The internet war crap is making my 'Linux Mint Mate 20' netbook slow down and glitch up.. So I changed the shell to ZSH, and all those irritating troubles vanished..

It's easy: In Terminal add: sudo apt install zsh.. Enter.. Reboot.. Done.. The hell demon's crap is all gone...
Seems the unscrupulous microslopt internet crime wave war against truth, honesty, and people targets and attacks the BASH shell more than it targets and attacks the ZSH shell...

Do so be running: Bleachbit, Librewolf, and Portmaster..

Do so run Synaptic to completely uninstall: Firefox, UFW, Rsync, Bluetooth, Hexchat, and Transmission.. Block updates 100%.. The internet is organized crime global war these days.. The internet isn't a toy, it's an organized crime-wave war communications tool.. You are playing 'gagagoogoo weeeeee mummy mummy watch me make smart words' in a war tool...