I downloaded a google image.. It damaged the OS.. How do I fix in Ubuntu Mint?..

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Thread: I downloaded a google image.. It damaged the OS.. How do I fix in Ubuntu Mint?..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    I downloaded a google image.. It damaged the OS.. How do I fix in Ubuntu Mint?..

    I downloaded a google image.. It damaged the OS.. Now five notebook hard drives and five external hard drive backups won't mount.. Seems the corrupt pix added corrupt software to the 'Linux Mint 20 Mate' OS..
    What is the best software and technique to restore these hard drives in Ubuntu, or to at least copy the files from them..? Seems restoration software is available only for apple and windows... How do you do it in Linux..? Can it be done in Linux..?

    Yikers!, seems humanity's global war effort war on truth is touching everything in this falling apart world: internet, food, gas, crime, war, entertainment, music, love, truth, science, politics, religion, all life.. Seems humanity is suiciding, plummeting into hell, enjoying the fun ride, believing nothing is wrong... I could fix them with new sciences, but they don't want to be fixed.. They don't think anything needs be repaired.. Seems they prefer the mass-delusion over truth and reality... They are the inquisition's 'War On Science'.. Seems they deem every pioneering scientist to be their feared fictitious fairytale 'anticrist'.. They nave murdered ALL of humanity's great pure-spirit scientists and thinkers for the past 3000 years and still are, unaware that their criminal terrorist organization cults are just made-up lies, fairytales, and delusions to steal money, when it's the deep thinker pioneering scientist who see that their cults are dead ended scams... The great scientists see into the spirit realms.. That's where pioneering scientists acquire their new sciences.. Back to Mr. Jesus, Mr. Plato, Mr. Socrates, Mr. Tesla, and thousands of others, the pioneering scientists saw that humanity is headed for extinction in every way.. The scientists where merely trying to help humanity, by guiding humanity out of extinction with truth and new science.. For some twisted reasoning the inquisition doesn't want that.. I suppose that's why the inquisition's enforcers damaged my computers in their perpetual quest and war against science, life, love, truth, honesty, and Linux.. Seems that truth to them is the greatest evil... Sure wouldn't want to be them.. They are already in hell, believing they are heaven-worthy angels believing their fake piety and fake self-righteous pretend faces will get them salvation from themselves and their cult's absurd delusions on their deathbeds... War and evil is just silly and suicidal, like damaging Linux world is suicidal.. Linux is for the poor people.. The poor little people are humanity's foundation.. Crumble the foundation of a structure, and the rest caves-in and crumbles with it when it has nothing to stand on to support itself... The inquisition doesn't know that is base IS humanity... The inquisition doesn't know that Linux IS the Computer World's base and source for new knowledge and perpetual new computer developments and technologies.. The inquisition believes it is its silly 'god' fantasy delusion.. Without an army we're screwed...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2024
    I can understand the frustration with your computer issue. For the hard drives not mounting, one of the first things I would try is using TestDisk or GParted in Linux. These are free tools that can help you recover files or repair partitions.

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