To learn about security, study Portmaster Firewall and Librewolf Browser..

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Thread: To learn about security, study Portmaster Firewall and Librewolf Browser..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    To learn about security, study Portmaster Firewall and Librewolf Browser..

    Short version:
    Get Librewolf, Portmaster, and Bleachbit...


    Long version:

    Free yourself from microsoft's greed-biased money-hungry hell-war against life, love, freedom, honesty, humanity, and truth..

    Demand Honesty..
    Dump and boycott UFW on a fresh install of the OS in favor of Portmaster Firewall for honest security..
    Dump Firefox in favor of LibreWolf..


    A secure Firefox alternative to the messed-up corrupted hackers-party mass-spyware Firefox browser is Librewolf..

    First: Download Bleachbit, and save to a flashdrive..

    Reinstall the OS clean.. Don't ever click on the Firefox icon, instead run Synaptic to completely remove Firefox before net-connecting after first boot.. (also completely remove: rsync, libre office, transmission, and hexchat, bluetooth (don't remove network mgr), then reboot.. (To remove bluetooth safely, chip away at it with Synaptic)..

    Add Bleacbit from a flashdrive without a net-connection..
    Disable the OS's update manager 100% forever.. There are over 500 corrupt Canonical updates to boycott..
    Reconfigure Bleachbit's two packages to not update, then net-connect for the first time, and change source to trusted mirrors.. Reboot..


    To add Librewolf to Ubuntu-based distro's, in Terminal add these 6-commands one at a time..

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install curl dirmngr ca-certificates software-properties-common apt-transport-https -y

    curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/librewolf.gpg > /dev/null

    echo deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/librewolf.gpg] jammy main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/librewolf.list

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install librewolf



    Portmaster: application firewall for Windows and Linux users..


    Never ever click-on an email, popup, or link from: microsoft, canonical, mozilla, nor firefox... Straight to the trash they go...

    In webpages I boycott all those cookie popup links... I suspect they are trojans, viruses, and installers.. There were some times I clicked on them, and had to reinstall the OS to expunge their evils from the OS.. Now days it's the unscrupulous website hog-troughs that are the viruses, spyware, and vampires.. I see their 'we use cookies' popup, and I go elsewhere.. I sure ain't gonna swim in their organized crime plugged latrine.. They sure won't be getting any of my money!.. Tah hill with them thar 'putin-class' hoodlum charlatan scammers!..
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 08-15-2024 at 06:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Did anyone click on google's new search page: "stay safe online" link..?

    Did anyone click on google's new search page: "stay safe online" link..?
    I sure didn't.. I instantly blocked that line with an ad blocker.. Those whose clicked on it, did it damage your computer's OS..? Did it make the OS suddenly glitchy..? I bet it did something hackerish bad to your device's OS... You gotta always keep in mind that a hoard of greedy-pig jerks are trying to destroy Linux to eliminate the competition, to cash it in.. 'Free' to them is illegal and immoral...

    Never ever click on anything you are unsure of, especially new corporate links to evil peoples state of the art experimental hacker evil stuff.. Never click on an email you don't know and trust the sender.. Into the trash it goes unopened... All those money-hungry, moralless, power-hungry demons want is to infiltrate you computer and phone to steal your data and money, suck the life out of you, and control you like slaves.. They can't even control themselves, their lives are a horrid mess... They are just nasty little cocaino-head demons who've melted their brains, minds, spirits, and souls with deadly spirit-killer cocaino poison.. Now they are just mindless zombies, parasites feeding, Feeding, FEEDING upon us.. Heck! they aren't even humans inside.. They are the world's hell-bound major crimes, scams, evils, and wars.. That's why I never click on unrequested strange links and emails...

    Bottom line is that you are your own security...
    I'm on religion's hit list because I demand truth and honesty.. There's an attempted murder on my life every month to prevent me from exposing their scams and crimes.. Four attempts these past three months.. I casually watch my back, but I ain't worried in the slightest.. They can't kill an ascendant.. I am forever.. They all end... I am humanity's last great pioneering scientist... I have access to all the alien science in this universe... Religion ongoing inquisition war on science murders pioneering scientists and thinkers.. Religion has murdered All of humanity's pioneering great scientists and savers for the past 3500-years, thousands of them, like Mr. Plato, Mr. Socrates, and Mr. Tesla, all of them, is why humanity is stupid, numbed, warring, suiciding, and crumbling today.. Religion murdered humanity's best thinkers to prevent its evil crime and scam from being exposed... Everything in humanity is devolving into crime, even democracy, which has become a swamp governance that supports organized crime... Those nasty links and emails that pop-up in your email inbox are corporate crime, moralless parasites pretending they are gods over all, 'government' shortened to read 'g overmen' 'god overmen'.. Religion, democracy and dictators believe they are our gods.. If we don't believe in them they'll switch to tyrant mode, and try to kill us like what's happening in russia...

