Need a warning before being logged-out for taking to long authoring a post..

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Thread: Need a warning before being logged-out for taking to long authoring a post..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Need a warning before being logged-out for taking to long authoring a post..

    So I'm writing a note for a thread, and taking too long, and when I click preview or save, I find I've been logged out.. If I haven't saved the note on the desktop I've lost it, and must redo it from memory because when I click back I get a blank screen.. Not fun...
    Would be nice if a popup warned me that my login was about to be disconnected, or if logins were not disconnected while authoring in the message box...

    But I sometimes see an auto-save popup.. Does that mean the note is recoverable somewhere somehow..? I don't know them cumpooduh thangs cuz me am jus uh thutpid mownteen cakazshunz wut nevuh gottid anuh perfeshinol skoolin ceptin fer wut grampuh teecht us bowt der anermils'n n trez n fishun n not makin babeez wif yo seestahs...
    Jeepuhz!, if wun o dem dar growchee peeplz who kerects yer schpelin mustakz gits tah reed this theys proberlee gonna spin n cerkils skreemin n have uh big testernil herneeya on du schpot is why they shount reed this dangyrus stuf eah.. Herneeyuz aint uh pardy, speshuly duh part haven em fixt up by uh serrgikal dockter hoo hastah mak dem awfil depe cutz inta yer tummie n dig insid uv yu oh darn and thhht is why yu shount uh reeded this...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 06-01-2024 at 06:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Largo, FL.
    Hope you didn't have a stroke while you were typing.... Your second paragraph looks like something bad happened.

    The short and simple solution to the issue is to type your posts in MS Word...or something... When finished paste it here and post it.

    Technically, the disconnect was added decades ago just in case someone did have a stroke and or walked away from their computer.... And yes, what you've typed should have been saved. I'll try to find some free time and test that to get more information - but do suggest you type in some other app....this is especially true considering how long some of your posts are.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Largo, FL.
    OK.... Figured it out...

    I typed the message above.... As I hoovered over the POST QUICK REPLY I saw a yellow "Auto-Saved" message....

    Without clicking the Post button, I closed my browser. In theory I lost everything I typed... When I came back and drilled down like I was going to reply I saw the NEW message.... see the attached picture:
    (restore auto-saved content)
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Quoting: "The short and simple solution to the issue is to type your posts in MS Word...or something..."

    True, but sometimes I forget to bounce back to the desktop and to the writing program when my head is full of the post I want to do.. and that's when the thht happens.. But now I'm trying to persistently save to the writer program (Text) while I'm composing, then if thht happens I don't lose the work... Yeah, my posts are very long.. I write emotion.. It's hard to write emotion in just a couple words.. I added the hillbilly lingo to give the reader the feeling ('emotion') I was feeling from losing posts from being logged out so quickly.. Could the forum at least double the login time duration please..

    Saw the attachment.. NICE! It actually works.. THANKS for your research effort.. That'll save me a lot of grief in the future...

    YouTube surf: 'instant calm beautiful relaxing sleep music'

    In using '..' and '...' after a statement, '..' means the reader has more to add to the statement, or the statement adds to or relates to the next statement... '...' is the final cut-off end of the statement, with enough pause for the reader to add all what it has on the topic from its memories, essentially forcing the reader to pause and add its emotions to the drift of the statement... I am authoring an encyclopaedia.. To make the data understandable, I must author a dictionary.. I have 52 new forms of punctuation.. ",, .. ... .? ..? !, etc, etc.. Each one had to be defined, wasn't easy... Ain't easy authoring a dictionary from the year 5,500 in the future... I'll probably end up burning it and the CD's in the garden like I did to my 100,000 alien science papers after moralless government kooks tried to steal my science notes.. I had to destroy it all so violent destructive crazies wouldn't get possession of extremely dangerous alien sciences.. Humanity could have destroyed most the universe with those technologies, and probably would have..
    I had to keep the data out of the paws of unscrupulous enraged wild monkeys.. They didn't want it anyway unless they could steal it, yay democracy... That's the 'bad that happened', humanity went insane.. Just ask the hillbillies.. They know that humanity has a big problem...
    BTW: The hillbillies are why there's an America and Canada.. They saved the 13-colonies and Canada from the french and british with their ingenuity, blades, arrows, shovels, booby-traps, and homemade squirrel guns...

