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Thread: Linux

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2024

    Angry Linux

    Good day. Can I just state to anyone who cares that the so called "helpful linux community are the least helpful group of people I have ever come across. I have considered linux for years, and everytime I try it I run into a some small problem that could be solved by some advise, documentation or just a nudge in the right direction, everytime asking on every available forum, hours of searching the web for answers, getting vaguely explained pieces of code thats supposed to solve all problems, ending up formatting the computer and resorting to Microthiefs, the amount of times this comunity has let me down makes me realize why its nearly impossible for someone like my, who used dos, migrated to windows, and have been using it since day one, to migrate to linux. There simply is no help for absolute beginners, the closest I have gotten to getting advice was 2 people hijacking a thread on another forum and fighting over my problem, none of which has come up with a solution yet.

    If there is someone out there who are really willing to help pls message me, I have a few silly problems but with my low knowledge about linux and zero help from forums and online, I will never be able to completely make the switch even though it would be so rewarding to make the shift from Microthiefs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002

    There might be a users group in your area that might provide some one on one help. From your brief description it does not sound like a silly little problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    "Skye2005: it would be so rewarding to make the shift from Microthiefs"


    @ Skye..
    You're in the right place dear one.. but we aren't all experts.. but experts are drifting into the forum as the word gets out that this forum is honest, respectful, kind, and reasonably knowledgeable.. We're beginners too.. We've had enough being beaten up in those mean forums too.. We've all been through that nasty microthief 'meat-grinder' and being 'burned at the sake' by microthief enforcers, and we're all as angry as you are after barely having survived the battles in their insane war against honesty and people... You are among survivors and friends here... Eventually you'll get all your answers here as the Linux experts drift into the forum... Be patient, and tell us the little secrets that you've learned about computers that we should know...

    You should first try out 'Linux Mint Mate 20', the way I've detailed it in Installations.. Only takes about 4-hours, ISO download to installed and customized.. It'll give you a good happy feel for Linux.. It'll put you on the right path.. It'll free you from the cuts bruises stings and angers of microthief's vicious bullying... Aren't any codes, bullying, nor expenses with Linux.. We don't want your money.. We just want your love, trust, kindness, and sharing like we're all a loving family..
    Welcome home Skye...


    To cool some of that anger, listen to these tunes a lot..

    Some tunes to make customized long loops of to quiet spirit anger.. (low volume)..

    Surf YouTube for: //

    Surf YouTube for: //

    Surf YouTube for: //
    (with Audacity add the encore to the start)..

    To make love glow view this movie at night: //
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-05-2024 at 04:38 AM. Reason: add music links..

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