DAS or NAS what do you choose for your storage System!?

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Thread: DAS or NAS what do you choose for your storage System!?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2024

    Cool DAS or NAS what do you choose for your storage System!?

    good day dear friends - hello

    well if it comes to storages systems i am some thimes a bit unsecure what to do - which concept to choose?

    well Network-attached storage (NAS) are great great concepts - and i think that they are really powerful devices both powerful and very versatile !!
    They allow us to store just About allmost anything (like films, music, data, etc. etx.) on a compact platform while being able to run services and more.
    creating a media server, lots of other things more - even a security surveillance system, is pretty easy.

    But what are Direct-attached storage (DAS) instead - well this is a more Basic concept with a few drives and hardware-based RAID.

    look forward to hear from you


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Depends on your needs. A NAS provides for redundancy and a central location for storing data between devices but is not necessarily data backup. As posted a NAS can be used for other purposes other then just storing data.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    .Internet related storage is definitely not safe and secure...

    I'm gonna sidetrack this storage discussion just a little bit to look at and into and decipher and expose some of today's related risks and priorities to data storage...

    If nukes happen in about 5.5 weeks, the Net will probably go down offline globally.. Your phones and Web-stored data would become useless, inaccessible, maybe even permanently lost.. Why not be safe, not sorry, store your precious data in a secondary hard drive or secondary Linux computer while WW3 is happening.. So what if it takes a little bit of effort and a few dollars... If the Net goes down, a lot of people will freak-out, become disoriented and violent, and maybe some will even suicide.. The Net is their lives, their minds, their memories, their spirits, their games, their thinking, their texting, their everything, but these days the Net is an organized crime-wave religious corporate greed war run by crazy cocaino-head people who don't have a clue what life, honesty, and love are..
    Why not get a new hobby while the out of control rage and mass-insanity spreads, grows, and prevails... l
    Look in the news.. China just cut a large part of Europe's sea-bottom internet cable...
    Look at this video: minute 1:33: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGXydvogzYo Those things are definitely not humans.. What the h are they..? The world is falling apart.. Humanity is devolving.. The food chain is crashing... Life is suiciding... Lunatics are saying 'Ohh it's just a phase. It'll all be ok in a year after nature fixes itself.'..

    What would you do if suddenly all your contacts, blogs, chats, and personal data suddenly disappeared..?
    You would probably be trying to climb the walls whilst running in tight aimless circles, screaming blue murder, tugging at your hair and clothing, calling for your mommy with loud baby sounds and intense meaningful gurgles...

    Why not quit the Web for a little while.. Establish a quality backup system for your precious data before it's too late.. What if the war goonies hit the internet with a lot of computer-killing malware..? Then what..? Store your precious data on the Web only after peace and sanity has been restored in humanity... The internet is just a toy.. Grow Up!..

    Is internet storage safe..? Not in the slightest.. Quit pretending the war isn't happening just because you don't see the mushroom clouds over your city yet..

    Buy a lot of extra non-perishable foods and non-perishable necessities.. Soon global imports will have all shutdown.. Soon the retail stores will be all empty shelves, closed and their windows and doors all boarded-up.. Soon most major borders will be closed and militarized..

    Here in eastern Canada in my city 40-years ago we had a wholesalers union strike.. In 7-days none of the stores had any smokes left on the shelves, only cigars.. A third of all the grocery stores shelves were empty in 3-weeks.. If this insane war expands to other continents expect the stores to be 90% empty in less than 8-weeks, and no more gas available.. Dump the internet and gagagoogoo pocket phone for a while, change gears, attitude, priorities, and trajectory.. Work on ensuring your personal survival.. In YouTube surf: wilderness survival, urban survival, prepping, solar energy, clean water, batteries, free heat, necessary tools, storing food, self defense, repelling home invaders...

    I acquire a lot of cheap necessary peripherals from garage sales these days.. I.E.: My friend likes to watch movies a lot, so I acquired 500-CD good movies for her from garage sales this summer for only $100 in total.. This summer I'll acquire 1000 more movies for her just for pennies.. When the Internet and TV is down she'll still have her movies...

