What's up with the next year and Linux?

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Thread: What's up with the next year and Linux?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2024

    What's up with the next year and Linux?

    Good morning my friends

    Well could the next year be a great time?

    Linux has been on a slow-but-steady and very successful rise for years, but as of August it's at 4.5 percent of the global desktop market sharing . This is awesome 😎 imagine - If it keeps this pace up, it could break through five percent in early next summer.

    What are your thoughts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    I bet that '4.5%' isn't fact, but is just microslut's published lies in gobble... Linux is probably at about 40% of active OS's of thinking people, as widows and microslut suicides by being evil and nasty to innocent humanity... It's the dolts who are mindless, lazy, stupid, and who don't even use their computers anymore, but still have them that the fake statistics are derived from...

    The big problem is that microslut has acquired a controlling factor in Linux, and is meticulously corrupting the newer distro's and versions, making them distasteful to the consumer while it tries to switch itself over to Linux itself without its evils being detected, but too much evil perpetrated is now bubbling up out of the boiling caldron of deceit like a plugged latrine swirling spilling its putrid contents out onto the floor where everyone walks... Seems microslut even hates its own widows which has been turned into a toxic stinkin malware sewer, and rabid rat convention... microslut can't connive and steal anymore Linux to make widows as good as Linux, because widows has reached it ceiling and point of obsoletion... microslut now must join its victim's plight and demise like how war always turns upon itself... microslut's turning karma will orbit around back to it, at it, upon it hard and harsh for the evil it has done to life and humanity.. That's how god, life, and spirit world works in dealing with the swamp's and sewer's evils.. Eventually the plugged swamp latrine gets flushed from the weight of its own toxic pollution, stench, and turmoil, given that everything on earth is in the same box no matter how much it squirms to try to get out of its own life... microslut's ten ton full diaper will crush it...

    You can see it clearly if you install 'Linux Mint Mate 20' into a computer, noticing how easy and pleasing the installation is, and that the security is for the most part still intact, safe, and secure, if you boycott all updates, firefox, ufw, rsync, hexchat, transmission, and bluetooth, in favor of Librewolf, Portmaster, and Bleachbit...

    Then install the newest version of the same OS you've chosen into another computer, noticing that most of the security has been hidden, neutralized, or deleted, and the installation is troublesome, irritating, and offensive.. mslut acquired the newer version's support system archival structures, and has corrupted them to upset and anger the new user to make the user hate Linux... Soon Linux will be distasteful to the user, controlled by hell's paws and claws.. People will hate the newer versions, because duh devil damaged and corrupted the newer versions to meticulously kill the competition for greed, insanity, and easy money acquisition.. but the world court, the supreme court, and truth will step in, and will wrench Linux out from duh slimy devil's cannibalistic vampiric clutches, paws, grip, and grasp.. Truth and honesty will once again prevail when hell has sucked microslut back into itself from whence and how it came...
    I wager when microslut gazes into a mirror it sees and smells putrid moist sticky flowing excrement...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    One of my favorite quotes is meaningless statistics were up 5% last year. More people maybe using Linux on rhe desktop but where linux is going strong is servers and iot. Usage is based on the data from statscounter..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    good day dear Michaelk hello dear Demanding truth

    many thanks for your answers. Great to hear from you both. Well i am wondering what will happen.
    One of my favorite quotes is meaningless statistics were up 5% last year. More people maybe using Linux on rhe desktop but where linux is going strong is servers and iot. Usage is based on the data from statscounter..
    yes - convinced - i am wondering what will happen and what the user (of windows) will do ..
    imagine: .... that Microsoft forces the folks to leave the old hardware: and yes the re repeatedly and very publicly screwing up over the last few years.

    So there may be some ppl that want to switch to Linux ... expecially some beginner-friendly Linux-systems...

    You can see it clearly if you install 'Linux Mint Mate 20' into a computer, noticing how easy and pleasing the installation is, and that the security is for the most part still intact, safe, and secure, if you boycott all updates, firefox, ufw, rsync, hexchat, transmission, and bluetooth, in favor of Librewolf, Portmaster, and Bleachbit...
    yup agreed ....

    have a great day you both..


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    "So there may be some ppl that want to switch to Linux... especially some beginner-friendly Linux-systems..."

    OH YES!.. Dhubs you pull-up the best in people and in Linux.. We are lucky to have you here with us... This gave me a sudden idea..
    Would be nice if Linux OS's had accessory configuration packages which would instantly fully customize a new install to a list of various types and choices of preferences, like how some old Linux installs had a list of general utility programs to check if the user wanted them installed during the OS's installation... Or a file system program that would record and save the details of ones customizing, so the user simply inserts that flash or CD, and it customizes the new install the way that user prefers it... I'd title that new program: 'Linux Mountain Echo', or 'Mountain View', or 'Linux Mountain'... 'Distro Themes Configuration Packages' (DTCP's).. Then the brand new Linux user could try out a few different themes, like how we add and change themes in Firefox till we settle on ones we like... This way the new user gets a satisfying pleasing customization without the need to trial and error experiment for half a year struggling, learning and trying to understand the OS's configuring by instantly customizing the new install to taste and preference with the click of a mouse... The moment the Linux writers get wind of this they'll probably be working on it...
    Dhubs, That's probably where Linux will be in a year... Linux rolls with my ideas...