    Proof those unrequested emails and links are bad stuff: google surf: 'GMX.Net Phishing Campaigns: Why They're Hitting Users'

    If you must click on unscrupulous links and emails, then acquire a secondary used cheap computer or hard drive, install a reasonable Ubuntu-20 related OS on it that doesn't insult you, not a newer version distro.. To open questionable links and emails change to the crapper computer, or change the computer's hard drive to the crapper hard drive, which you use only to open strange crap messages from moralless money-hungry demons.. Never save anything from the crapper OS to a permanent backup.. Never have anything private nor of any value in the internet crapper computer or crapper hard drive.. Reinstall the OS in the crapper hard drive the moment it goes a little glitchy from intrusions from you clicking on those nefarious links and emails.. It's like that old saying: "curiosity killed the cat"..

    Occasionally unplug your router overnight to change your IP.. Unplugging the router for a couple hours changes your IP with some providers...
    Before you reinstall an OS in the accessory computer or accessory hard drive, format it by plugging it into the computer's USB using the USB connector assembly from an old retired scrap 'external hard drive'.. Note that sometimes a failed electronic device is just that the accessory connector-wire is defective like how ear bud wires fail from too much tugging abuse.. Those earbuds can be repaired with a scissors, a blade, and a pointy soldering iron with a little bit of fine delicate skill.. Test a failed device with a new connector wire before trashing it.. Never toss out an old failed 'external hard drive' without first recovering the USB connector assembly inside it.. With it you can turn scrap hard drives into external backup hard drives simply by formatting them connected to the USB slot, then using them like a flash drive.. Request that your friends and colleagues save their failed external hard drives for you to recover the connector assemblies..

    Worst thing you can do is run Canonical Ubuntu update manager.. Running updates would add all the new corporate evils to your computer's OS... Install the new OS boycotting all updates 100%.. Block updates in 'Control Center's Startup Applications'.. I never let anything update..
    To keep the OS clean run Bleachbit every day.. Be careful with Bleachbit to not let it update, and to not check: apt, clipboard, custom, free disk space, localizations, nor memory.. Do not install Bleachbit from Canonical..
    Run an Ubuntu-20 related distro OS.. New is not better, new is worser.. The newer versions are all heavily covertly corrupt by corporate crime, damaged and meticulously distorted by evil morons to make you angry, to make good people hate Linux.. Everything is becoming crime-related these days as humanity slips deeper into hades, closer and closer to its end, loving only money, power, delusion, and luxury.. Humanity is at war with itself with multilayered wars upon wars upon wars... Even the internet is a crime and war-zone now as evil eats up everything that is good, meek, innocent, honest, everything that can't defend itself from the entitled elitist self-righteous greeds onslaught in turning everything into their money and into their wake of destruction and doodoo.. To the great evil, the great tribulation, everything life, love, truth, and honesty is considered to be the worst evils.. This global mess is humanity being mutated into hell... My species is going insane, and is suiciding, and I can't stop their freefall into oblivion.. All I can do is watch them destroy everything and each other, and go extinct, and just nag about it.. This is me nagging, nag nag nag blah blah blah... Only 78-times have they tried to murder me to silence truth, and to crush love, on their path to destroy life.. They believe after a life of hate, greed, crime, bullying, and evil that when they pass they are suddenly instantly changed into honorable pure-spirit angels deposited in a glorious heaven by a masterful almighty pretend god hero hiding in the clouds.. WhooH! Save us from the glory-be hallelujah kooks who believe they own our lives and spirits...

    Do so install Librewolf and Portmaster.. Dump the corrupted: Firefox, Rsync, Chat, Transmission, Bluetooth, and UFW by uninstalling them with Synaptic..

    If you notice something new about the evil that's trying to destroy our precious Linux, please expose it/them by publicizing it so we can try to do something to stop them via the supreme courts... If the kooks destroy our precious Linux, all we will have for computer operating systems will be microslopt widows and rotten apple sucking the life and money out of us, and telling us how to live our lives for their childish follies.. Ooo YuK!..

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