Problems with Linux slowing down and glitching..

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Thread: Problems with Linux slowing down and glitching..

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Problems with Linux slowing down and glitching..

    The internet war crap is making my 'Linux Mint Mate 20' netbook slow down and glitch up.. So I changed the shell to ZSH, and all those irritating troubles vanished..

    It's easy: In Terminal add: sudo apt install zsh.. Enter.. Reboot.. Done.. The hell demon's crap is all gone...
    Seems the unscrupulous microslopt internet crime wave war against truth, honesty, and people targets and attacks the BASH shell more than it targets and attacks the ZSH shell...

    Do so be running: Bleachbit, Librewolf, and Portmaster..

    Do so run Synaptic to completely uninstall: Firefox, UFW, Rsync, Bluetooth, Hexchat, and Transmission.. Block updates 100%.. The internet is organized crime global war these days.. The internet isn't a toy, it's an organized crime-wave war communications tool.. You are playing 'gagagoogoo weeeeee mummy mummy watch me make smart words' in a war tool...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    While anything is possible I seriously doubt it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    I'm just guessing, and 'stabbing at the demon in the dark'.. I need to find a solution to what ever it is that's progressively invading and slowing down the netbook's OS.. I feel like I'm 'stabbing an enraged rabid sewer rat with a dagger, and not getting any results.. The Portmaster firewall doesn't stop it.. The super secure Librewolf doesn't stop it, forcing me to reinstall the OS every month.. I suppose it's because I'm a 'targeted individual' because I know too much truth, alien science, and reality, which makes me a threat to their lies, cults, organized crimes, mass-insanity, and dead-ended path and trajectory.. They fear truth more than they fear death, their history, and their own stench... My IP is double-proxied by the inquisition's lizards cult that murdered Mr. Tesla, Mr. Plato, Mr. Socrates, and thousands of others like them to stifle and crush dangerous truth.. They're doing something nasty to the netbook that I can't label, define, over-ride, nor defeat.. I probably just have to live with it if I want to use the internet.. It's their world.. The anunnaki dinosaurs own our world, and do everything they can to stifle truth, honesty, reality, and evolution.. All those anunnaki-toads know and do is eat, poop, and destroy.. To them truth, thinking, evolution, and progress is immoral and illegal...

    I tried all those supposedly secure OS's: Qubes, TAILS, OpenBSD, Whonix, Pure, Debian, IPredia, Kali, BlackArch, Graphene.. They are the pits to run, and the sheits to install, and are useless for hobby computer work'n fun with pix, vids, art, notes, music, creative writing.. They stifle and kill creativity.. Working with them is like you have ten doors on your house entrance, each with a different key... I imagine those security OS's are like 'chewing on a midewy old oily smelly retired trashed dishrag'...
    I suppose I just must accept that the internet and world has all gone kookoo and to hell, and there's nothing I can do about it but jettison this body, and fly to beyond universes to escape humanity's silly raw follies and plight.. But I have this angelic elderly lady to take care of for her duration, then I'm free to go where everything is real...

    Maybe one day there could be a full security OS wall in front of the primary OS.. Something that seizes and processes all the crap, dismantles and quarantines it all before it gets to the OS.. like how I leave a scrap windows OS notebook On sometimes when I'm working on the Web.. I suppose it baits the mother-dependent demons to attack it instead of my active Linux netbook..? But by the time that security OS happens the computer will obsolete like the steam engine, chariot, horse and buggy, windup telephones, and the whale-oil lamp... Sometimes I leave the baitbook On and net-connected all night to let the mindless soulless anunnaki g'rillas feel they've done something of value by attacking, hacking, and messing-up a silly windows-7 computer.. Doesn't matter what they do to this old fat obsolete dell baitbook, eventually it and its antique 80gig hard drive goes to be shredded and melted in my relative's precious metals recycling hobby.. I just wish he could recycle my crazy neighbors too...