    OhOh! Seems this is another one of those long posts..

    Re: "Ain't easy authoring a dictionary from the 5,500 years future..."
    About 47-years ago I was exploring a slow spirit-time-travel experiment into the near future.. In it I dropped into New York city uptown.. As I walked along the sidewalk, people were freaking-out, rushing to cross the street to avoid me.. Seems they saw me there then.. Maybe they saw a glow or something..? A driver crashed into a pedestrian.. No one came to his aid.. An airborne ambulance came, hovered over the unconscious guy, sprayed him with a weird foam that hardened soft, and they picked him up.. I continued my walk.. One guy wasn't afraid of my presence.. We smiled at each other as we passed by on the sidewalk.. I saw a building front sign that read 'Time Travel Research', and walked in.. I walked into a lab.. The 30 staff members freaked-out and scattered, all running to the door to rush to the john (toilets) holding to their butts.. Seems many of them messed in their pants right then.. Seven brave ones remained in the room.. Most of the others trickled back into the room after they had cleaned up, all looking a bit squeamish from pooping their pants.. Their leader approached me.. He started right in whining and sobbing.. He said "Your time extincted the chocolate tree. We have never tasted chocolate. My kids have never tasted nor seen chocolate except in the museum. All we have is for chocolate is synthocolate, and it tastes like sheit." and he cried.. I hugged him, saying "I will do my best to prevent my time from killing the chocolate tree in trade for a bio-microdot of your present encyclopaedia.. He agreed... When I tried to exit the lab, I found myself trapped in some sort of electronic-field encasement.. I totally lost my cool and became enraged.. I trashed the lab, smashing desks and benches into bits and pieces, ripped down the walls, was about to rip them to pieces too when they released me..
    I have a microdot of the science encyclopedia of the year 5,500... Some insane people think they can steal science out of my head.. When they RV-attack me to feed, I feel it like a hornet sting on my head.. I rip the vampire cannibal maggot off of my head, and slam it against inner earth's hell wall, then slam several four foot hard wood stakes through its brain, heart, and rectum deep into the rock wall, then inject its head with a special venom, is when the hornet sting sensation suddenly vanishes...
    I offered humanity all the science from the year 5,500.. They didn't want any of it unless they could steal it.. They labelled me "delusional old man", and they attacked and destroyed my life to stop my sciences...
    Someone tell them that they don't need worry about me helping humanity with dangerous new sciences, cuz I burned all the science papers, and the 100-CD's, and the liquid electricity power supply, and the liquid light engine.. all gone... Humanity can go back to sleep now...

    Oh darn, another long post.. I suppose it would be best for those who dislike long posts to just not read them.. Some good folks get migraines trying to read too long posts.. Too much information makes their heads hurt... To alleviate the migraine simply start reciting a piece of religious dogma you are well versed in, like you are preaching it.. The anunnaki alien instilled punisher brain anomaly in the top center of your right brain hemisphere will reward you by firing your bio-morphine adrenaline derivatives, and releasing the painfully constricted nerve plumbing at the base of your brain.. You will feel a bit 'stoned'.. The headache will vanish instant...
    The anunnaki instilled hereditary in us a mind governor that punishes us with a migraine when we try to use more than the permitted 7% mind usage, is why humanity is so stupid... The mind governor can be defeated, but it's extremely dangerous to do.. It tries to kill you by boiling your brain... Note: Some university students were found dead slouched over their notes while they cram studied for exams.. They accidentally used more than the 7% mind for too long, ignoring the headache, and the punisher anomaly killed them for being a threat to the anunnaki human meat-animal farmers of long ago... The anunnaki planet-invader space-dinosaurs farmed and ate humans... They gave us their insane religion to have their meat animals believe there was a better place after the chopping block and stewing pot...
    If those dead university students brains were autopsied it would have been discovered that a powerful electric spark in the top center of their right brain hemisphere killed them... Migraines happen when you try to use more than 7% mind... For many, viewing TV science documentaries causes them migraines that pain killers can't touch... Old people shouldn't view new sciences documentaries...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 06-03-2024 at 01:12 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Largo, FL.
    Are you familiar with-> TLDR (LOL)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Option One: The short version of this post..



