dolittle, and my 'fly your own dragons' themes, and my 'flying cars' and 'moon-capable RV's' and 'flying motorcycles' themes, and warp drive, and worm holes, and time travel..? Did you see their first genius flying cars..? A lawn chair, and a hospital gurney with several large weather helium balloons tied to them.. LOL! The floating lawn chair guy had to be rescued by a helicopter nearly a mile up... God save us from the idiots...
    I smashed and burned the two liquid light engines after this unscrupulous moralless hungry-pigs thieving government tried to steal my nephilim alien science notes, believing they own me.. I own their souls.. They don't even own their toes... I burned the 100,000 alien science papers, the 100 CD's, and the two smashed liquid light engines in the garden after those pig brained hell-demons tried to steal my notes like how greedy thieving kooks and pigs stole Mr. Tesla's notes, and burned down his lab a week after he shoved a lightbulb into the ground, and it lit up... Then they tried to murder him by running him over with a speeding taxi.. They figured he would damage corporate profits and destroy global economies by giving humanity free power technologies, so they stopped him same like they stopped me... They've tried 70-times to date to murder me to stop me from giving humanity my thousands of alien sciences, their 1000 deserted developed nephilim planets, their universe, their four nephilim spirit-home heavens.. They can't murder an ascendant.. I am forever... They stopped me alright from rescuing humanity.. Did it make them feel like powerful big super-heroes to stop what would have saved humanity from extinction..? By stopping my alien sciences they murdered humanity and themselves physically and spiritually.. They sure are gonna pay hell for that.. Wouldn't want to be them...

    I'm leaving this planet soon.. The kookoo's poisoned me, and it damaged my heart and organs.. My heart stings a little sometimes.. The nitro mist and pills helps a bit.. My heart is gonna stop soon.. I just want to leave you with something you might be able to use to try to realize a heaven, everything else has been destroyed...

    So, if you succeed at spirit time-travel, and find yourself when and where the T.Rex's were/are, and one charges you, leap back into the time-tube immediately.. I didn't, and the excited hungry little monster struck my arm with its dagger claw tossing me 75-feet airborne..
    Back in my living room in my easy chair, I rolled up my shirt sleeve to see why my arm was throbbing and stinging so much.. I watched the long red jagged mark along my arm slowly fade, and the wicked pain slowly dissipate, exactly where the T.Rex scratched my arm to the bone shoulder to elbow in the time-travel experiment.. I don't go there any more.. Spirit time-travel can be way way too dangerous.. Sure wouldn't want to meet up with a terror bird.. That might be fatal.. Do spirit time-travel once, then forget about it...

    BUT! TT can have its rewards.. I have five sweetheart young lassies who usually accompany me in my universal jaunts.. I call them 'angels'.. About ten months ago I said to them "Angels, teach me love".. The next night I had a weird epic dream that I was in prehistoric times with a beautiful stunning world-class universe-class goddess-class young woman.. We were strolling gentle rolling foothills grassy fields, naked, me comfortably walking about 75-feet behind her.. She turned to walk up a hill to the peak of the long narrow grassy hill in the valley between the two mountain ranges.. I followed close behind.. She lay down on the soft grass, I behind her close and snug to keep her warm while she slept safe and quiet...
    I gently scooped-up a hand full of her long reddish blond hair, and let it slowly roll off my fingers.. I was totally fascinated with the six-inch long golden needles in her hair from the sunlight, golder and shinier than bright polished gold...
    I noticed a large T.Rex, roaming down in the valley at my 10:Oclock, about a quarter mile away.. I paid it no concern, and scooped up another handful of her majesty's golden hair to see the golden needles some more... In a couple minutes the T.Rex was right behind me.. I paid it no concern.. I was more fascinated with the golden sun needles and the soft pure purple glow around us... The lizard stuck its head into our purple glow, then sniffed and licked my left butt cheek, then pulled away, turned, and exited quietly... Seems all it felt was curiosity and love while its head was inside our glowing purple love aura... We slept there, how long I don't know.. We woke, rose, and continued our walk over the soft grassy foothills.. It felt like her majesty had the confidence and demeanor that she owned the whole planet, and the whole planet and everything on and in it knew it and acknowledged it.. She was like a goddess 'slumming' on the earth.. Following her over the hills felt like I was following an actual real goddess...
    I guess I fell asleep.. I woke in bed from something stinging, itching, and tightening the skin on my left butt cheek.. I swiped my hand across it.. My hand got all covered with a disgusting sticky slimy smelly goo, which smelled like swamp water, rotting vegetation, rotted old meat, tooth decay, and pungent saliva, 'T.Rex saliva'... "It was Real!".. I sat up, mumbling "It Was Real!".. The angel taught me love as I had requested...
    I thought of taking a q-tip swab DNA sample for science, but then thought "NO! Then we would then have deadly T.Rex's roaming our forests because most backyard and corporate science is irresponsible and careless.", so I showered the disgusting drying shrinking tightening stinging lizard saliva goo off my skin, which had already digested the first two layers of my skin, leaving it all red and sore.. It took a lot of soap and hot water to wash that vile sticky goo off my skin.. First aid ointment and xylocaine topical helped ease the sting...
    The lizard had pressed its snout and lips to my butt cheek to get a good sniff.. Seems I can confidently claim that a large hungry real T.Rex kissed my butt with respect... Time-travel can be fun and rewarding, but don't leave that horrid lizard goo on your skin too long, and don't let one scratch you, and if you do happen to see a terror bird, do so leap back into the time-tube as fast as you can..

