Something is slowing down the forum loading in the browser..

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Thread: Something is slowing down the forum loading in the browser..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Something is slowing down the forum loading in the browser..

    Running Linux Mint Mate 20.3 in a notebook with Librewolf browser..

    I clicked the JustLinux bookmark.. It took two whole minutes to load.. Maybe its my computer..? Don't know yet.. But this is a new hard drive with a new OS just two days ago..
    The slow loading acts like a hack attack bug, the kind that destroys webpages.. JustLinux Forum might want to run a virus scan, and/or refresh the operating system.. I saw in one forum, about 25-years ago, adding several yahoo links to a forum post seriously damaged that forum's operating system.. Maybe the recent spam links that were posted infected this forum's OS with something nasty..? Maybe that's why they were posted repeatedly after a warning..? Just guessing..

    If the forum's OS was suddenly destroyed by a powerful hack attack, what kind of back up system does the forum have in place to recuperate 100% from such a disaster..? Do any forums have two computers running, saving everything in real time in tandem..?

    What's the IP of the spam poster, and what are the IP's of the competition forums..?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Largo, FL.
    This forum site is one of eleven that the owners own. They all have issues with page loading times....from time to time. This started a few months ago and is very random... Thus making the solution much harder.

    There are all sorts of backups being done etc and odds are good they'll never be used.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    If it started up a few months ago, there's a keen probability the forums are being hack attacked by nasty people who fear and attack truth.. This company and its forums are honest.. Most of the business world fears and hates honesty..
    Has the forum got PortMaster Firewall..? I bet the PortMaster people could resolve the slowdown problem in a flash.. Just guessing..

    Maybe if the company were to examine identical links in posts in the troubled forums since three months ago, they might find a common denominator exposing the source of the attacks and ID the bugs..
    It could be a company that's in competition with this company for some sort of contracts competitions.. Maybe check the list of contract competitions back about six months, and assess the IP's and handles of users posting identical links in the various forum's threads..

    Something like that happened to a construction company.. The same companies always competed for the year's big contracts.. The honest company usually got the best contracts.. There was a big competition in the works.. The CEO of the honest company was taking out his residential trash bags to the curb when someone shot him dead.. Today's business world is unscrupulous.. Look what's happening to Trump.. That's evil illegal tampering campaigning to destroy the competition.. The competition owns the courts.. The courts are biased.. Trump tried to cleanse the government of its organized crime, and was in process of expunging the organized crime from the government.. The organized crime cried Foul!, claiming Trump was dismantling democracy, believing and claiming their swamp-class criminal government is democracy.. Then they pinned all their crimes onto Trump.. I suspect it's that same breed of evil that's attacking these forums.. PortMaster probably holds the cure and solution.. Have you seen the workings and features of PortMaster..? They reinvented the firewall.. Nothing bad gets through PortMaster firewall, is why PortMaster google links failed to load for a couple months, the same two months the forums have been experiencing their problems.. Someone doesn't want the public to use PortMaster.. Same thing happened to Librewolf, which is a clean honest version of Firefox.. Compare the security between Firefox 7.2 and the new Firefox.. Most of the security has been disabled or deleted in the new Firefox, same with the newer Linux Mint versions.. They now intentionally fight and anger the user.. They are Not user friendly.. There's a cyber war going on out there to kill the honest competitors.. In the end Karma will get the evil ones.. Karma kills..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    I'm still looking at that slow-down glitch, but a little deeper..

    @ Steve Jones..

    The slow down bug is back.. I tried different things to bypass it.. I cleaned up everything in my computer, it still happened.. I tried double clicking, it still happened.. I changed the hard drive, it still happened.. I tried three quick clicks, it worked fast like it should.. Seems 'quick clicking on an item 3-times' bypasses the glitch.. I don't have a clue why... Maybe the forum build has a poorly designed clickerooferous goochrdisernst receptor..? a bad 'CGR clickidywickedy'..