    Option Two: The TL long version of this post..

    I see your point, now see mine..

    I could just say 'yes', but that doesn't cover my feelings on it..

    Caution this is definitely a long post:
    Blog and forum people have accused me of TLDR, but only a few, they are forever complaining that: "You write too long posts!"..
    Seems the use of the cellphone has damaged peoples attention span down to one liners and slang, and their focus down to a 2-inch by 3-inch tv screen, which has made many people demand and need super short quick posts and tiny messages that fit on their tiny screens.. For many they are conditioned that their whole world is in and on that little pocket phone.. If the system went offline, probably many would suicide.. Everything these days is about tiny and speed.. People don't like to think nor have any patience.. Thinking hurts their heads.. There isn't any patience in anger and rage... The extreme microwave energy has seriously damaged humanity and the animal kingdom.. There's probably 1-billion people by now with microwave related brain tumors.. Some people aren't in that little box, curse, hell, a few.. Some people like to learn and think new stuff.. Most forums are concentrations of new stuff.. Look at those 'Linux Today' links, they are essentially 'forum posts', and they sure are nice and long, and very informative, but a little biased... They say what has to be said to get the message across as clear and concise as their science writers can muster... I could say to the majority "You write too short posts, TSDR", LOL..

    I don't use cellphones, never have, so I didn't get sucked into that debilitative toxic suicidal cellphone nightmare of 'living ones life in and on the pocket communicator'.. Today I saw a fat lady puffing ten-times in fevered succession on her electronic cigarette, and chatting and texting on two iPhones simultaneously.. People seem to be living their whole lives on and in those silly little toys.. They believe they are state of thee art modern in using those toys.. Some even go through a bit of anxiety withdrawal when they must set the cellphone down long enough to take a shower.. They sleep with it under their pillow with their hand gripping it like its their mummy and teddy-bear, and their only connection to life.. Scary!.. I bet that some would go camping without any equipment nor supplies, and try to survive by making a shelter and meals on the cellphone tablet.. I hope I never meet them in the bush...

    Maybe the microwave energy is addictive like a drug.. Don't they know it's killing them..?
    I have a couple hundred cellphones and tablets of all kinds, but I don't use them for anything but listening to music on airplane mode.. I have never sent a text...
    I like to write, but I do not like to read books.. I read a book by reading its first page, then I rip out the last page, read it, and toss the book into the garbage pail... The library would surely have me arrested and a court restraining-order placed upon me... Maybe the best way to read my posts would be to read the first statement, then the last, then move onto something else...
    I know I write posts that are too long.. I enjoy writing long posts... Oops! another long post.. It's a habit that I can't break, that I don't want to break.. Sorry for being me.. I guess I don't fit into your modern world.. I'm feeling it.. I'll be dead soon, so you'll all finally be rid of me and my too long posts...

    This time I copied the note, and pasted it into a blank text file on the desktop, then clicked 'submit reply', then relogged in, then posted it... Problem solved... But the Computer is supposedly the 'epitome of efficiency'.. Glitches, fall-backs, extra clicks, and slow-down problems make it not efficient...


    How could I say all that in a short one-liner, which would comfortably fit your phone screen..?

    Just wondering, just asking the world: What would you do if you didn't have a cellphone anymore..? I'll bet you would have wished you had viewed all those youtube survival videos before the internet went down permanent... I copied them all for my forest towns to rescue humanity after the nukes, to reboot humanity in the forests...
    Circular towns surrounding their lakes, gardens, orchards, wheat fields, circular farm... Everyone is a farmer.. Everyone is an angel... Ain't no angels on earth yet... Why?.. Why is humanity suiciding..? Are y'all crazy..? Did the microwaves and poisoned air water and food make y'all go kookoo..?