    A year later, at night, I returned to that same spot where the nasty time-travel experiment lizard scratched me.. In the extremely bright moonlight I found that bully monster still in its territory, though much larger, sleeping standing, leaning against a tree so the crawly little critters wouldn't crawl up its nostrils while it slept...
    I searched for a sharp axe-stone, and a nice oval hammer-stone.. I had a plan.. I snuck up silent to the lizard, set my hammer-stone down, knelt on one knee, hauled the rock back firmly gripping my axe-stone in two hands, and swung it down with all I had to the lizard's big toe, severing its toe from its foot, then grabbed my hammer, and ran to a pre-chosen easy to climb tall tree.. Lizard woke screaming bludy hell blue murder.. Must uh been a bad dream eah...
    It chased me screaming mad ferocious.. I zipped up my tree like a squirrel, and held my hammer stone in a firm tight fist.. Lizard mounted the tree, and tried to bite my foot.. While its mouth was wide open screaming, I swung my hammer-stone down hard and fast as I could, striking its fang, knocking its big tooth clean out to it spinning through the air.. Lizard fell to the ground on its back, kicking, rolling, screaming, squirming, pooping all over, rolling in its poop, screaming its head off, its eyes all bulgy red and teary.. It glanced up at me.. I grinned, and made a little grrr growly sound.. It got up in shock and fear, and in a Lot of pain, it's mouth and toe bleeding.. It bolted, and ran down the valley limping, tripping, stumbling, crying, screaming for its mummy, probably waking-up the whole neighborhood... I collected my two trophies, held them high, and proudly screamed a loud warning to the jungle, then hid them under a large flat rock beside a cliff.. I'd like them on my computer desk, but I don't know if it's safe to bring something back in the time tube..? Maybe it requires a special isolation container..? I don't know.. I won't risk it...
    Lizard probably died slow and painful from the infections from its wounds.. Payback for it attacking, and clawing my arm in trying to kill and eat me.. I'm a little bit dangerous.. Seems I beat the living sheit out of a T.Rex...

    Once you have activated time-travel it sticks On with you.. Then you will be seeing into the future always.. Attach a two minute warning to it, and you will see accidents ahead of you before they happen.. It gives you time to avoid them... I even see nails and screws on the road two minutes ahead, then watch for them to avoid them, or change my route...

    This two minute warning thingawhozits saves my life at least four times a year.. Or sometimes I'll walk beside a coffee cup or something fragile, and see it crashing and smashing onto the floor in the near future, which gives me the op to relocate it to a safer place so it doesn't get busted, so I don't lose it... Sometimes when I ignore those warning premonitions, and those things do get smashed minutes or hours later like in the premonition, I feel like a fool.. I'm a genius, but I still do stupid things like everyone else does... No such thing as perfect...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 01-11-2024 at 01:11 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    How do we save Linux from the corporate bullies?