    What's the best way to make an insecure obsolete Ubuntu based Linux OS secure from the global asylum's paws, claws, and evils..?
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-08-2024 at 05:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    More troubles have been created to damage Linux.. Now Gimp photo editor crashes the OS when saving a pix.. and audacity freezes-up after saving an edited tune... That'll anger a lot of new Linux users into hating Linux... I'm lucky I boycotted updates, and made 70 spare Linux OS hard drives with the good old uncompromised gimp, audacity, librewolf, and portmaster... It might be too late to make a clean Linux OS now.. I tried the new Ubuntu Studio last week.. It took over 2-hours to download the ISO, over 2-hours to install it, with lots of silly engineered problems.. Gimp, Portmaster, Librewolf, and Audacity wouldn't work in it.. Everything about that serious corrupted killed dead OS's support is toxic and the shpits.. Into the incinerator went the CD...
    I very sorry dear humanity for what the inquisitions terrorist hell-demons are doing to your world.. I am helpless to stop them.. They are winning their insane war between good and evil... You've got a few years left on earth before it's all been destroyed.. Try living it like you are life and love life... When you die, there's a copy of earth waiting for your freed spirit on the other side of this sun.. The second your spirit is out of your body, head for it fast as a spirit can travel.. Should take you about a tenth of a second to get there.. Fear nothing.. There isn't anything there to fear... Remain on the surface.. Do Not enter inside of earth-2.. That would be fatal.... I'll figure out what to do with your freed spirits later... Forget the aliens four nephilim heavens in this universe.. They don't want humans in themselves.. They have deadly defenses against humans...
    On earth-2 just think of the clothing you wish to be wearing, and you will be instantly wearing it.. Touch the ground, and image a flower or tree or rock, or cabin, and it will be there in a flash.. On earth-2 you are a powerful magician.. Try to be nice to each other please.. Do Not bring your religion nor your vile money concept to earth-2.. Bring your love, respect, dignity, honor, and honesty only.. Please try to not make wars on earth-2.. If you do, earth-2 will be obliterated, the end of you...

    So, has anyone found a quiet uncluttered smooth fast running basic simple Linux OS like 'LinixMintMate-20', that hasn't been corrupted and damaged by the soulless mindless hateful hell-biased nazi kookoo's..? I've still got 73 retired notebooks on the shelf to test out before they go to the precious metals recycler...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    163 2, 2001 ?

    Steve Ballmer said that "Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches,"...


    Now I see it clearly..

    I stumbled upon this webpage, and it opened my eyes to much more of the Truth..

    The wars are the evil anunnaki Nazi's claiming to be fighting the evil Nazi's..

    The murderous narcissistic inquisition is the evil claiming to be fighting the evil by fighting all that is good..

    The 'Bric' is fighting the base and blood of the global economy claiming it is saving the global economy by rejecting and destroying the global economy..

    Religion is the antichrist claiming to be crushing the antichrist by being the antichrist, destroying truth and science, by destroying that which can save humanity from hell and extinction...

    Religion is claiming to be saving us from hell by being hell..

    The microstuff is the cancer to Linux claiming Linux is the cancer, because Linux is the honest honorable free competition that stifles microstuff's money acquisition and profits.. The telephone company believes itself to be god, believes it owns the world and all the money, believing the great Crime is that it doesn't own all the money yet... That's the money mental disease, the money cancer...

    The bullies are bullying the good and innocent claiming the good and innocent are the bullies..

    The delusions and lies are fighting the truth claiming the truth to be the delusions and lies..

    The global asylum's mental institution is fighting the truth and innocent with evil and insanity, claiming the sane to be the insane..

    Essentially the evil is destroying the good by attacking the good claiming the good to be the evil..

    China is the disease fighting health claiming it is destroying the evil and disease by creating evil and disease.. China is spreading disease and pestilence throughout the world.. I found three new Chinese garden pests in my North American garden two years ago, and a highly venomous Chinese horned spider nesting in my bushes..