    I saw this global mess coming, so I saved up lots of necessities, like five sets of good used tires, all the necessary tools, engine oils, paints, solvents, repellents, fertilizers, soaps, tooth brushes, tooth paste, garden equipment, garden seeds, blankets, portable rv furnaces, solar panels, fuel, barter items...

    Forget the Web for a while.. Stop letting the telephone be your life.. The phone is making you tunnel visioned and crazy.. The phone is causing brain tumors, and is setting you up for thefts and scandals, and is devolving you.. The phone is just a communication toy, like a kiddy walkie talkie.. it isn't life.. Drop that silly goofy thing into a drawer, and forget it.. Start living life like you're still alive, while you still have some viable life left..

    Dump that NAS storage and the like in-favor of acquiring a secondary computer so your precious data will always be yours, and will always be safe when and after all hell breaks loose when the big bad doodoo hits the fan.. Stop trusting the crazy loveless moralless unscrupulous criminal-saturated warmongering internet.. The internet is just a huge toxic stinking plugged latrine now.. The internet died and went to hell.. Wake up to some reality..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I assume the OP is asking about local storage which can be a second computer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Which SHOULD BE a second computer, the way things are going these days in the global asylum...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    thank you both thanks to you michaelk and to you demanding truth

    michaelk -

    Depends on your needs. A NAS provides for redundancy and a central location for storing data between devices but is not necessarily data backup. As posted a NAS can be used for other purposes other then just storing data.
    you raise valid Points thank you very much.

    demanding truth: Thank you for sharing your perspective! You bring up some important points about the reliability of internet-based services and the potential value of physical, local backups, especially in uncertain times.
    However, I think my ( original ) question is more focused on the practical technical differences between NAS and DAS, rather than broader concerns about global stability or the internet's reliability.

    To come back and to address the core question:

    NAS is great if we need a centralized solution that multiple devices can access over a network. The NAS - well i think it?s versatile and can support services like media servers, file sharing, and even backups. This may be helpful in some way:
    DAS, on the other hand, seems to be a bit simpler (as a concept), i think that it is connecting directly to one computer. Therefore i think it?s often faster for raw read/write speeds and easier to set up, but it doesn?t offer the same sharing capabilities or features as a NAS.

    Thank you both for the answers - and the idea-sharing - your support is much appreciated - and i am glad to see your ideas with the some aspects i did not see.

    thanks for all your support - the help and all the encouraging.
    i am really glad to be part of this forum

    have a great day.
    Last edited by dhubs; 12-09-2024 at 09:48 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Many people use a USB drive as a backup. There a many ways to share files between computers that does necessarily mean it is a NAS. Yes local storage will be faster then network.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by michaelk View Post
    Many people use a USB drive as a backup. There a many ways to share files between computers that doesn't necessarily mean it is a NAS. Yes local storage will be faster than network.

    And safer, and more reliable.. But flash drives should be used only for data transfer computer to computer, and short term backups, always in duplicate because they can fail, sometimes by just a little drop onto the floor off the desk or out of the shirt pocket.. I've had that happen... Not fun!.. Poof Splat! suddenly the thing is dead, and everything that's on it is lost like 'a popped balloon'...
    CD's can drop, and the layers separate.. I had that happen to a Linux ISO install DVD a couple months ago that slid off the desk striking its edge on the floor, the layers separated.. Plus Flash Drives and CD's can wear out... Wise corporations remake and replace their CD backups at least every ten years...
    My method of saving backups really works.. I have 50 old hard drives with all my stuff in duplicate on them.. I can't lose my data, not even if a nuke hits this little city.. Some of my hard drive backups are in other locations... One is in my relative's floor-safe in another city...

    HeY! My biggest Linux concern right now isn't data storage, that's solved.. it's stopping what ever is killing our Linux globally.. That horrid evil thing needs be addressed by all of Linux, and immediately... We all know what needs be done to make our data safe and secure.. It's all about external hard drives and secondary computers.. The internet can't be trusted.. We all know that by now.. End of story...


