To Prevent Spilling a Drink on a Keyboard..

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Thread: To Prevent Spilling a Drink on a Keyboard..

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    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    To Prevent Spilling a Drink on a Keyboard..

    Preventing an accident is a lot easier than cleaning up after an accident..

    I just spilled my full coffee on the notebook's keyboard.. It killed my favorite HP notebook, OUCH! and Grrrrr! and some nasty bad words like ****!, and ******!, and *** **** **!, and the worst one ***********!!.. but not a problem.. I toss the notebook in the scrap electronics junk that goes to my relative for his precious metals recycling hobby, and I pull out another notebook off the stack of 100 spare notebooks, change hard drive, and I'm back in the game in five minutes...

    Save as many old notebooks as you can.. Soon you won't be able to buy them in retail if the war goes nuclear BOOM BOOM... It sure seems close with all the new players adding themselves to the insanity...

    To never suffer the ordeal of spilling a drink on a keyboard always keep the drink cup or glass at least a foot away from the keyboard, never ever in front of the keyboard.. Cleaning the wet sticky sugar out of a keyboard is a nightmare.. Generally a whetted keyboard needs be replaced..
    If you spill a sweet drink on a notebook it can leak through the keyboard right onto the notebook electronic circuits in some notebook models, wetting and shorting-out the motherboard circuits, thereby instantly totally destroying the notebook...

    Make it a habit to never ever have a drink between you and the keyboard, and maintain the drink at least a foot away at the side of the keyboard, and maybe even on a plate or bowl.. When you are key composing it can get exciting, and you might get a sudden new idea, and lunge your hand forward toward the keys without noticing the drink, striking the drink.. 'SPLASH! SPLAT! POOF! game over for the computer.. To continue computering you probably need to buy a new $300 notebook, or a $50 keyboard...

    If you are spacey, inebriated, or accident prone, use a vehicle sippy-cup that has a tight screw-on lid...

    You can clean a wet keyboard, but it's iffy, and takes at least an hour, and another hour to let it dry, and is very not fun...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 10-18-2024 at 06:09 PM.

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