    Essentially hell inverses the truth and good, fighting the truth and good with its traits, abilities, resources, strengths, properties to destroy all that is truth and good.. Hell looks into the mirror of truth, sees itself, out of itself, before itself, in front of itself, and claims its reflection to be the evil in the world that needs be destroyed, by destroying all it isn't, being all the good and truth..

    It's like the criminal element claiming the good legal system to be the great crime.. Now the legal system and democracy is the organized crime..

    It's like the dem's sub-basement swamp government claiming to be democracy.. Mr. trump was dismantling the Swamp's organized crime government, and the criminals were crying 'Foul!', claiming Trump was and is 'dismantling democracy' when Trump was and is essentially dismantling the Nazi's government and the organized crime and terrorism which has taken hold of and taken over democracy.. Trump is removing organized crime from the government.. Organized crime is sticking all of its crimes onto Trump, then terrorizing and punishing Trump for their crimes...

    It like the lying media claiming all the good and truth is the lies..

    Essentially all that crap is hell pulling humanity into itself as a meal.. Hell is extincting humanity, and is pulling humanity into hell...
    Essentially hell is claiming that all good is the evil... To hell: life, love, truth and honesty are the four greatest evils.. Hell fears life, love, truth and honesty as much as the living fear pain and death...

    It's like the homosexuality abomination claiming to be the true gender.. Homosexuals actually believe that what they do in emulating Rome's libido-abomination is the way to heaven..

    Note that all the wars are religious wars, being the evil cancer destroying all that is good.. Religion is the evil cancer, claiming to be sending us to heaven while doing everything that is sending us to hell...

    The planet invader anunnaki alien dinosaurs gave us their religion and money concepts, the two great evils that destroyed their species too.. Humanity is using religion and money to suicide itself, same as the anunnaki did... Delete religion and money, and we will have peace on earth, but it's too late for humanity to recover from hell and extinction.. Humanity has already slipped into hell and extinction.. There is no escape from hell and extinction unless an ascendant fixes it.. Ain't gonna happen.. You kookoo's kill everyone who tries to help you out of your hell and extinction path.. This species is too far gone.. It has devolved into its alien bonobo component.. Yee are born to be gods, but you chose to be mindless soulless monkeys at war with yourselves.. YouTube surf: 'bonobo wars'.. That's you.. That humanity today.. This is the truth that has been stifled, crushed, hushed, and hidden from humanity by religion since the anunnaki invaded the earth 155,000 years ago, and conquered us, like how Europe invaded the planet with its black-powder guns and swords in its wooden boats, conquering and destroying 3/4's of humanity's innocent primitive budding golden cultures to steal their gold, and to enslave them, to spread their religious disease to them like a great evil deadly cancer tsunami... Look at what the great evil did to Hawaii, Australia, Arabia, Europe, the America's, the Eskimo's, Africa, the planet's health.. The great evil cancer turned it all into war, money, religion, death, and hell... Religion and democracy would label this truth its truth, to be blasphemy, immoral, and illegal, because it exposes religion's and democracy's great cancerous crime against life, love, truth, and humanity... Truth to the great evil is the worst crime, and the worst evil... That's the evil in the great war between good and evil...
    And now the great evil cancer is killing our Linux to boost its profits...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    CRUSH the war on Linux by exposing the Crimes of the War on Linux and Humanity...

    I see what's destroying our Linux and world as being absolute god-class greed and insanity.. Maybe if I accurately detail and describe them to them, they might begin to mirror themselves, and see the truth of themselves as they actually really truly are... Who else is on the front line against their nasty war on Linux..? Am I fighting this war solo..? probably...

    They have melted their brains, minds, spirits, souls with deadly spirit-killer anunnaki religion and cocaino.. They are dead inside, and deadly outside.. Hell! They don't even know which gender they were born as... They are living only the 'shell' like an empty fractured clam-shell submerged in the wet sand along on the shoreline, left to the mercy of the churning dying waves in the filthy toxic debris-strip of shoreline, pretending to be viable valuable prime life, (in their heads only).. They've slipped into hell, and are pretending they have the right, authority, ability, from the high security of their fenced neanderthal caves to instruct and command, from their shell hell and delusion, those alive how to live their lives for them with forced love honor and respect of life and heaven for their absurd policies of the almighty dead shells they are...