    Now days almost everything in cyber world is being built more for cellphone access and compatibility as computers go less and less used, and more and more obsolete like what happened to the 'etch a sketch', and landline, and gramma.. Maybe the glitch has something to do with Android phone software or the like infesting the internet,. Odd bits of software to make the Web progressively more cellphone compatible and functional at the expense of making computers progressively more not so compatible..? Maybe this glitch is the first indication of it, of 'future disease' (the future killing the present)..? Maybe the internet is becoming a 'queen bee mother entity' for the cellphone system, is probably why we need a second internet for old computers that doesn't go obsolete, if the cellphone is killing the computer, while the cellphone skyrockets into controlling the future like it now controls billions of peoples lives..? Maybe Mr. Musk or someone almost as genius has released a little white-demon into the system that makes the internet too modern for our older toys..?
    Maybe if I were to add some Linux compatible Android programs to the computer's OS it might solve the glitch..? Just guessing... I'll try it in a clean scrap experimental hard drive with a newly installed Linux Mint Mate 19.3.. then add some android programs to see what it does to the forum slow-down glitch...

    Note that the phone doesn't have an 'Enter Mouse click', but has a phone whatchamicallit.. Maybe the problem is to do with between the differences of how the computer's 'Enter' works, and how the phone's 'Do It' works...
    Ask the forum builder and internet controllers if they made any program changes in favor of better phone compatibility about 10 to 15 weeks ago.. Were they receiving complaints from phone users about 15 to 20 weeks ago..? If they were, then what did they do to solve them..? Still just guessing...
    Off the top, it looks like it might be a circuitry binary logjam... If it is, then maybe the printed chip original negatives might need a resistor and capacitor added to the circuitry patterns in that area to eat the residual '1' stuck in the 'zero's'..? If that's the cure, then all of our computers are now obsolete like the horse and buggy and steam engine, cuz there's no way in h. that chip manufacturers are gonna pull the archived spec sheets to redesign the negatives to build new chips for obsolete old dying things.. would be like installing a pace-maker into someone already in a coffin, or like 'feeding sweet oats to a dying horse'...

    I suppose three-clicks slams through a 'binary logjam' like 'driving a spear through a rotted log'..
    Seems tomorrow's electronic circuitry chip designs need 'binary-pump surrogate nano's' added to the designs of the chips to make tomorrow's electronics more functional, reliable, and efficient, with the threats of solar, nuclear, and microwave EMP... But what the heck is a 'binary-pump surrogate nano', (a 'BPSN')..? Maybe it's a self healing chip.. Ummm..? I don't have a clue.. I don't know anything about electronics circuitry design ceptin what a resistor or capacitor looks like after you squeezes them in a vise.. Looks a bit like a cricket on the garden walk what got stepped on...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Largo, FL.
    The on going issue is on "Our End." There is nothing us typical users can do.

    The IT Guys have spent a lot of time looking into this and are still stumped.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Maybe the IT Guys should take one of their most troubled lessor forums, and remove every Google and Yahoo link from its content, reboot, run Bleachbit, then test it for the slow-down glitch.. Maybe it's just cyber-corruption in the links..? It happened in a photography forum I was playing in about 25-years ago.. The forum ran quick and smooth till someone posted about twenty religion and money related links, which seriously damaged the functionality of the whole forum.. The money-hungry spammer scammer poster quickly got banned from the forum, and her greed posts and links deleted, then the forum worked properly again...
    Maybe unscrupulous cocaino-head competition forums are hacking the forums with intent corrupt links... Too many 'just linux' forums suddenly sprouted up.. That's just stealing.. I won't trust those unscrupulous people enough even to click on their links.. Stealing is Wrong...

    Can IT assess posted links for corruption..?

    Off the top I'm guessing the trouble might be caused by 'super cookies'.. Super cookies are way too powerful, like 'putting a wild lynx in a rabbit cage'.. Look at GMail accounts.. You can't log out of a GMail account, is why I've stopped using GMail.. Why would they do that..? I suppose it's all about pretend power and control...
    Would be nice if we had a super-cookie shredder firewall...

    There was an AI artist posting AI pix in Google images and in YouTube, which destroyed computer operating systems.. ("neural ..."), I reported him to Google last week.. The next day all trace of him had suddenly totally vanished from Google and YouTube searches and images... I wonder what those bully criminals think they get out of remotely destroying peoples property..? Obviously it's a mental illness.. Maybe they were dropped on their heads when they were little, or 'alcohol syndrome infants', and/or they ingested too much illicit drugs, and it melted their spirits, and turned them into mindless zombies..?
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 07-08-2024 at 02:05 PM.

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