ArchLinux - can you share your insights and experience!?

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Thread: ArchLinux - can you share your insights and experience!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2024

    Cool ArchLinux - can you share your insights and experience!?

    good evening dear Friends on the Justlinux-Forums, hello my dear,
    hello dear Truth Demanding, dear MichaelK - good evening dear John - hello at all

    well i am fairly new to Linux - run EndeavourOS - which is a Arch like Distro

    well some Friends recommended me to advised me to do a arch install. I'm a bit scared the installation will take me a week as I've never used ArchLinux before (I only have a little of experience with EOS so far).

    Please l and advices how to make it faster or less painful.

    look forward to your reply.

    have a great day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    My first question is why?

    While the installation guide is not to difficult it helps if you know the basics understanding of partitioning, formatting and the different commands used. That just gives you a basic running system with no desktop. Arch tends to be on the bleeding edge of development so an update may break your system and anytime. If your friends are willing to help you with a full install and repair it when it breaks then no problem otherwise stick with EOS.

    The Arch forums tend not to be the friendliest with newbies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2024


    good day dear Michaelk

    many thanks for the reply and for your encouraging words - very very much appreciated here

    Quote Originally Posted by michaelk View Post
    My first question is why?

    While the installation guide is not to difficult it helps if you know the basics understanding of partitioning, formatting and the different commands used. That just gives you a basic running system with no desktop. Arch tends to be on the bleeding edge of development so an update may break your system and anytime. If your friends are willing to help you with a full install and repair it when it breaks then no problem otherwise stick with EOS.

    The Arch forums tend not to be the friendliest with newbies.
    thank you so much - your answer helps me to go ahead - and to give it a try.

    you write
    While the installation guide is not to difficult it helps if you know the basics understanding of partitioning, formatting and the different commands used. That just gives you a basic running
    true words - and if i am able to learn here - i would be able to use this knowledge in a transfer on other systems and in a general way.

    well i think its worth to try Arch.

    BTW: Your forum here - seems to be a very very friendly place. I am sooooooo happy to be here!!! Its a awesome place !! and you (and your friends) are one of the main reason!! You do a great job

    thaaaaaaaaaaaanks alot!!

    all of you are so friendly - and supportive and every time so encouraging! this is so great!!
    a good experience for me!!

    have a great day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I did not want to discourage you but not encourage you at the same time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    Many thanks anyway.
    I really appreciate your thoughts and your idea.
    I am really glad to be here in this great place.

    Have a great day.
    And a merry Christmas

    Regards 🌟🌟🎆💥
    Last edited by dhubs; 01-15-2025 at 04:11 AM.

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