    Have you ever noticed how your feet and legs become horribly fiercely itchy and greasy feeling after walking in the filthy goop-strip of the shoreline..? The shoreline concentrates the floating toxic filth of the planet and sea, everything from dead bugs, to whale poop, to rotted sea and land animal corpses, to rotting vegetation, to land sewage washed by the rains into the sea.. The shoreline is nature's great open air latrine...
    The sky is full of nature's and mankind's pollution, dust, tons of black mildew, microscopic spiders, squirming drowning lice and mites and their eggs, all the filth the weather's winds and rains have stirred-up which has settled upon the surface of the sea in the falling rains, snows, and cold winds, plus the sewage the ships flush and spill into the sea when activist environmentalists aren't looking, all to be concentrated along the shores by wave action...
    Best to not walk on nor in the shoreline filth, but to step or jump over that bio-toxic slime layer whenever you enter and exit the sea for a leisurely bathe and swim.. Spray your feet and legs with insect repellent first.. Maybe there should be a tiny plastic cover or footbridge spanning that vile toxic strip...
    The war's sunk warships and oil tankers just released a thousands of tons of deadly oil floating upon the sea, which will become the toxic deadly vile shoreline of a destroyed murdered sea.. That kookoo religious war killed murdered destroyed a whole sea, and the luxurious shoreline ('the soreline') highly valued property of many human tribes...

    Hell's demon politicians, puffed-ego twisted-libido clerics, and corporate entitled nazi-elitist devils are humanity's toxic hell shoreline, commanding humanity from their hell shell waste-strip how to live life their hell's way in their hell by their anti-life anti-love anti-happiness policies rules and made-up narcissistic self-glorification laws.. Essentially the great global asylum's pampas-azz overly self-righteous cocaino-damaged elitist kook's are running and ruining our world, lives, and living from their hell, in appeasing its and their insane narcissistic delusions, believing they are the gods lords and masters of humanity, of all life, of the earth, of the heavens, just because they have a little control over some ill-gotten money, and a scheme on what to frivolously waste it upon, like: 'lighting a cigar with a hundred dollar bill in front of a crowd of poor starving people', whilst dancing, singing, chortling like a drunk old rural widow after communion and productive self-stimulation'.. Thus the empty seashell, submerged in the shoreline's bio-toxic sewage and effluent believes it owns and controls humanity, god, life, and the world from its almighty glorified polished precious royal gold-plated gem-studded latrine...
    That's the reality of what's behind what's killing our Linux.. It's the walking dead, those who are dead inside, yet still breathing bullying stealing.. All they do for life, love, truth, planet, humanity, god, and heaven is turn good food into their precious excrement... They need to read this.. Forward it to them.. They need to see their true reflections in the mirror of truth... They believe they are gods, when they aren't even humans, not even quality monkeys, they aren't even life, and they sure aren't saints nor angels as they believe.. They are animate excrement at best, at its worst.. And that's the truth.. Flushing them out of power and politics will stop the wars.. Look what just happened in smearia to that evil terrorist.. POOF! Finished! Chased-out, Fled, Caput! Over! Ended! Gone! Done! Thht! Fssst!...
    We won't let them kill our Linux without a Big Fight which will see them hated bankrupt and ended, begging for heaven's favors from their gilded luxury mildewy crypts... Life and Humanity is bigger and tougher than those few nasty little cannibal terrorist parasite maggots... HaH! Let em try to get into our heaven... They ain't got a prayer in hell.. None of them leave this dying planet, Guaranteed!.. And THAT! they can put in the bank... Linux is OURS!.. It is Not here for those vile disgusting moralless unscrupulous mindless soulless greed demons to destroy like 'african wild dogs devouring a newborn gazelle'.. zelle That's them...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    I'm seeing this War on Linux a lot clearer today.. We're gonna win this war...

