How can I load mp3's into iPhones and iPods?..

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Thread: How can I load mp3's into iPhones and iPods?..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    How can I load mp3's into iPhones and iPods?..

    I sometimes get given retired notebooks with windwoes or mac in them.. I add iTunes, and they work for a couple months processing music into iPhones and iPods, then they auto update, and suddenly something mean and nasty kills the OS.. Same thing happens with both windwoes and apple notebooks...
    I can't get anything to process music for iPhones now.. What's the big secret to getting music into apple things?..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    you will have to instal iTunes and then add the music to iTunes, Then sync your iPhone to the PC. You will then need to choose what albums you add to your iPhone

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by newiron8 View Post
    you will have to instal iTunes and then add the music to iTunes, Then sync your iPhone to the PC.
    You will then need to choose what albums you add to your iPhone

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