    To save Linux from the out of control loveless greedy corporate elitist bull-lunatics we must somehow teach them respect...

    What is Respect..?

    My musician friend and I decided to take a long drive from Calgary to Drumheller, Alberta's dessert, where a huge meteorite exploded on impact, totally changing the terrain into weird dessert...
    On the way, highway cruising slow, enjoying the summer breeze, we saw a beautiful cliff along the Fraser River a quarter mile in off the highway on a rancher's property.. It was starting to get a little dark out.. We figured we should camp somewhere ASAP.. We told the rancher that we wouldn't so much as harm a weed flower, nor cut a tree branch dead or alive, and we wouldn't leave any mess.. He OKed it.. We found the perfect spot, and set up the tents, and made a little campfire, and a meal.. Next morning early we packed up.. I raked the fire spot, and tossed the cinders over the cliff into the river.. we covered the fire spot with the fine forest debris till we couldn't find where the campfire and camp had been.. We scuffed the tent stake holes flat covered them with forest ground debris.. Just then the rancher's kid came buzzing up on his noisy little dirt-bike.. I said to him "Try to find where the campfire was".. He tried, he couldn't.. He asked "Where was it?".. I looked around.. Even I couldn't find where it was...
    The kid drove back home on his dirt-bike, and told his daddy...
    While we were driving past the ranch house the rancher came rushing out waving his arms.. "You two are welcome to camp on my property Anytime!".. He invited us to a huge ranch grown ranch cooked dinner: huge steaks, potatoes, veggies, homemade cherry cider, homemade wines, deserts out of this world off the charts... RESPECT!.. Life and living is all about respect.. Even mating is all about respect.. Good business is all about respect.. Driving and sharing the road is all about respect.. Anything less is demons sharing hell and death...

    A grizzly bear growled at me from near the river about 200-feet away from my tent.. I approached it, stopped 8-feet from it, bowed, said "Greetings your majesty, it's an honor sharing your forest with you", and sat, and talked to the bear for 45-minutes...

    A wild cougar screamed at me from about 25-feet away.. I faced it saying "Walk with me your majesty".. I heard its claws clicking on rocks six feet beside me as it kept pace with me walking with me in its forest...

    A huge bull elk whined at me from a clump of trees 40-feet behind me where I sat on a fallen log.. I said to it "If you want to meet me then come close.. I can't hurt you, you can't hurt me. I do so want to meet you your majesty".. A couple minutes later I heard a loud elk trumpeting screech directly above me.. I looked up to see the chin and throat of a huge massive bull elk with a seven-foot wide set of massive horns, towering over me, gazing down at me with that huge dark eye, and a little smile...

    A huge bull moose called to me from a clump of trees.. I waved, saying "I love you too your majesty".. It followed me in the forest...

    A wild lady mink approached me through the snow where I sat on a large boulder.. It placed its feet on my boot, asking for some food.. She walked back to her babies carrying a full baggie of food in her mouth...

    A ferret called to me from across the creek asking for the trout I had just caught.. I tossed the fish at it.. It walked away dragging its fish...

    I never step on a weed flower.. I never cut living tree branch.. When I come upon a broken tree branch, I plant it in wet mud for the forest to make a new tree.. When I come upon people messes in the forest, I stop and clean it up... The forest sprites and fairy spirits show themselves to me, and play silly little games with me... Life doesn't fear me.. Me and Life are One.. RESPECT.. Learn be and do respect, or end up as nothing dead in hell.. Without respect for life you don't get any more life after this one.. Life itself decides if you continue.. Life itself decides your judgment day.. If you are like sheit you get flushed out of life.. Simple as that...

    Linux is all about respect for humanity.. That which is devouring and killing our precious Linux is actually dooming itself to hell's end... Whomever you are, you end 100%.. Your money can't save you.. Life doesn't give a damn about money... Soon your money won't be worth even for fire-starter...
    I know you're reading this.. Mention money, and you drool onto your shoes.. Wake up to some truth and reality soon or be nothing going no-where... Just in case you didn't know it, humanity isn't here for you to eat and destroy, and convert into your gagagoogoo precious useless money and poopoo.. Not everything that tastes good is here for you to destroy, consume, chew, swallow, turn into your cannibal-poop... Our Linux is for us.. Linux is Not yours to kill, eat, and destroy.. Go back to your hell please.. Get a new hobby.. Kiss your mommy.. Buy a teddy bear.. Go to church.. See a Shrink.. Get some strong pills.. Play on the railway tracks.. Jump off a cliff.. Give some back to humanity.. You have more than enough of our lives and living in your cache... Just in case you didn't know it, humanity is dying because of you... You crash and crumble with us, whatever the hell you are... You ain't got any respect for anything, and everything ain't got any respect for you... We're all gonna pee on your grave one day.. so much that your spirit will drown in our pee... Leave our Linux alone please.. Get you the hell off of our world please...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2023