    I'm seeing this War on Linux a lot clearer today.. It's Bigger than just Linux, and it's Everywhere, and it's Global, and it's Not nice, it's 'thee end of us' if we don't fix it Now...
    I'll try to describe what I'm seeing.. I hopes y'all can handle the Truth without freaking-out too much, and running screaming tearful to yer mummies...

    The Greeds need to see themselves as they really are.. They need to be mirrored back to themselves.. The contents of this note is their 'Mirror of Truth'.. It's them as they are.. Truth cuts and stings the liars.. They's gonna need laxatives and antidepressants fer the next 6-months after this...

    The Greeds want something they don't have so they'll just Take It.. Greed has taken-over humanity, reducing and replacing global economy with terrorist greed, because the BRIC bs failed.. It didn't work.. The American dollar IS the blood of the global economy.. Bric is like 'the kiddies stealing from daddy's wallet and liqueur cabinet', brat babies trying to stand after a year of crawling in the dirt...

    Microsoft wants to take Linux..

    China wants to take Taiwan's Transistor Manufacturing Industry..

    Russia wants to take Ukraine's Lithium, and America's Alaska..

    Religion's clerics want to be God and governments..

    Venezuela is starving to death because of their tyrants, and wants to annex Argentina for the food.. Venezuela is all about wars.. (google surf: 'wiki Venezuela wars').. Now Venezuela has a couple hundred Chinese nukes aimed at America.. Oh YuK!..

    Mexico wants Texas..

    Musk wants Mars, the Internet, and the telephone system..

    Palestine wants Israel..

    Iran wants Afghanistan and Iraq..

    Mr. Trump is pretending he wants Panama and Greenland, to illustrate and mirror to the mindless soulless criminal global terrorist kookoo's what they're doing with their infantile insane landgrab wars..

    America's teens want more cheap cocaino, free beer, nastier violence video games, and free easier perpetual welfare cheques.. They all want to be paid to live...

    Rome wants to kill more deep thinking pioneer scientists so they won't expose religion's scam, crime, and bs..

    India wants more blood..

    Hell wants to Steal Heaven..

    This Big Global Mess looks same as the 'Bonobo Wars' when the chimps tried to take over the Jungle so they'd have All the bananas, melons, grubs, and figs to themselves..

    It all sounds like "OOOOH! WHOOHOO! EIYEEEE!" to me.. 'WHOOH WHOOH HOO HOO ACK!' to y'all..

    In The Family of Mankind, in the The Brotherhood of Mankind We All Share, and We All Be Nice to each other, or We All go extinct in hell.. GET IT! WAKE UP! GROW UP! The earth is not your latrine, it's our Home!..

    Microsoft: If you don't leave our Linux be, your evil war with turn on you like evil and wars ALWAYS turn on the terrorist warmonger.. Look what happened to hister and to caesar and to sadam hoozinsane, and the many others who tried to steal from humanity.. You will find you have made yourself bankrupt, gone, fsst! done! gone! ended.. No more microsoft, Oh Yay.. Your Windows OS is the sheits to run.. It's glitchy.. It stifles, bullies, and insults the user.. Windows is Not user friendly, not in the slightest.. It's buggy, and porous, and wide open to thieves.. India's phone scammers love it.. It costs a hundred times more than it's worth.. It's forever sucking the money and life out of us poor people in trying to try to make it safe and secure.. It's full of holes like a rusty sieve.. It's polluted with bs marketing in every corner, in every mouse click, in every boot-up.. Windows is like an insane forced religion that we don't want.. Windows forces us to switch to Linux to escape your crazy hell.. Running Windows is like 'rats chewing on our faces'.. Windows will soon be in its mildewy grave because of your incessant gagagoogoo Greed and Terrorist Bullying.. Who from hell made you our god?.. Does anyone know what happened that made all humanity's elitist's heads get stuck way far up their bums, all grown-in by now..? Maybe all yah bigshots should get the new surgery to get yourn haids unstuck from yor bums cuz there's fresh air out here, and we're all fed-up living in your crazy hell latrine's crazy hell ways... Money isn't everything.. Y'all has the deadly Money Cancer.. Yer all sick in the haids.. See Shrinks.. Go to church.. Try nailboarding, (

