New guy question

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Thread: New guy question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    New guy question

    Hello all, There are quite a lot of Linux forums out there. I haven't thought about it before but I've never really liked Windows and my wife is throwing devices away like crazy lately and I have a number of what she calls obsolete laptops and now a tablet. There are so many different Linux offerings I really don't know where to start. I looked around here but I don't see any discussions about choosing one. People seem to say that you can keep old machines running using Linux. Is this true? What if I have old software that supports a musical device and it was written for XP? As it stands I have two HP laptops that I can experiment with. Both came with 10 or 11. Can someone point me in the right direction starting from scratch? Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    @ XPalidocious..

    It's an easy road switching to Linux..
    Way back in W-98 days some insane microsoft jerks were terrorizing me by targeting my net computer with a powerful virus called 'Storm'.. It left the windows OS totally destroyed, so I decided to search for an alternative OS, and found a university lab trying to make Linux a public item.. I gave them hundreds of ideas to make Linux a public item to get me out of that horrid windows sewer.. Suddenly we had Linux... The microsoft asylum couldn't touch it, but the demon-turd tried to create a 'Storm' bug for Linux, but a reboot cleaned it out..

    Linux is easier and better than windows in every way except Linux doesn't work to load music to iPhones and iPods yet..

    Windows costs a lot.. Linux is free..
    Windows OS's are full of marketing crap, engineered exploit holes, syware, and trojans.. Linux is clean and honest..
    Windows insults and bullies the user.. Linux is honorable and user friendly..

    A few people are tossing out their old electronics because they are fed up with microsoft's bullying and expense.. but the computer is still a viable item.. It has a large screen when those silly phones emit toxic microwaves, and have a tiny screen which conditions users to become tunnel vision and mindless.. You can't edit pix and videos on a phone.. Try to watch a movie or video on a phone screen.. Cellphones are a deadly curse...

    It's easy to start with Linux.. I watched a 10-year old do it...
    Make a CD of DBAN..

    Copy 'Bleachbit_4.4.2-0_all_ubuntu1804' to a flash drive..
    Download Linux Mint 20 Mate ISO.. Make the installation DVD..
    Copy all your passwords to the flash drive..
    Copy your valued files to the flash drive: music, pix, videos, notes..
    Copy this to the flash drive: Librewolf: To add it to your system and install LibreWolf, run the following commands one by one:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y wget gnupg lsb-release apt-transport-https ca-certificates

    distro=$(if echo " una bookworm vanessa focal jammy bullseye vera uma " | grep -q " $(lsb_release -sc) "; then lsb_release -sc; else echo focal; fi)

    wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/librewolf.gpg


    And this to the flash drive: to install Portmaster immediately after you've configured Liberwolf:
    Add this download: /home/z/Downloads/portmaster-installer.deb

    Label this Flash Drive "Installation Data".. Make two backup installation data flash drives.. Maybe upload it to a CD too.. Keep two safe and unedited.. Maintain one up to date...

    Do Not let anything update nor upgrade.. Today's updates are the viruses, are full of hell-biased corporate organized criminal activity intended to destroy Linux to destroy the competition by mother-dependent god-class entitled elitist pig-brained soulless cannibal zombie-greeds.. 100% boycott the 588 corrupt updates...

    Do so double encrypt the new install.. You'll find the first 'encrypt the OS' in the little box at the start of install.. Click it, check the checkbox, and click encrypt.. Click encrypt home file... You'll need two passwords.. Make them short and simple..

    For other forum and email account passwords make them a long line of ridiculous gibberish, to be saved in Librewolf.. like 'sKrichdooflerbulousgotchaCola..'No one from hellworld's spillingover latrine could figure out that password...

    Get a Protonmail Email Account.. Boycott: Gmail, Yahoo, Opera, FireFox, Mozilla, Microsoft, MailFence..

    Do Not register in any Linux Mint forums.. Don't ever ask them questions, and never open any of their emails.. Most of the Linux computer forums are now owned by unscrupulous evil bully insane people who want to kill Linux... If you need advice ask here in this honest forum'..

    The rest is here:

    Google surf: 'Microsoft Buys GitHub and FOSS. Fans Aren?t Happy'.

    Google surf: 'Why is Microsoft so widely considered evil?'

    Google surf: 'Allegations of Opera GX being spyware'

    If you want the truth search for it in Redit and Quora..

    Hey! If you experience any problems, post them here.. Linux is fun and easy...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 11-13-2024 at 07:52 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    It's crucial you install the OS without a net-connection.. Do everything that can be done without a net-connection..
    If the device you are switching to Linux doesn't have a CD Drive you can still install Linux in it with a Flash Drive Install ISO, or with an accessory External CD Drive.. The easiest way is to buy a cheap 'External CD Drive'.. Surf 'External CD Drive'' in Amazon, about $30.. Get one with the single connector plug-in wire.. Never bump one while it's working.. Maybe tape it to the desk if you are clumsy..

    In some notebooks after the installation is done the "press enter to restart" doesn't work after a minute, so just hold the On button down till the machine shuts off, then restart.. After reboot click the icon bottom far left, and click 'Control Centre'.. Customize the OS.. Boycott 'update manager'.. The OS works good the way it is.. Upload your personal flash drive to home folder.. Install Bleachbit, block its updater, check the little boxes, and run it.. In Bleachbit don't check: apt, clipboard, custom, free disk space, localizations, memory,.
    Do everything that can be done without a net-connection.. Reboot..
    Make the net-connection.. Change 'Software Sources' to a rusted university.. Reboot..
    Install Librewolf.. Reboot.. Configure Librewolf without a net-connection.. Install Portmaster.. Reboot.. Run Bleachbit.. Don't mess with Portmaster's settings..
    Add a picture to the desktop..
    You can have a clean uncluttered desktop by storing the icons in the bottom panel.. This OS is highly customizable..
    Click the bottom left icon, go to 'All', go to 'Color selection dialog', slide a color to the home file window.. Right click an icon in home folder, and change its color..

    Don't touch 'CompizConfig'.. It's like 'stepping on a rattle snake's tail in the dark on a sunday'..

    If you make lots of messes and mistakes, simply reinstall the OS.. Only takes about 20-minutes, no codes, no money, no bullying, no advertising, no bs, just a smooth running kind computer operating system.. 'Linux Mint 20 Mate' doesn't fight, scam, rob, cheat, nor insult the user..
    Boycott the newer versions.. Some of that new crap is built to make you unsafe, upset, and angry, by the unscrupulous moralless soulless hell-beasts who stole humanity's treasure.. A major global class action supreme court case is brewing to sink those vile slimy hell-monsters.. Soon they'll be forced into bankruptcy, forced out of humanity, shoved back into their hell.. They'll pay Big for their evil greed-crimes and war against truth, life, love, and humanity...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 11-12-2024 at 10:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    A new idea to maybe push Apple into making a Linux version of iTunes..

    I think the statistics are around 50/50 global usage for widows and Linux, and Linux is taking the lead, shoving that thht widows closer and closer into its dank dark lifeless crypt...
    If ten thousand Linux users told Abble that they can't use nor buy music from Abble because iThunes doesn't work in their Linux computers, then Abble's pigheaded money-sucking loveless nazi-elitist greeds might wake up to some reality, and issue an experimental Linux version of iThunes... It's thad that money is thucking the life out of humanity...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 01-18-2025 at 08:17 AM.

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