    It takes a long time and a lot of work for a new user to get an OS just right.. You must learn all of its secret settings and intricacies... This way the user simply installs the OS ISO in about 20-minutes, then configures it with an attractive prefabricated theme package.. Zoom! Finished, Done.. No need to struggle with programs and settings to stumble-learn the intricacies of the OS.. No more crawling blind through the OS to learn how to walk and run with it.. Makes Linux more attractive and appealing to those newcomers dumping widows thht in favor of trying to switch to Linux.. Essentially it is innocent meek kind life-loving humanity washing the microslut thht off of themselves and out of their lives in escaping the infamous cocaino-damaged evil unscrupulous morallesss greedy-pig widows cesspool and boiling stinkin' money-sucking flesh-eating cannibalistic corporate elitist latrine...

    Dear Dhubs.. That's probably "What's up with the next year and Linux".. A keen focus on 'deep themes', IF Linux wants to end the war against Linux...
    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-08-2024 at 05:24 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    Good morning,

    Thanks for the reply and for sharing your thoughts and ideas 💡

    me an idea..
    Would be nice if Linux OS's had accessory packages that would instantly fully customize a new install to a list of various types of preferences, like how some old Linux installs had a list of general utility programs to check if the user wanted them installed during the OS's installation... Or a file system that would record and save the details of ones customizing, so the user simply inserts that flash or CD, and it customizes the new install the way that user prefers it... I'd title that new program: 'Linux Mountain Echo', or 'Mountain View', or 'Linux Mountain'...
    Very interesting and food for thoughts .

    Thanks 🙏 for the idea exchange. Very much appreciated 👍 💯

    Have a great day

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    For it to work Linux absolutely must establish a secure honest honorable source system detached from cancomical, that the moralless entitled elitist demons can't infiltrate, acquire, enforce, nor corrupt, like how recently cancomical was acquired and corrupted for nefarious purposes by unscrupulous shrinking limping twisted-libido greedy demonic people for criminal purposes, and to kill our Linux to eliminate the competition.. That's illegal.. The world court should look into it, and do something effective about it...

    I don't want the demons to kill Linux.. I love Linux.. It works, it's smooth, it's built on love, it's honorable, it's kind, it's free like sun's light and heat is free, like the air we breathe is free.. It's made for innocent meek honorable humanity... Read the 'Linux Philosophy'.. Most of Linux is built the ways I've suggested.. Linux is like 'my baby', so I'm fighting back against their insane evil war that's hurting and destroying our precious Linux, that's making our Linux nasty and offensive like they are... The demons nasty insane war on Linux feels like hell itself is reaching up, and trying to pull Linux and us into itself as a meal.. It has to stop.. The inquisition's hell needs be eliminated, extinguished, vanquished, eradicated, ended before it ends everything precious to us, and us... I am solo fighting the great war against evil.. Ain't easy.. 78 documented murder attempts on my life so far since I was born, and counting.. The last assassination attempt was a cop covered with a blanket laying in the back of his buddy's SUV four houses down the street, aiming a rifle at me.. Got a clear video of it.. I couriered the video to two big city lawyers... Trying to live in this devolving humanity abomination has been a fright and a stretch... They Can't kill an ascendant, but they sure do try.. I'm trying to teach them love, truth, and honesty, but to them love, truth, and honesty are the greatest evils...

    The Linux Philosophy (taken from Wiki pages)..
    "Ubuntu (Zulu pronunciation: [?ɓ?ntʼ?])(meaning humanity in some Bantu languages, such as Zulu) describes a set of closely related Bantu African-origin value systems that emphasize the interconnectedness of individuals with their surrounding societal and physical worlds. "Ubuntu" is sometimes translated as "I am because we are" (also "I am because you are"), or "humanity towards others" (Zulu umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu). In Xhosa, the latter term is used, but is often meant in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity".

    It's like we're all on the same train...
    YouTube surf: UMBOMBELA (Train Song) feat. Hlumelo Marepula | Cape Town Youth Choir

    Linux is: "philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity".
    Insane greedy people are trying to destroy that and us by destroying what we love, and by taking out of our reach what makes us happy fullfilled complete and alive.. They are trying to destroy humanity's spirit core.. That's Hell.. They are the evil in the great war between good and evil.. They are hell trying to tell us how to live life... The irony is that they actually believe that at their physical deaths, their spirits suddenly come alive, and they are instantly changed into all-loving pure-spirit angels by a pagan pretend god, and established in a pretend pagan heaven where they can abuse and molest pure spirit innocent angels, and continue their evils and wars there...

    Read what the mindless pagan sillies are saying..

    Last edited by Demanding Truth; 12-08-2024 at 07:52 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    It all boils down to The Human World Needs Be Love...

    See love: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L9QuXlvsa6s

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