    I want to (need to) stop the war on Linux, stop the evil that's killing Linux...
    I just 20-minutes ago realized the core of what's attacking and killing our Linux.. This is BIG, Too Big, and probably most won't be able to even begin 'wrap their head around any of it'.. It's the evil in the war between good and evil... The anunnaki space dinosaurs are the spirit realm's cancer, a deep-set deadly parasitic disease trying to take over its host victim, same as cancer takes over its victim by devouring it...
    The tyrants and dictators, most of humanity's mindless robotic authorities, the nazi elites, the violent religious cults, the organized criminals, our greedy leaders, the homosexual plague, the clerics, the feminists, are all possessed by anunnaki space-cancer spirits, being the planet's and universe's cancer-plague, the universe's deadly disease.. A spirit realm hell-cancer disease is running and ruining our world, our species, in creating its own new diseases on our planet... That which is killing our Linux, our world, us, the fauna and flora, the food chain, the land, the water, the air, our food, the weather, our babies, our cultures and societies, the sciences, our pure spirits, is the anunnaki spirit realm hell-cancer.. We're Screwed...

    We can activism sob blabber and nag about it, but it's bigger and tougher than us meek innocent defenseless little alien monkeys.. We can't fix it with screams, screeches, words, and tossing our poops at it.. Humanity must all come together to fight the war between good and evil as a global team led by Emperor Titanium Trump of the League of Nations... He ain't perfect, so what if he make dumb mistakes like we all do, but he's the only one of us with the stuff strengths and desire to fix it.. Trump can fix it...

    Dear Emperor Trump..
    Would you please save our Linux from the anunnaki nazi elitist cancer killing our precious Linux for ego-testicle control and money..
    Maybe by saving our Linux from hell it might, could, or would start the ball rolling to make your project work saving humanity from the anunnaki nazi's.. Saving Linux from hell just might be the primmer, the lock, the key, the block, to defeat the evil in the war between good and evil, Sir...

    This be the Linux Philosophy, being Humanity's Philosophy, and probably your Philosophy too.. ""Ubuntu (Zulu pronunciation: [?ɓ?ntʼ?])(meaning humanity in some Bantu languages, such as Zulu) describes a set of closely related Bantu African-origin value systems that emphasize the interconnectedness of individuals with their surrounding societal and physical worlds. "Ubuntu" is sometimes translated as "I am because we are" (also "I am because you are"), or "humanity towards others" (Zulu umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu). In Xhosa, the latter term is used, but is often meant in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity".


    After I post this here, I'll send it to Mr. Trump.. Maybe he can save our Linux from the greedy-pig demons..?
    What good is a backup if your computer doesn't have a functional operating system..?

    YouTube surf: youtube.com/watch?v=Ssnzq6CgGZY
    This tune seems to work as an 'anunnaki vampire, remote-viewer, cannibal, brain-sucker' repellent.. I left an earbud in playing it quiet the whole night, and it was the first night I slept through to 8:AM in months without waking up at 3:AM).. Seems this tune repelled the overly self-righteous hungry christian spirit cannibals, oh yay...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-11-2024 at 11:48 AM. Reason: add a tune link..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2024
    NAS really shines with its versatility and network accessibility, making it perfect for media servers and sharing files across devices. If you're looking for something that can handle various tasks and offers more features, NAS is definitely the way to go.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    good day dear kathlinx and Demanding Truth,

    many thanks for the reply. Great to hear from you again.

    Quote Originally Posted by kathlinx View Post
    NAS really shines with its versatility and network accessibility, making it perfect for media servers and sharing files across devices. If you're looking for something that can handle various tasks and offers more features, NAS is definitely the way to go.
    Thank you - food for thoughts. Thanks for the hints - and for sharing your thoughts.

    Thank you also dear Demanding Truth,

    HeY! My biggest Linux concern right now isn't data storage, that's solved.. it's stopping what ever is killing our Linux globally.. .
    agreed: - perhaps our biggest concern shouldn t be the data-storage..

    Thanks - this could show us a new direction.

    Above all: i am really glad to be part of this great forum. Many many thanks for running this great forum.

    have a great day - and a merry Christmas..


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