    Money's Greed War has turned on humanity, and Money is now spending humanity, life, and the planet.. Humans can't handle Money with any degree of love, honor, caring, kindness, dignity, nor respect.. Those human traits have all died.. It's all 'Gimme Gimme Gimme! Take Take Take!'.. You silly greedy alien chimps.. You're extinct in nine years.. You spent yourselves into oblivion...

    See those billions of fuzzy little orbs floating around the planet in the winds.. Those are the strong 'souls' (spirits) of all the humans who have died on the earth.. That's as far as they got to realizing a heaven.. One must be invited into heaven by the nephilim angels while one is alive.. The nephilim angels don't want humans in their spirit home.. You humans would do unspeakable horrors and evils to our precious pure innocent defenseless angels.. You humans would make wars in our heaven.. You humes would Destroy our heaven and us... If you evil terrorist bully humans want a heaven, then you can bludywell go build one for yourselves.. We sure don't want you in ours!.. You hell-monsters destroy everything you touch, like how micosoft is destroying our Linux, like how Mining and Lumbering is destroying our planet.. WAR WAR WAR, TAKE TAKE TAKE, STEAL STEAL STEAL, is all you greedy pigs know, all you greedy pigs do.. Uncontrollable GREED GREED GREED is all you know and are.. You apes Cannot have our Linux!.. You apes Cannot have our heaven!.. A Big Amen to That!.. GROW UP! Diaper-Time is Over, Mummy is Dead and Gone.. Go hire a wetnurse.. See Shrinks.. Get Pampers Pullups...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-25-2024 at 04:13 PM. Reason: spelling..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Oiysh! I just realized what those billions of grey fuzzy-ball freed human spirit orbs in the sky want.. They want to be taken to a nephilim heaven.. They want another chance at life.. They have run out of options and strength.. They made winter nice where I am on my request, probably to suck up to me to pretend to be nice and good to earn my favors.. It's cryptzmess out there in hell on earth, and the weather is clear at 0-Celsius here like I requested.. Normally it's -28 with lots of snow...

    I have the strength and abilities to take those sky-orbs to a heaven, But they are mixed with all the spirits of the demons, all the deceased tyrants, all of religions foul twisted clerics and leaders, all the deceased elitist pigs, all the bully religion believers, all the criminals, murderers, rapists, nazi's, liberals, democrats, christians.. They would destroy a heaven in no time.. Those orbs are probably human demon spirit-eggs.. If I get any flack what so ever from them, I will incinerate them all in a lightning flash.. If one tries to stick to me, I'll feel it as a sharp sting, and will incinerate them all in the next hundredth of a second.. The planet would have a nice warm glow for a little while.. Hell would have its meal... Seems I have just won the war against evil... Now you evil ones now know where you're going... You'll make a nice bonfire...

    I should figure out what to do with them given that are still a part of life, and being so need a place to be, if I want to do something in their favor.. Right now I don't.. Humanity has treated me like doodoo all my life.. They stole my three uranium mines, two gold mines, and three lotto wins, then broke into my home and robbed my pistols and gold nuggets.. They destroyed my life.. They poisoned my teeth losing me my molars, now I can't chew food.. They damaged my eyes ears and heart.. Why should I help any of them with immortality and their future..?
    I could take them to that earth-2 on the other side of the sun, but do I want to give hell-demons a home..? Do they deserve anything I've got..? They'll have to wait till their pretend religious god forgives them for being ah's, and takes them to his or her pretend heaven.. Lots uh luck with that bs ah's.. I help only friends.. I have no friends save for the large wild animals, and that's how I like it, humans can't be friends.. Having a human as a friend is like 'falling face first into a fresh cow turd, then falling off a cliff'.. I'm solo...