    YouTube Surf: 'Instant Calm, Beautiful Relaxing Sleep Music, Dream Music (Nature Energy Healing, Quiet Ocean) ★11'

    YouTube surf: Aztec Healing Secret: Soft Pan Flute Music for Body, Spirit & Soul - 4K

    YouTube Surf: 'Loved, Julie True'

    YouTube Surf: 'girl with beautiful voice voice duets with me_adele-someone like you'

    YouTube surf: 'Life without OLD AGE- Turn off the OLD AGE Setting'

    YouTube surf: Power of the Arcturian light wave for your transformation


    To download YouTube videos get add-on: 'Save From', or 'Easy Downloader'...

    To make mp4 music videos into mp3's for mp3 music players, run Synaptic to install 'Audacity'..
    Drag the video download into the Audacity window.. Save it to desktop by 'exporting as mp3'.. Add it to the mp3 music player..

    With Audacity you can use the 'scissors icon' to cut out bits of video audio that you don't want in your tunes..
    You can select, copy, and paste, to make clean long loops of tunes you like.. all for free...

    I suppose many of you noticed that for a little while the Firefox add-ons wouldn't install, nor work, and YouTube was full of greed-biased money-sucking bullying.. probably the same turd-brain who upgraded everyone's windows OS's to the new windows-10 without their permission... Some money-saturated overly stimulated monkey thinks its a corporate god.. A telephone company thinks it owns the world...
    You couldn't download any YouTube videos without giving them your money, as if they don't have enough money...
    Many people publicly complained about the nasty demonic YouTube bullying, and there was a lot of internet chatter about boycotting YouTube's and Microsoft's products because of its insane bullying tactics.. Millions were searching for alternatives to YouTube, and many were switching to Linux, dumping thht bully windows.. The turds were losing money and clientele being mindless piggy ah's, so the cannibalistic bullying seems to have subsided for now... Bullying ones customers is a foolish and stupid thing to do in business.. Your customers is where you get your money from, in case the mindless morons didn't know.. That infantile loveless money-sucking greed-biased pig-brained bullying idiocy can make your business go bankrupt... WAKE UP to reality whom ever the hell you are!.. This is Humanity, Not your pig-trough!.. Seems the big bullying started when Microsoft got its new CEO... Do they eat at the latrine state's crapafornia special restaurants..? Sure wouldn't want that family in my neighborhood, town, country, continent, world, universe, heaven.. They don't have enough money to get into my heaven.. LOL!..


    Oops! It's October 23, 2024, and again we can't download YouTube videos.. microsoft changed the codes again, and all the video downloaders don't work... Seems microsoft is bullying the whole world again just because it can, probably in vengeance and tantrum for it's recent supreme court case fail, like being same as putin, xi, nk kimmy, the karens, the snapped nazi elitists, the subspecies millennial entitled's.. Probably it's someone out there with a serious emotional disorder and massive out of control huge desperate dysfunctional inflated ego suffering from something like painful hemorrhoids, or something like 'a broken toe', desperately needing an emergency change.. not fun, wouldn't want to be it... It should know that it's insane to bully your clients.. That's where you get your money from... This is Humanity, The Family of Mankind, The Brotherhood of Humanity.. Show a little respect to your own species, please... I bet microsoft's bullying will push it closer to bankruptcy this time.. The world has had Enough! of your infantile bullying.. GROW UP!.. Get off the coke!.. What from hell made you our demon-god?.. Get an exorcism!.. See a shrink!.. Get some special pills!.. Take the whole damn bottle!..
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 10-23-2024 at 04:01 PM. Reason: grammar..

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