    So, before we go entinct, lets make the computer be more efficient... Get rid of extra clicks.. Ban popups.. Ban hack-attack blocks in web pages.. Now days it's the websites that are the viruses... Why are so many of you doing evil..? That's the path to hell...

    Would be nice if we had two internets.. This one for us gentle meek folk, and a new one called 'Fear', for the g'rillas and rex's to have their wars, religions, and crimes in, to make add a few new dimensions into their mass- delusion... Take all the stagnant zombie-sewage out of our internet.. essentially 'casting some of hell off our lives'...

    I bet there's a lot of money to be made by owning a whole new internet, near a million dollars per minute... That would be a fun ride... Does anyone out-there have the balz to make a new internet..? You could take all the sheit out of our family internet.. Take all the money out of our mild goodness happiness honesty internet, all for yourself.. Yay greed...

    You could even have a huge War in your 'Fearnet'.. You as a commander... You would need smells-devices, buzzers, shockers, and... I could create the weapons for your 'WarNet'... Have your service call my service to make a time and place..
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 06-04-2024 at 07:08 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Largo, FL.
    "Short n Sweet" - or "Short and to the Point" is what I learned in the days BEFORE computers and while in the land of manual type writers and bottles of white out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Short precise version:

    I prefer hand written.. We used to have etch a sketch and typewriters.. I still have 3 typewriters in the shed..
    I made mechanical fine pen sketches at lectures...
    Saw an etch a sketch at a garage sale last weekend...


    TL version:

    I still have three IBM electric typewriters, and about ten bottles of whiteout and colors whiteout somewhere in one of those sheds... I didn't like using typewriters.. The clickidyclicky sounds killed creative writers rolls, especially the return "Bzztt Smack Clickidyclick".. The mechanical letters didn't add the personality of the letters and words, hand writing did.. The typewriter robbed the feelings and emotions out of the hand written word... Before computers we had typewriters and etch-a-sketch... I still see some etch a sketches at garage sales, two last Saturday... Give the millennials etch a sketches and soothers..
    I can't copy/paste use my hand writing on the Web, because even I can't read my writing sometimes, because I auto-write in emotion so darn fast... Recently I burned the 450 sci-fi novels I was working on.. Humanity doesn't deserve what I've got, they couldn't handle it... 'Green Dream', now up in smoke, was a good movie script for kids... 90% of the world's movies are based on my themes that I sent to the writers guilds for 50-years...

    Check it out: Read a page of typed story, then read the hand-written version of the same.. Note that the excitement and feeling comes off of the hand written words like it's part of life, while the printed typed words feel like they are mirror reflections of cold and death like a skeleton writing stories in a moist dank candle-lit dark crypt... It's tough to write emotion with typed words when they feel so cold lifeless dead...

    I kicked it up a notch, and wrote in nephilim hieroglyphics and pictures when I documented much of my alien sciences.. The government tried to steal my notes so I burned them..

    A sketch was worth a thousand pages of written word.. Antimatter was a nature scene with a glowing waterfall coming out of a huge eye.. At lectures I would make sketches while the lecturers spoke, ignoring what they said, but when I wanted to bring back the lecture all I needed to do was study the sketch, and it all came back as if I had made an audio recording of the lecture... The auto-sketches were 'knock your socks off' stuff.. In one lecture sketch, to my surprise, I made a huge sleek black cat clawing and bursting its way out of a pyramid... At a kabbala lecture I didn't like the five grotesque spirit-sketches I made while the guy spoke.. It told me that kabbala cult is bs and evil, so I packed up my few things to leave, and stood.. Their doorman ('henchman enforcer') actually tried to block me from leaving the library room lecture in the middle of the lecture.. He couldn't speak, all he could do was make squeaky sounds, seems he had been watching me sketch from over my shoulder, and got totally blown away.. Felt like I was at the 'jonestown massacre cult on NACN grape freshie day'.. I pulled back a tight fist, and glared at him.. He quickly moved aside...

    Ok, copied the note, and pasted it in a text file on the desktop, then clicked publish, then reloggedin.. Efficiency, pthht!..

    While I'm writing it's like the cover pix on this video..
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 06-05-2024 at 08:46 AM.

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