To learn about security, study Portmaster Firewall and Librewolf Browser..
Short version:
Get Librewolf, Portmaster, and Bleachbit...
Long version:
Free yourself from microsoft's greed-biased money-hungry hell-war against life, love, freedom, honesty, humanity, and truth..
Demand Honesty..
Dump and boycott UFW on a fresh install of the OS in favor of Portmaster Firewall for honest security..
Dump Firefox in favor of LibreWolf..
A secure Firefox alternative to the messed-up corrupted hackers-party mass-spyware Firefox browser is Librewolf..
First: Download Bleachbit, and save to a flashdrive..
Reinstall the OS clean.. Don't ever click on the Firefox icon, instead run Synaptic to completely remove Firefox before net-connecting after first boot.. (also completely remove: rsync, libre office, transmission, and hexchat, bluetooth (don't remove network mgr), then reboot.. (To remove bluetooth safely, chip away at it with Synaptic)..
Add Bleacbit from a flashdrive without a net-connection..
Disable the OS's update manager 100% forever.. There are over 500 corrupt Canonical updates to boycott..
Reconfigure Bleachbit's two packages to not update, then net-connect for the first time, and change source to trusted mirrors.. Reboot..
To add Librewolf to Ubuntu-based distro's, in Terminal add these 6-commands one at a time..
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl dirmngr ca-certificates software-properties-common apt-transport-https -y
curl -fsSL https://deb.librewolf.net/keyring.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/librewolf.gpg > /dev/null
echo deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/librewolf.gpg] http://deb.librewolf.net jammy main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/librewolf.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install librewolf
Portmaster: application firewall for Windows and Linux users..
Never ever click-on an email, popup, or link from: microsoft, canonical, mozilla, nor firefox... Straight to the trash they go...
In webpages I boycott all those cookie popup links... I suspect they are trojans, viruses, and installers.. There were some times I clicked on them, and had to reinstall the OS to expunge their evils from the OS.. Now days it's the unscrupulous website hog-troughs that are the viruses, spyware, and vampires.. I see their 'we use cookies' popup, and I go elsewhere.. I sure ain't gonna swim in their organized crime plugged latrine.. They sure won't be getting any of my money!.. Tah hill with them thar 'putin-class' hoodlum charlatan scammers!..
Last edited by Demanding Truth; 08-15-2024 at 06:30 AM.
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