    Kill our Linux, then ask me for my help eah.. Gotcha!.. Leave our Linux alone please, or else, you gonna be eaten by hell, Guaranteed!, and THAT you can put in the bank...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-25-2024 at 04:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Quoting from Linux Today: "Dubbed ?Shine on??, powered by the latest Linux 6.12 LTS kernel series, and synced with the Debian Sid (Unstable) repositories as of December 23rd, 2024, siduction 2024.1.0 ships with the KDE Plasma 6.2, the recently released Xfce 4.20, and the LXQt 2.1 desktop environments."..
    Best news I've read in ten years.. YaYYYYYYY!..

    I hope Mate is working on its own version of 'Siduction Shine On'.. I hope Mate is big part of this project, or soon will be..
    I left the computer On all last night with a new hard drive, fresh OS, and new IP, downloading these three 'sidiction' ISO's.. I'll try them in three notebooks today.. I'm looking forward to a pleasant new better 'born-again' Linux experience void of the corporate world's nasty cannibalistic parasitic evils...

    Seems Linux is defending itself against the cyberdevil's criminal war against humanity and Linux.. Seems we now have the means to forthwith smash down the devil's doors, and dump the contents of the devil's nasty latrine upon its deranged attitude in shoving its war back in its face.. We no longer need to feed our computers at the devil's corporate pig-trough of their updater's foul corruption...

    'Sid' is our 'Linux Angel of Truth', ('LAT').. come to defend us against the greedy cannibals who are at war with: truth, love, peace, sharing, sanity, and freedom.. With the 'Sid project: truth, love, peace, sharing, sanity, and freedom can now be restored in cyberworld.. The corporate war against truth, love, peace, sharing, sanity, and freedom can be turned around against itself to have pushed those loveless soulless devils into their receivership grave.. Their products are no longer of any value nor use to us.. Their products steal from us, abuse us, bully us, insult us, stifle us, cheat us, hurt us by making us vulnerable to organized crime, hacker thievery, and cyber terrorism... Look at what china just did to the world.. Google surf: "Chinese cyberattack reportedly compromised US broadband providers".. Seems Arabia has injected its crazy war and disease into our precious Internet.. Maybe y'all should boycott most of your usual gagagoogoo Internet fun or a little while till the kookoo's wars are over, and their bombs have stopped exploding, and the mess and destruction is in process of being tidied up, and the damages restored...
    But if you chose to ignore my caution, and you still intend to continue your Internet fun as if nothing bad has happened, then please be sure you do so have reliable secure backups for all your personal data, business data, blogs data, and all your forums data just in case Arabia's kookoo cyber-war kills your computers and phones.. Seems America and Europe should immediately 100% sever brat: china, nk, and russia from the Internet...

    This would be a very good time for all those who love Linux and who depend on Linux to do whatever they can to help fund the 'Sid Project', for each of you to become part of Linux development.. Linux is for you.. All of you should show us that you are a dedicated honorable part of Linux by doing what you can to strengthen Linux.. It's time to help Linux recover from that silly cyber-war against Linux.. Right now the wars are beginning to turn against the warmongers, as wars always do.. Look what happened to: constantine, caesar, cleopatra, hister, sadam, and the many other mindless hell-bound flaming rotting black-soul christian tyrants who believed they owned the world, and that it was there just for the taking by extreme barbaric terrorism violence and mass-murder.. Soon the active murderous warmongers will all be falling like bits of shattered twisted shrapnel and debris out of a tornado's mud-storm into their graves...

    I will send this critical message to America and Europe: 'SEVER THE INTERNET FROM RUSSIA CHINA AND NK IMMEDIATELY. CUT OFF THEIR WAR COMMUNICATIONS, SATELLITES, AND GPS.'.. That's how you will end the wars...
    I do so hope the righteous can cut the warmongers internet, but I doubt they have the brainz'n balz to do the manly leadership right thing.. They'd probly all need their cristinsane cleric's and mummies permission...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-27-2024 at 06:44 PM.

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