Re: Harmony OS..

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Thread: Re: Harmony OS..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: Harmony OS..


    I have been bouncing all over the Net searching for a download Harmony ISO link, to test it in an thht notebook at the library, but to no avail.. Most Harmony links are non-functional, and I can't find links to a Harmony ISO download anywhere.. I emailed them twice.. My emails got bounced.. I think I'm gonna give up on the Harmony OS, write it off as a no-go, flush it down dee toileet before it bites and stings me.. It has already been a ton of grief trying to get anything going from them.. Plus I read that it shares a lot of Windows software.. It probably isn't really Linux, but just a re-engineered pirated twisted mishmash version of Windows laced with Wine and Linux softwares.. On a hunch, I bet it has so much Wine in it that it probably should have been labeled 'Wynux' or 'Rynux'...

    I think I'm going to pop-in the Linux Mint CD, and reinstall the OS in this netbook just in case this OS has been infiltrated by yellow weirdies, as I've been clicking on a lot of Harmony and Huawei links.. I have a thing about test driving every new Linux OS, but China..??? uuumm, I ain't sure if it's worth the risk.. My first impression about it is that it's probably a massive state of thee art interwoven batch of trojans and spywares like China's Opera browser turned out to be.. (read about Opera in Reddit, it's scary. I tried it three times, not a pardy).. Harmony OS is probably a kraken-monster hungry for Americaner flesh, blood, souls, and bank accounts... There's been a lot of bad Press on Huawei doing a lot of bad kookoo things in the West, and now China is threatening nuclear war with America over Taiwan.. That doesn't sound like a fun good thing.. And now 'Hooarethey' wants to drive our teliephones.. Doesn't feel right.. Kinda gives the feeling like 'daring to tickle a curious hungry wild crocodile's chinie-chin-chin' beside the boat.. I'm gonna pass on Harmony OS, and be ready to hide in duh basement under a sheet of roofing lead when I sees dem dar chineser nookooluh flashes on CNN or in dee sky...

    Now it's reinstall this netbook's OS just in case...

    Harmony is a nice theme and title.. and there's a special sillycon robot out there called Harmony that supposedly does lots uh nice things for yah.. I wouldn't mind acquiring one o dem dar talkin rubbery Harmony thangs, just to chat with of course...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 01-25-2024 at 08:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    According to Wikipedia a Huawei executive had claimed that HarmonyOS for PC would be released in 2024. Not that I would ever install it on any of my devices.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    The only reason I would install Harmony OS on one of my extra 100 retired notebooks would be to install Ubuntu 23.1 in it, fully updated, with firefox's permissions all left on badly, auto updates all checked, and fill its files up with downloads of all the bibles in foreign languages, billions of dollars of fake global bank accounts and pretend credit cards, pretend american war strategies, pretend pentagon war data, children's fairytales, several silly WW2 adult cartoons, several youtube WW2 videos, several gigs of 2001 software, 200 Linux OS's renamed 'Oriental Porn', fake email addresses, lots of data downloaded from: FBI sites, NSA sites, NASA sites, CIA sites, Whitehouse sites, christian website links and downloaded videos, end of times videos, hundreds of nasty pix of very fat bar-nakeed south american and african females doing nasty things, homersexyools, and arabic xxx goat antics, then click on all their websites, then click on a bunch of known corrupt hacker websites and download/install their corrupt softwares, and add most of the youtube videos on china's absurd cannibalism practices, and various chineser propaganda's.. Then add a real gmail account using the gas station's phone, for them and microsoft to play in and with, with its password 'qwertyuuiop'.. Then leave the thing on and net-connected all night for a month or two for Hooarethey's secret service spies to snoop in to steal and analyze all that precious secret data...
    HOT DYAM! I'd have half the world's criminal element doing headstands, jumping up and down screaming obscenities, drooling, frothing, teary eyed, spinning and running in circles, bumping into walls and doors...

    Me thinks that's why my lady friend sometimes calls me 'cosmicbrat'...

    A just heard a sweet squeaky little voice behind me saying: "Oooo You're BaD".. I didn't know she was reading over my shoulder.. She approaches silent as a mouse...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 04-12-2024 at 07:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    While I can't provide a direct link to the Harmony ISO download, have you considered reaching out to any tech forums or communities dedicated to Harmony OS? Sometimes, fellow users can offer helpful insights or alternative sources for downloads. Additionally, if you're concerned about the authenticity or composition of Harmony OS, it might be worth looking into reviews or discussions from trusted sources to get a clearer picture before making a decision. Good luck with your search!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Thanks Hope..

    Yes I did.. I tried all the ideas, wasting a lot of time on it because one of my little hobbies is testing every new Linux OS..
    In trying to get something from Harmony I felt like 'the little mouse running a maze that had only dead-ends'..
    My emails to them were fruitless.. Every link was useless.. I just wanted to test it out, but when I discovered it was heavily android and wine software based I dumped it like dropping a hot coal.. It's just a generic android/windows/linux OS, an abomination.. I don't like windows.. windows is evil.. I decided to stop wasting my time on Harmony.. Besides, it probably has something to do with china's war espionage given they made it be Linux and windows compatible.. It's made by the china company that was accused of espionage in America.. I bet Harmony is chock full of state of the art spyware and trojans built in, probably a spyware and trojan convention..

    If you happen to test it you might want to run clam av and windows defender on it.. I bet it would light up an antivirus scan like a crismis tree.. I figured since I had been bouncing around china links, that it would be best to reinstall the OS.. In all I wasted about three hours on Harmony.. I'm gonna boycott everything made in china given that they are essentially at war with us.. I sure don't like the news about people meat in china tinned meats, and tinned radioactive tuna.. I bought some cheapy chinese made clothes-line clips.. They snapped in half on first use.. I read that china built a pirate 747 that no one wants.. china's electric cars are exploding.. china gave us covid.. I found three chinese garden pests in my North America garden last year, and a highly venomous chinese horned spider nesting in the front yard bush.. I gave it to the university.. My gut feeling tells me to not trust anything from china.. china suicided, and seriously damaged our world.. I'm sticking with the old Linux Mint Mate 20.3 with Librewolf and Portmaster.. It's smooth, clean, quiet, safe, secure, user friendly, honest, and nothing gets into it except me..
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 05-25-2024 at 05:51 AM.

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